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"No person washes their foot twice in the same river,

because it's not the same foot, and it's not the same river"

(Heraclitus the Greek)


UPR News is many things. UPR News is a pen name. UPR News is in part an acronym. UPR News is collectively one single expression of word art. UPR News is a freedom of expression and an expression based on religious freedom, and it is a self-funded investigative publication operated by an LLC defending America, Americans, American rule of law, American democracy, the altruistic teachings of Jesus Christ, but not at all limited to the same, and we are based in and operate out of the United States and Europe.

In addition to our in-house investigative journalism, we also provide distribution for the excellent investigative journalism articles for investigative journalists from Common Dreams and The Hartmann Report, including but not limited to Jake Johnson and Thom Hartmann, whose research often complements, mirrors, and overlaps with our own, resulting in a pretty clear understanding of American and international politics and events -- for which we are separately "insiders" -- based on our networks linked to the highest offices in the U.S., Canada, and France for over 40 years, but not limited to the same.

Some of our contributors want credit for their contributions, and are provided that credit, and other contributors prefer to remain anonymous, and so we respect their privacy, in part because they are global elite insiders who prefer to remain anonymous, largely for safety reasons, but whose insight we find exceedingly valuable.




“America will never be destroyed from the outside.

If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

(Abraham Lincoln)


Our mission is to unite the left and the right against the failed billionaire experiment employing active measures in order to divide us to conquer us, often by employing deception and fear tactics to polarize natural differences in populations to develop and culture warring tribalism, as privatized socialists would.

Our investigative journalism is focused on the intersections between extreme wealth, resource management, politics, civil rights, criminal rights, human rights, other law, world issues, national and global security, biology, environmental sciences, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and human history. 

Our research proposes that networked generations of sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, obsessive compulsive hoarders, and kleptocrats -- who like addicts, hoarders, and career criminals, are in need of both medical and legal intervention, because they can't stop themselves -- have repeatedly and unlawfully overthrown global governments, to engage in financial and other organized crimes, who then obstruct justice for the same with the unlawful government offices they have unlawfully-occupied and/or corrupted -- largely by engaging in bribery, corruption, employing misinformation, and/or changes in law, in order to maintain and expand the ongoing organized crime syndicates they are a part of.

Per Harvard University's Dr. Martha Stout, about 4% of the population are sociopaths, or 1 out of 25 people, and so any group with 25 people, can expect to have at least one selfish predator personality type therein.

Per Dr. Stout, these sociopaths like to network with others to exploit the other 96%, usually met by the resistance of the altruistic personality types, also about 1 out of 25 people, who compete for the hearts, minds, and/or souls of 23 out of 25 people, who can be swayed either way, towards sociopathy or towards altruism, and which is largely determined by perceived, engineered, and/or real scarcity.

Our research proposes that the networked mental illness of the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein's ongoing organized crime syndicate and orbit -- continuing Epstein's legacy of enslavement and exploitation -- is largely driven by the hypothalamus region of the brain responsible for satisfying perceived cravings, wants, needs, and desires -- specifically the ventromedial nucleus -- which in 4% of the population is like a black hole that can never be satisfied, specifically among networked sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, Machiavellians, kleptomaniacs, and obsessive hoarders -- whose hypothothalami are dysfunctional to the point of them being willing to do anything in order have more despite having more than enough already, and who often weaponize the hypothalami of others, like a virus seeking to infect others with deception and fear to trigger the posterior hypothalamic area "fight complex" and sympathetic nervous system of the limbic system, which they use to get the polarized tribes they culture to in-fight as a distraction to the ongoing organized crimes of the failed billionaire experiment.

The failed billionaire experiment employs moral relativism, which is an example of a contradiction or fallacy in logic, reasoning, and critical thinking, illustrated by Nietzsche's Birds of Prey, where Nietzsche observed that it was both true and false that it is good and it is evil all at the same time when one living thing murders another living thing in order to survive, and where the failed billionaire experiment relies on this paradox to argue that they should be able to enslave, exploit, violate, murder, and/or harm anyone they want and they should be able to obscenely profit off the same, and evade prosecution and liability for all of the same, because the same is "good for them" (though they use deception and fear to incite others into falsely supporting this minority view), and anyone trying to resist is essentially a "radical", "terrorist", and the like, as privatized socialists would argue.

Our research also proposes that much of this criminal behavior is actually common behavior among jungle savages, in the context that we share at least 98% DNA with the likes of chimpanzees, bonobos, and/or gorillas, the species most closely related to us as determined by genetic research, which compares the DNA in common and different between different species.

Accordingly, we examine biological, historical, and philosophical causal factors driving the ongoing organized criminal behavior of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit composing the failed American and global billionaire experiment.




“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,

but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

(Albert Einstein)


UpRights News employs the Socratic Method of asking questions to serve as the "10th Man", a military term that assigns a "loyal dissenter" to research and present unpopular facts, alternative perspectives, and solutions, for the sake of protecting the group(s), in this case humanity, global democracy, America, the UK Commonwealth, their allies, and life on Earth. 

We present news articles to readers, employing the Socratic Method of investigative journalism, by asking questions, and then our research attempts to provide evidence that may help answer those questions, or at least furthers the understanding of the questions asked. 

Unfortunately, none of us are English majors, but instead we are scientific and leadership researchers from Stanford University, University of California, the Royal Society, and/or other research backgrounds, and so we will do our best to better how we communicate over time.

What we lack in English and editing skills, we make up for with original content and new perspectives.

Each article in The Daily Scare section is a puzzle piece, and in the Ongoing Investigations section link above, we attempt to build out the larger puzzles specified. 

Too often, the fast pace of the news results in the loss of its broader historical context, disconnecting the importance of the daily news from the "bigger picture". 

Accordingly, in the The Daily Scare section we provide readers with the "daily news", and in the Ongoing Investigations section link above, we provide readers with the "daily olds", grouping similar articles to build out historical news puzzles.

Because the "war on truth" is often won by those with the most money and resources to project what they want others to believe is true -- even if the same is false -- and because these wealthy others often stalk, sue, and attack those who resist their revision and distortion of history and the facts, UpRights News won't make claims as to whether or not news sources we employ are true or false, but instead, we will frame the news sources we employ as questions, to allow others to come to their own conclusions. Sometimes we will offer our opinion based on the facts as we understand them, and we are committed to testing the truth, and welcome any feedback on how to do the same.

Similarly, while trying to balance perspectives, we won't research every possible article on any particular subject, but we will research enough articles to provide answers to and/or to further elucidate the answers towards the questions we ask -- as a starting point for any reader -- who is free to build on and/or refute the same with their own research or news organization.

If we are wrong about any of the facts as we understand them, express them, or imply them with our researched opinions seeking to answer Socratic Method questioning as the 10th Man -- then provide us the evidence that proves us wrong, so that we can report the truth and test the truth even further.




“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations,

or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

(U.S. President John Adams)


As no two people are identical in every regard, nor have identical experiences, every person has a different worldview, like trees in a forest of worldviews. Some of these trees are so close to one another, they appear to be a single tree, others touch branches, or have connected root systems, and some worldview trees in the forest of worldviews are out there on their own, not connected to any other tree or system of belief.

This forest of worldviews is collectively humanity's best guess or collective subjective reality as to what objective reality was, is, and will be, but where humanity, like any other species is limited in biological, geological, astronomical, and/or cosmological space and time, and so our collective subjective reality is like a single frame in an infinite movie reel, hoping to explain the infinite movie with that single frame, which represents all human worldviews over all of the duration of humanity. 

Greek philosopher, Socrates, likely understood the same, and this likely resulted in his declaration that the knew "nothing", despite being one of the most intelligent human beings of his era, because he recognized that for all that he knew, it was relatively nothing compared to all there is to know.

And so some of us huff and puff or get very emotional in defense of our worldviews, and yet what do any of us really know about all there is to know? What percent of all there is to know across all time and all space do any of us really know? The answer is closer to zero percent, than it is to one percent, because of our limited time and movement through space relative to all time and all space.

Accordingly, should any of us, political parties, religious institutions, governments, or leaders force any worldview on any others, or should each of us simply be left to our own best guess or personal philosophy, and shouldn't we celebrate the diversity and sharing of all of these worldviews?

Must we fight to the death for the differences in our worldviews, which no one on or off the Earth will ever be able to truly prove? Shouldn't we resist all others trying to force their worldview on anyone or everyone else for this reason? Our opinions across our reporting reflect our researched and experienced worldview.

Every person builds (an) information tree and worldview filter(s) based on what they have been taught, what they have experienced, what they have invented, and what they have summarized in an ongoing and changing manner, accepting and rejecting information, employing their filters based on the information trees each person constructs over time. 

Furthermore, some of the most respected scientific journals and institutions have been found to deceive others with respect to their research, and/or have been on the payroll of very wealthy individuals seeks to manufacture specific perspectives.

Paraphrasing Congresswoman Elizabeth Warren, the issues at play aren't the left versus the right, but the top versus the bottom, and as insiders to the G20 global elite, UpRights News contributors completely agree with her here.

We believe that the best way to destroy monsters, or to send them back into their dark places to keep them at bay, is to shine a bright light onto them. Monsters who manufacture or operate in dark places do not want bright lights shone onto the dark places they manufacture or operate in.

Below, the American Press Institute has done a wonderful job of summarizing our style and philosophy at UpRights News, specifically, "Good decision-making depends on people having reliable, accurate facts put in a meaningful context. Journalism does not pursue truth in an absolute or philosophical sense, but in a capacity that is more down to earth.

“All truths – even the laws of science – are subject to revision, but we operate by them in the meantime because they are necessary and they work,” Kovach and Rosenstiel write in the book. Journalism, they continue, thus seeks “a practical and functional form of truth.” It is not the truth in the absolute or philosophical or scientific sense but rather a pursuit of “the truths by which we can operate on a day-to-day basis.”

This “journalistic truth” is a process that begins with the professional discipline of assembling and verifying facts. Then journalists try to convey a fair and reliable account of their meaning, subject to further investigation.

Journalists should be as transparent as possible about sources and methods so audiences can make their own assessment of the information. Even in a world of expanding voices, “getting it right” is the foundation upon which everything else is built – context, interpretation, comment, criticism, analysis and debate. The larger truth, over time, emerges from this forum.

As citizens encounter an ever-greater flow of data, they have more need – not less – for suppliers of information dedicated to finding and verifying the news and putting it in context ... While there is no standardized code as such, every journalist uses certain methods to assess and test information to “get it right.”

Being impartial or neutral is not a core principle of journalism. Because the journalist must make decisions, he or she is not and cannot be objective. But journalistic methods are objective.

When the concept of objectivity originally evolved, it did not imply that journalists were free of bias. It called, rather, for a consistent method of testing information – a transparent approach to evidence – precisely so that personal and cultural biases would not undermine the accuracy of the work. The method is objective, not the journalist.

Seeking out multiple witnesses, disclosing as much as possible about sources, or asking various sides for comment, all signal such standards. This discipline of verification is what separates journalism from other forms of communication such as propaganda, advertising, fiction, or entertainment."        

We subscribe to the American Press Institute philosophy above, and to the overlapping Scientific Method, which each "test the truth" over time, and believe something is true unless other more reliable information later proves a fact isn't true, but where sometimes, just like others, we are skeptical of sources who claim to be the ultimate judge of what is true and what is not, in the context of other evidence we have been exposed to, but appreciate that like us, they are testing the truth, based on their filter and their information trees.   

We are the seekers of the truth, plain and simple, and just like, and in support of, the efforts of Attorney General Merrick Garland -- without fear nor favor -- we will investigate the facts, regardless of where they lead, and report the same to the public, and/or to more government agencies for prosecution of those criminals we elucidate may be harming us all.

All of our statements across all of our articles are actually questions, even if not expressed as questions, pursuant to the Socratic Method, so that others, the readers, can come to their own conclusions.

If anything we publish can be improved, corrected, bettered, or revised, then please let us know as soon as possible. 




"Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe.

Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow.

For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.”

- H.G. Wells -


As insiders to the G20 global elite, our networks, families, and/or selves having been victimized by them, worked with them, worked for them, and/or we have socialized with them for over 40 years, and this has left us with a duty to reform them, to expose and oust some of them, and/or to shine a bright light on some of their plainly harmful and frankly unnecessary organized criminal conduct, but our reporting tries to balance the same with trying to help others understand what motivates some of them, which we believe is deep-rooted in networked mental illness and related cultures born out of the same.

This failed billionaire experiments needs to secure a critical mass to stay in power over justice systems and the distribution of taxpayer funds, and to evade prosecution, and they do so by deceiving and radicalizing others across the many communications channels they largely own, control, and/or influence, after collectively engineering and/or influencing scarcity for non-millionaires. As EU 'royal' Hans Adam has specified, the goal is to "scare the public" into a "sacrifice of blood and treasure".

Resurrected imperial cult facilitator and historical revisionist, William Shakespeare, summarized the same.


"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely Players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His Acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."