This is our only news section at UpRights News, which is organic in nature, in that we will be slowly be adding to this one article over time, versus publishing many different articles under this section.

This section, added September 8, 2023, is dedicated to utopia, and proposes different solutions to how we could better humanity, life, liberty, justice, and happiness for the greatest number of people, in order maximum humanity's potential.

We will break this article up into sections and add more sections and more content over time.

Last, we realize that some to none of these utopian ideas won't ever be implemented, and for the many reasons we have elucidated across our other articles, and so this is more of an intellectual exercise than it is a manifesto for real change, paying homage to the expression, "there's the way things should be, and the way things actually are".  We've been fighting the monsters we write about for decades with little to no relief, and as such, we don't expect much real change as a result of the following wish list for humanity.




We are certain that the greatest threat to all of humanity and all life on Earth is failed leadership. This isn't just a recent problem but a chronic problem that has plagued us for hundreds to thousands of years, and now threatens nuclear war, world war, civil war, civil unrest, scarcity, famine, drought, flooding, clean water, gainful employment, justice, ecosystems, climate change, environmental disasters, overpopulation, desertification, depression, anxiety, trauma, serious injury, disease, death, genocide, but not limited to the same.

The solution to the same is to elect better leaders, and to be able to readily remove them at any time, if they fail the majority of people, for them to instead serve a small group of people with networked mental illness, which is the course we have been on for hundreds to thousands of years, and where there are a lot of different reasons for why this happened, which we address across all of our other articles. 

For thousands of years we have had a promising solution to this, two prongs from the same fork, (1) equal treatment for every person or entity under the same laws, without exceptions, also known as "no person(s) is(are) above the law", and (2) "no person(s) may be their own judge(s).

The solution to electing better leaders and government employees is to disqualify them from elections and/or remove them from office and/or employment if there is any evidence of them having ever engaged in any misconduct, and to make this self-executing law, which no court may hear, but rather, it would just be a given, in the same manner as a 4 year old can't run for office, because it is known that they are not eligible.

Anyone seeking to remove any person from any government position would simply show up to any government office, and would provide the evidence to any government office of that misconduct, and then that government office would be responsible for presenting that evidence of misconduct to the superior of the government employee, and that person would immediately be removed from that position, and if the supervisor failed to remove that person, they would be removed for misconduct, and so forth.

Another solution to electing better leaders would be to require an independent psychological examination of every government employee and a background check, and to rule out anyone with dark triad personality characteristics, who might seek to abuse their power.

Another solution to electing better leaders is to criminalize false statements and deceptions before and after they run for and enter office, which would greatly reduce the deception involved to enter and abuse government offices, and hold politicians to their campaign promises.

Another solution would be to remove all statutes of limitations, immunities, and impunities to all crimes and harm caused by all government employees and all foreign visitors.

Another solution would be to require all government employees to wear body cameras and mics during their working hours, minus their bathroom breaks, and to make every government employees' live feed available to any member of the public, which would significantly curb their corruption.

Another solution to electing better leaders would be to criminalize every bribe, gift, luxury vacation, tuition payment made by others, et cetera, beyond their employment salary, before, during, and after their employment. This of course would do away will all political campaign contributions, all PACs, SuperPACs, dark money bribery, Citizen's United and its predecessor cases, and the like.

Every government would be a democratic government, but where every person could vote on any issue on any day the government has business that affects the people, and the majority vote would win, and there would only be local governments, whose leaders would represent their communities in state governments, who would represent their people in federal governments, but where at any time, people could vote on any issue before any of them.

All billionaires, monarchies, autocracies, oligarchies, dictatorships, plutocracies, theocracies, imperial cults, empires, kleptocracies, and some multimillionaires would be sanctioned to the point of ending or limiting their wealth, influence, and power as soon as possible, and declared illegal everywhere, as a danger to themselves and others based on their respective and/or collectively networked mental illnesses and weaponized excessive wealth. And in the same manner that government intervenes for other obsessive compulsive hoarders, who hoard more assets than they could ever need, in a manner that is harmful to them or to others.




In our perfect utopia, there would be a cap on wealth accumulation, because exponential increase in wealth by a small group of people competing for the resources required for all others to survive, never ends well, because the same is unsustainable. 

We believe that there is plenty of evidence the billionaire experiment has drastically failed, and has resulted in most of the world's current problems.

There is a point at which having more assets than one can ever use in a manner that harms self or others, requires government intervention to check this mental illness.

We believe that once individuals have reached a certain level of global wealth, enough wealth to last them for the rest of their lives, that any value above the same must be resigned by them to the public.

Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's and Putin's failed billionaire experiment have proven that excessive wealth becomes a weapon and that weapon is eventually used on the government that created that wealth, because again exponential quarterly wealth goals are unsustainable with freedom and life on Earth.

Said differently, the more of the Earth's assets, land, and bodies of water one billionaire owns and needs to exponentially grow, the less of the Earth's assets, land, and bodies of water 8 billion people have access to in order to survive.

The more billionaires there are on Earth, the faster 8 billion people run out of the assets, land, and bodies of water required to survive, and the sooner they must engage in civil war or revolution in order to access the resources required to survive.

Accordingly, billionaire-ism is a mental health disorder associated with obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder-like mental illness, because billionaires need to hoard more assets than they can ever use in one lifetime, in a manner that harms themselves and/or others. 

As the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and Russia have proven, the billionaires have stopped paying their fair share in taxes as a percent of their income, some pay no taxes, and they have influenced corrupt government offices to funnel taxpayer dollars into the coffers of the billionaires. 

Accordingly, some lawmakers have proposed as an aggressive a wealth tax as 99%, to prevent individuals from having more assets and thus power and influence than some governments on Earth.

No one who reaches or approaches the wealth cap should be allowed to contact anyone from any government employee, with few exceptions, and with limitations, to prevent their undue influence and/or corruption of the government.

All that said, we recognize that the billionaires decentralize power from the likes of an autocrat dictator from forming, but our research proves that the billionaires don't decentralize power, but rather conspire to centralize more power under an oligarchy, as privatized socialists or communists sharing resources to do the same, and so the same is as ineffective as Stalin's, Mao's, and/or Hitler's socialism and/or communist, results in a small ruling class regardless, instead of an egalitarian democracy. 

More simply, capitalism, communism, and socialism result in the same thing, a small group of people lording over everyone else. Our research also found that all three of these socioeconomic structures were born out of monarchies and dictatorships, with special emphasis on the forged royal Habsburgs. We suspect that capitalism, communism, and socialism were simply another feature of active measures, or strategies to divide and conquer by polarizing philosophies of the lower and middle classes by criminal ruling elites, to distract from their ongoing organized crimes, and to keep them in power. 

As long as they tell some of us who to hate, the rest of us, then we will fight each other, instead of uniting to remove the architects of all of our problems from their minority rule.

More simply, there are too few of the criminal ruling elite to actually hold onto power, and so they need to deceive us into fighting for them, in a fight against ourselves, which keeps them in power, a divide and conquer strategy. This is why we seek to debunk their lies here at UpRights News and to unite the left and right against this malignant failed billionaire experiment.

Representative and accountable democracy, void of bribery, which serves the majority, is the best way for the most people to experience the highest quality of life is our understanding.




After failed leadership, and networked hoarding illnesses corrupting failed leaders, the next greatest threat to humanity is overpopulation. Overpopulation is also not sustainable in the same manner that billionaire-ism is not sustainable without a healthy cap or threshold, which should never be exceeded.

Here, historically, the criminal ruling class of elite hoarders networked together have been the solution to overpopulation by manufacturing crises that result in the mass slaughter of people, usually in the form of managed drug wars, wars on terror, wars on socialists, wars on communists, wars on Jews, wars on people of color, wars on civil rights, wars on women's rights, wars on children's rights, wars on corporate rights, revolutions, civil wars, wars, world wars, pandemics, and/or other abusive technologies.  

These murder-for-profit criminal conspiracies are usually manufactured and managed through elaborate deception campaigns, including but not limited to, employing active measures, or the polarization of natural differences in populations, to generate in-fighting among the non-millionaire class, to both have them slaughter one another, and to distract from the organized crimes of the criminal ruling elite.

Here, they pit men's rights against women's rights, white people against colored people, this religion against another religion, this country of origin against another country of origin, this age group against this other age group, this socioeconomic class against this other socioeconomic class, but not limited to the same, and this results in the in-fighting, crime, civil war, and the like, causing non-millionaire classes to murder one another in a manner that allows the millionaire class to profit off the same, or as 'royal' Hans Adams has specified, and paraphrasing Stephen Greer and former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, the criminal ruling elite seeks to "scare the public into a sacrifice of both blood and treasure".

But as we have explored in some of our other articles, there is a much more human way to reduce the world's population in as exponential a manner than it has increased, and that is to require a one child global policy everywhere.

If every couple only raised one child, then that child would likely be a spectacular child, and every family would have more money, and all of the same could be achieved by a modified in vitro fertilization procedure, to prevent twins and the like from being born.

This doesn't mean people shouldn't have sex, they should. What this means is that because there are already too many of us, and we need more and more products to keep us all alive and growing, and because all of the same turns into pollution, we need to take measures to humanely reduce our population over time, to bring life on Earth back into balance, or else we can expect to live short lives in a toxic stew, while constantly fighting with one another for the resources who prices will increase, while our wages won't keep up with the same.

This is also the solution to end all unwanted pregnancies and the end to all abortion, but in a win-win manner.

Eggs and sperms would be collected at a young age and preserved, in case a child died, to allow that couple to start again, but otherwise after the sperm and eggs are preserved, everyone would in the same procedure have their tubes tied, which could later be untied if the sperm or eggs that were preserved died or spoiled.

Otherwise, everyone able to create children - men and women - would be prescribed free birth control or be granted a free medical procedure, for example, getting their tubes tied, to prevent excessive population of the planet.

Over about 10 generations, this would drastically reduce the world's population to a level where mostly everyone would have a job if they wanted to work, everyone would have 10 to 100 acre sustainable farms to have food security, and there would be much less competition for the resources required to survive, so much less scarcity, and as a result a lot less crime, civil unrest, war, and world wars.

The same would also reduce inflation, because each of us would be able to have families or communities able to take care of their own, and where it is clear that the former economic principle of volume cost-savings didn't result into lower prices, but rather, any cost-savings seems to have been added to the bonuses and salaries of executives and to the profits and dividends of billionaire shareholders.

What makes overpopulation so dangerous to life on Earth, is that every generation needs more energy and more products, and almost all of that energy and those products increase the toxic pollution that kills life and food chains on Earth. 

Accordingly, reducing the world's population in the humane manner above reduces scarcity, reduces instability, reduces disease, reduces death, reduces conflict, reduces ecocide, reduces genocide, reduces war, reduces crime, reduced inflation for "critical" products like food, water, building materials, and shelter, and reduces environmental degradation and pollution, reduces climate change, and increases the abundance of life and the quality of life on Earth.




Because of the resources any population requires to survive and grow, the sooner humanity turns to a near exclusive renewable and circular economy, the longer humanity will be able to stretch out its non-renewable resources, and the health and sustainability of its renewable resources.

We are surrounded by other planets and celestial objects we could readily mine and return to Earth to stretch out our non-renewable resources, and we have only ever mined as deep as about 1/6th of the skin of an apple as a comparison to the size of the Earth, and most land on Earth hasn't been extensively mined, nor have nodules in the oceans, nor has the ocean floor been extensively mined, and driving around most places on Earth reveals mostly unused open spaces where at least something could be mined and extracted.

Accordingly, it is unlikely that a much smaller population employing a circular economy would readily run out of the resources required to survive and grow, but an out of control exploding population under failed and corrupted leadership would certainly unnecessarily spend a vast amount of resources fighting wars to effectively steal the resources from other populations who need the same to survive. 

We are smarter than all of that and can do better than all of that, but for our failed and corrupted leadership, driven by the real and manufactured scarcity of the failed, networked, and mentally-ill billionaire experiment.

As part of this sustainable economic model, it seems that the world would benefit from the use of so many different non-fossil fuel innovations, like recycling manufacturing, Nikola Tesla's coils, the Sterling Motor, magnetic generators, wind generators, and the like.




Because not everyone can work, or is blacklisted, or is unfit for working with others, and to prevent them from facing scarcity -- which animal behavior supports results in their hypothalamus increasing their anger and motivation to access the resources they feel they need to survive, which increases crime, and civil unrest -- a guaranteed minimum income should be provided to every person everywhere and/or every person everywhere should be provided with food, housing, healthcare, education, and/or employment opportunities.

This would ensure that anyone who is hungry or thirsty can eat or drink clean food and water. This would ensure that no one is homeless and sleeping on the sidewalk or in a bush. This would ensure that everyone would have access to healthcare, education, and/or employment opportunities.

Similarly, in our utopian society, anyone who would want to work, could either show up, call, or email that they want to work, and they'd have a skills and experience assessment, and then they would be put to work within a week, so that anyone who would want more income could make more income within a week.

Cancel culture or corporate culture is really organized crime culture or networked mental illness culture and retaliates and cancels anyone who won't further organized crimes is a reality for many different people. No one who wants to work shouldn't be prevented from working, especially when there are so many different jobs that need to be filled.




Part of why the whole world is broken, is that most people are having their rights violated on a regular basis, and they don't have the funds to be able to afford an attorney, and/or their justice systems totally ignore the violations of their rights.

This has created a justice system where really only those who can afford an attorney for years are allowed the opportunity to have their rights enforced. 

It has also created a two tiered system of justice, where non-millionaires are subject to the law, but where millionaires can often violated a lot of law before the law will try and hold them accountable, and if caught, then they employ attorneys to get away with the same, minimize their exposure, reduce their fines and sentences, and/or to evade paying restitution.




Anyone who knows anything about our monetary system has learned about the central bank, and how it works, and understands that the same is a massive ongoing fraud conspiracy, and where explained in the Zeitgeist films -- organized crime corrupting our government passed central banking laws at the beginning of the 20th century, which made the organized crime syndicate the central owners of a central bank that the government eventually borrowed their money from, except it wasn't their money. The organized crime syndicate printed money they were allowed to lend to the government, instead of the government printing its own money, with an exceptional interest rate.

More simply, an organized crime syndicate was allowed by corrupted public offices to print all the money the government would need to function, treating that ink and paper as real money the government had to borrow with interest, but money that was never actually loaned or lost to those printing the money.

The same has resulted in a great deal of tax dollars trying to pay off a loan that was never loaned but printed and a loan which can never be paid off but only increased, in a weird fraud-turned-economic slavery kind of situation.

The same would be equivalent to me corrupting the Congress, for them to allow me to grab a note pad, and for me to be able to write $100 million on the note pad, which I could then use as real money I could lend to the government with interest, so a total fraud, because I didn't lend the government $100 million. All I did was write $100 million on a note page, and the pretended or deceived the government into also pretending that the same was money I was lending to the government, which the taxpayers and not the government would have to pay back with interest. And the total cost to me? The cost of the one piece of paper and ink I used to write $100 million on the note pad.  




Because of natural disasters and the changing conditions on Earth over periods of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years, the Earth changes, and areas that used to have water, no longer have water. Other areas are subjected to enormous flooding. Other areas have inhumane cold or hot temperatures. Other areas are subjected to tornadoes that level towns. 

Effective leadership would allow anyone to relocate anywhere else in the country to more stable living conditions over time, versus expecting people and resources to keep up with inhuman living conditions.




Some cultures are inclusive of others, but many are not, and the same results in poor standards of living for everyone. Though we are not pro-segregation by any means, we do believe that some cultures are so exclusive as to make integration difficult for people trying to integrate, who face massive hate and discrimination campaigns and intolerant living conditions, and yet every person in America came from a family of migrants, and even the first people or natives were migrants from Asia.

Accordingly, cultural cities exist all over America, where there are for example, "China towns", "Little Italys", but not limited to the same. It's where people go to find their people who will accept them instead of hate on them, but then in return, they tend to discriminate against those coming into their exclusive communities.

Accordingly, what if cities were developed around cultures and core values?

And with free relocation, people could try their luck in being accepted or not in these different cities, but what the same would really do is allow people with similar values and cultures to manage or govern in the manner that best suits them, and where others with the same values would be welcome.

Imagine if like a restaurant listing, a person could choose if they were a far-right Republican to be relocated for free to a city that was exclusively far-right Republican?

And anyone who is a tree-hugging, hippy, pot smoking, and/or sex fiend could be relocated there to be with their people?

And anyone who wanted to be heavily armed around town could move to that city?

And anyone who really needs to let everyone know everything about them through bumper stickers? Yup, you got it, bumper sticker-free-speech-you-just-have-to-know-how-I-feel- about-everything city.

And anyone who is more middle of the road could move to middle of the road city?

And anyone who was vegetarian could live in an exclusively vegetarian city?

And anyone who was a cop, veteran, soldier, or firefighter, could live in a cop, veteran, soldier, or firefighter city?

Anyone who was a nudist could live in nudist city?

Anyone who was an extrovert could live in extrovert city?

Anyone who was an introvert could live in an introvert city?

Anyone who wants an abusive relationship could move to an abusive relationship city, and they could knock themselves out daily?

And anyone who was LGBTQ+ could live in an exclusively L community, LG community, LBG community, an LGBT+ community, an LQ+ community, or any other community that was exclusively their people?

We could have Roman Catholic cities, Jewish cities, Protestant cities, Muslim cities, Agnostic cities, Atheist cities, Hindu cities, Jedi cities, and so many other types of cities, and we could have cities like any of those above that combine some of these or more. 

No more forced genital checks for kids when they have to go pee, or want to play sports.

No more hate, just people loving people, and from their perspective, the right kind of people loving the right kind of people, but true across the board for any set of values.

So imagine the rainbow of different people out there, with all of their different preferences, values, customs, and cultures in cities dedicated to the same, where their police forces and their governments were exclusively their people, and so they could be represented by their own people.

Again, though we are not pro-segregation, wouldn't the same result in a better quality of life for those who only want to be with their own, and/or don't want to be discriminated against any more? 

As humans tend to do this anyways, in schoolyards, in workplaces, in social groups, in the jungle, or wherever, maybe there is something to be said about designing cities where people who want to mix it up with others can, the standard large city model, and those who don't want to mix up with others and who want to be with their own, can be with their own without getting bashed?




It seems that the world could benefit from learning their shared origins, family, culture, and heritage story, which per genetic research, proves came out of Central Eastern Africa, and then humanity migrated around the globe, and where every arbitrary stop along the way thereafter is just that, arbitrary origins. I might think I am European, but genetic research proves I am a white African, whose ancestors migrated to India, where most Caucasians in Europe came from, then to the Middle East, then to Europe. So I might think I am European, but before that I was from the Middle East, and before that I was from India, and before that I was from Africa, and I'm okay with that, and in fact, I'm excited to learn that we have a shared ancestry and origins, because it unites us into one tribe, one people, who need to learn how to love and respect one another again. 

It seems that the world would benefit from instruction in psychology and philosophy, which teaches logic, reasoning, critical thinking, debate, the exchange of ideas, and the nature of our different personality types, and just as important, the nature of the different personality types of others.

It seems that the world would benefit from everyone learning at least one technical trade, something they could use to secure employment anytime, like welding, electricity, fabrication, building, farming, and/or other trades.

It seems that the world would benefit if every person learned how to make at least one device in their area that could help them make and store renewable energy, on top of their trade.

It seems that failed and/or corrupt leadership has failed to provide many people the skills they need to be able to survive, and that better leadership would require everyone to learn how to survive on and off the grid.

Collectively, these are some of the ideas we believe would make the world better, but surely where some of these ideas would have some limitations, or need improvement, and again, where because of the networked mental illness and weaponized "shared" wealth corrupting our leadership, none of this will likely ever see the light of day, but inspired by Jacques Fresco and the Venus Project, we too see that humanity has much greater potential, and like Fresco are inspired to dream for a better life for the human tribe.




Because populations require constant access to products, one of the most important things any country can do to safeguard its supply chains, employment, and economy is to make its own products, instead of being reliant on the products of other countries, which is a national security risk to any country.

The United States, which is the third largest population in the world, is largely reliant on products from China, Mexico, and the European Union, and we have long been reliant on foreign energy supplies, from countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia, who are clearly our enemies.

Accordingly, to better employment, national security, and the economy in America, we need to make our own products, and we should prohibit foreign investment, trade between, and outsourcing of any manufacturing.

We should also reject buying all unsustainable products, and/or products made from child, slave, and/or prison labor, because the same has resulted in government policies in the U.S. and abroad meant to criminalize and prosecute more people in order to develop child, slave, and/or prison labor manufacturing.




Part of the problem we face today is that white collar crimes, terrorism, treason, and public corruption crimes

(1) aren't investigated (for example Jeffrey Epstein Trump's, Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's, and/or others' treason with Russia),

(2) if they are investigated, they aren't charged (for example Lindsey Graham),

(3) if they are charged, they are shopped to judges and prosecutors they installed (for example Trump with Judge Cannon) who operate outside of the law and norms to minimize their exposure (for example Rod Rosenstein, William Barr, John Durham, Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or others),

(4) if they are charged or convicted then it's for lesser offenses (for example Trump and the insurrectionists),

(5) if they are convicted then they are provided sentences that are well below the guidelines (insurrectionists),

(6) if they are convicted then they appeal to judges they have installed (Trump, SCOTUS, and/or others),

(7) if they are convicted then they provide themselves and/or others pardons and/or clemency (Trump, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and/or others), and

(8) this allows them to do the same or something similar all over again (Trump, Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, GOP, and/or others), and

(9) where all of this sort of conduct is usually orchestrated by the same people, and/or organizations (crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, Russia, Saudis, GOP, Bill Barr, and/or others).

Then as criminal law is written, those who can afford to pay, can possibly avoid jail altogether (for example opioid epidemic billionaires), whereas those who can't afford to pay go to jail, and where the difference in prison time is shocking between those with and without money, for example we have found cases of someone stealing less than $100 worth of property, being imprisoned for 20 years, and yet those who conspired to betray, attack, and/or overthrow our country, and/or murder our fellow citizens haven't been charged at all. 

We believe increasing total assets seizures and delivering mandated minimum prison sentences for white collar criminals, corrupted public offices, traitors, terrorists, white collar corporate murderers, and the like, would significantly serve as a deterrent, as would fining these offenders much more than than the harm they caused, in a manner that doesn't allow them to profit off their crimes, as otherwise their crimes become part of a profitable business model, where like Jeffrey Epstein they "engineer" home confinement through corrupted public offices (like but not limited to Alex Acosta) for outrageous crimes, and make hundreds of millions to billions off the same, in a manner that allows them to harm more people thereafter.