Revenge of the nerds: Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Musk threaten to annex Canada after the Editor of UpRights News met with US and Canadian intelligence, military, and law enforcement communities to debrief them on Trump's and Musk's disqualification for public offices. Here is how to stop Trump.

Published on 10 February 2025 at 11:49



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who played as a child with the Editor of UpRights News through the fence separating the French Embassy in Canada and Prime Minister's home, and who (Trudeau) would later meet with the father of the Editor of UpRights News, has said the truth out loud, that Trump has been threatening to absorb Canada.


"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was caught on a hot mic on Friday saying that President Trump's talk of making Canada the 51st U.S. state is "a real thing," local media reported.

Canadian public broadcaster CBC reported that Trudeau made those comments to business leaders and labor leaders in a closed-door session that was mistakenly carried by a loudspeaker.

Trudeau suggested Mr. Trump has floated the idea of annexing Canada because he wants access to the country's critical minerals.

"Mr. Trump has it in mind that the easiest way to do it is absorbing our country and it is a real thing. In my conversations with him on…," Trudeau said of making Canada a U.S. state before the microphone cut out, according to CBC.

"They're very aware of our resources, of what we have and they very much want to be able to benefit from those," Trudeau reportedly said."


Justin Trudeau caught on hot mic reportedly saying Trump's talk of making Canada a U.S. state is "a real thing" - CBS News


Of course as the leader of the NDP countered, there is no way that Canadians would allow Trump or the U.S. to takeover, and they are also part of the Commonwealth, which includes the militaries of Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and not at all limited to the same, and so an attack on Canada would be an attack on the Commonwealth and all of Europe, who share common enemies, all of whom are Trump's allies. 


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To be successful, America would first need to have a military capable of winning a war, and where arguably, America has not won many wars since WWII, and where Canada is the second largest country in the world. America could not win in Vietnam, nor have they won most of the wars in the Middle East, and what they did win, Trump handed over to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, and/or Syria when he pulled America's gains out of Syria to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States during wartime. 


As we have repeatedly published, and backed by CIA Director Brennan, Trump's ongoing treason immediately disqualified him from public office per the Constitution, and so any order he or his administration make is totally moot, faking it until they make it, and fruits from the poisonous tree of legal illegitimacy.


But not only has America's military failed to win foreign wars, it has also failed to win domestic ones, failing to stop Trump, when every soldier swore an oath to defend us against this clear enemy, and then didn't. Democratic states may soon succeed from the former United States, to protect the Constitution, rule of law, and a fragmented America, fragmented by the Bible's Great Deceiver, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump.


Now factor in how poor a business man Trump is, where he has repeatedly failed, his social media company the most recent example of this, which tanked before the election, with less than 1% to 3% of all America supporting Trump, who paid for actors to show up to his events to make it look like he was popular enough to win, and then who knows how they stole this last election, but they did, because they had disqualified themselves from public office is what the law said, despite Jeffrey Epstein's GOP SCOTUS' public corruption, obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, bribery, and racketeering, including by Harlan Crow, who also met with the family of the Editor of UpRights News (the original, overlapping, and/or parallel investigator in what became all of the Special Counsel investigations into Jeffrey Epstein's and Trump's crime syndicate, whose testimony and evidence was provided to U.S. law enforcement and the U.S. intelligence communities, but which was obstructed by even more public corruption, per America's brand).


And so someone who can't run a business properly, and who can't win an election properly, and who has lost business after business, despite not paying vendors, is going to employ the military who struggles to win small wars is who Canada is supposed to be afraid of? Too hilarious for words! Will Donnie Urine Mints and Inspector Gadget takeover Canada with a fit of golden showers got by sex trafficked children? 


Maybe Trump's comments that fallen men and women of the service are "suckers and losers" is how he plans to motivate underpaid American soldiers (who have had to buy their own armor to go to battle) to lay down their lives for Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate --  in the context that Elon Musk committed treason at least twice to thwart America's military goals in Ukraine to give aid, comfort, and adhere to U.S. enemies Putin, Russia, and/or others. Is that who America's military wants to die for, these guys?


No. The real reason Trump threatened to annex Canada, takeover Canada, absorb Canada, and hit Canada with tariffs was in retaliation for the Editor of UpRights News (the not so missing witness to every Trump criminal investigation) debriefing the United States intelligence community (as an officer of the United States), the U.S. law enforcement community (as a former volunteer for Sacramento Police), the Canadian intelligence community (as a former officer of Canada), law enforcement), and Canadian military communities (as a former soldier in Canada's military), in order to protect the United States, Canada, and their allies from a certain enemy, Jeffrey Epstein's and Trump's crime syndicate, Trump having replaced Jeff Epstein (after having him murdered is a reasonable inference) with Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk. Trump's aggression against Canada only manifested in times after the Editor of UpRights News tried to protect America, Canada, and their allies from this certain enemy.


Musk has not only taken over the taxpayers' money without representation (there can be no representation without a legitimate and non-disqualified administration composed of treasonous usurpers). Basic and long-standing laws make clear that nothing that Trump, the GOP, SCOTUS, and/or their disqualified crime syndicate order or change within the government can be legal. Nothing legal or legitimate can be born out of illegitimacy, and yet Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate are just a small branch of the much larger Habsburg crime syndicate, which unlawfully and illegitimately took over the thrones of Europe, after forging their royal claims in Privilegium maius, and then violating the royal bloodlines at least 50 different ways per our research. And so modern Western culture is built on these lies, made "history" by the crime syndicates that overthrew, and because Trump is so unoriginal and lacks creativity, he has to steal this model of governance from Privilegium maius' fake royals.


This is likely why Elon Musk is allegedly desperately searching through the government's documents, to scrub the government and its archives of the criminal evidence of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Musk, in a bid to not only find out what the government knows and can prove regarding their illegitimacy, but to disappear the same so as to revise history, which they have been doing since Trump first stole the 2016 election.


Musk’s expanding role triggers efforts to check his power


UpRights News has since elucidated that this is part of a much older organized crime syndicate (see our big pictures link above in the menu for a diagram-heavy retelling of American history based on the concealed facts and the violated laws) that dates back to the Bush family, Hitler, the fake Europe royals, and the family connecting them, Trump Tower's Wildenstein crime family (helped Hitler loot all of Europe's fine art, leaving them among the largest fine art dealers in the world, whose (stolen) wealth can't be verified per the Forbes family, per our Bohemian Club insider -- the brother of the Editor of UpRights News -- who has since been approached, infiltrated, and/or intimidated by none other than G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Barr, but only after the Sacramento GOP lynched the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News 09/21/2014, an investigation naming the Bush family, royals, Trump Tower tenants, and Russians BEFORE Trump ran for office on the birthday of the Editor's daughter) -- and where Trump specified on 03/30/2023 that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, and Russians BEFORE he ran for office, and so of course this was the GOP-lynched investigation of the Editor of UpRights News, which is why the Bush family, Bill Barr, Harland Crow, Dianne Feinstein, the Wildenstein family, Russians from Alfa Bank (linked to Trump Tower) and/or so many others have been infiltrating, stalking, bribing, and threatening the family of the Editor of UpRights News is a reasonable inference).


But U.S., Canadian, and Commonwealth law enforcement, intelligence services, and law enforcement have an easy tool to reign in Trump -- the investigation materials of the Editor of UpRights News -- which they should publish around the world instead of trying to read any more of the same, releasing the evidence of Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and their illegitimate SCOTUS majority's treason, insurrection, sedition, elections/voter fraud, espionage, stolen documents, destroyed documents, concealed documents, and all the other ways this crime syndicate has disqualified themselves from making any changes to the U.S., or any other government.


Quite simply, many people and agencies are now in possession of the evidence to reveal the Bible's Great Deceiver is in fact not the President of the United States, nor was he ever, because of his 2015-2016 treason with Russia. They have all of the evidence, they know everyone who was named, and now because Trump is a dumb ass, he's pissed off most of Canada, who is in multiple possession of this evidence to stop Trump.


Great, bring it on dumb ass. Make more enemies in Canada, because the enemy of our enemies are our friends, and so you just gave us all another way to take you and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate down, by bring us all together. It must be frustrating to these dumb asses to always be a step behind, while thinking they are a step ahead. Perfect. Hook, line, and sinker. 


So if Trump doesn't leave Canada and the EU alone, and if he doesn't immediately drop the sanctions against Canada in retaliation against the Editor of UpRights News' "REVELATION", the functioning part of Canada's and/or the U.S.'s government may soon 'release the Kraken', a biblical size revelation about the ongoing disqualification of Trump, the GOP, Musk, and others for office, now in safekeeping, and who knows how many copies have been made and shared by now? Not even the Editor of UpRights News knows that answer!


Try and take over Canada after the majority of armed Americans have been made aware that you have never been qualified for office, and that you, the GOP, and our worst enemies linked to child sex trafficking STOLE two U.S. elections in order to fake-gut their rights and their law enforcement. That's going to make most Americans very, very angry, as is what you have done to their/our country.


That's how to stop Trump, have the leaders of Canada start publishing the overwhelming evidence of his and the GOP's disqualification for office, and then have world leaders refuse to recognize the legitimacy of Trump's authority -- because there is none per the U.S. Constitution in all the ways we have specified over the years.


Imagine a four years or more-long media campaign around the world sharing the evidence of Trump's and the GOP's stolen elections between 2016 and 2024, regardless if they start WWIII to force everyone into forgetting. With so many copies floating around who knows where, the truth is out and can't be put back in the bottle Donnie. Anyone with a copy is probably going to make a copy, and so you are done for. Not a matter of if, but when.


That's what American, Canadian, and Commonwealth countries can do to Trump anytime they see fit. So no, Trump is not going to takeover Canada, nor Greenland, because Canada has the ability to turn America against Trump, and frankly, they should as a defense to his threats in order to protect the USA, Canada, the Commonwealth, and our allies against Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's axis of evil.


The truth is out there, in the hands of known and unknown people and agencies and across borders (likely the reason Anthony Vo beelined to the Editor of UpRights News is a reasonable inference, to stop the copies from being distributed to protect the USA, Canada, and the Commonwealth from Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, but too late, that bell has been rung).


Canadians are born and raised fighters, and Donnie Urine Mints picked a fight with the wrong Canadian. 


Michael Cohen claims Trump watched ‘with delight’ during sex act performance in Vegas | The Independent

Stormy Daniels Compares Mushroom to Trump Manhood on 'Jimmy Kimmel' - Business Insider


Christopher Steele Dossier : Christopher Steele : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia


Image of a disqualified criminal and wannabe emperor with no clothes courtesy of gifted artist Illma Gore.