The following page is where UpRights News has grouped network diagrams employed across some of our articles, based on known facts, research, government investigations, investigative journalism reporting, elements of laws, analysis, experiences, opinions, and/or reasonable inferences.


This word art presents our readers with an overlapping visual understanding of our reporting, and collectively comprises some of the very large puzzle we have been working on assembling, but not all of the same.


As specified in our About UpRights News link above, this is our current understanding of the truth, but where future information may further test or change our understanding of the truth, much like scientists believed the world was flat, until that truth was tested against the evidence proving that it was not true.


To that extent, and because we don't want to accuse anyone of anything they didn't do, we welcome credible evidence from any credible source debunking any of this information via the 10th Man Method, in our quest to only present what is true, understanding that we may not have all of the facts, and/or understanding that we may have misunderstood some facts, as can happen in pursuit of complex and overlapping truths this size.


Similarly, per Friedrich Nietzsche, it is true and it is false at the same time that it is good and it is evil at the same time, when one creature (bird of prey) destroys the life of another creature (a lamb) in order to survive, and so what may not seem true to some people based on baseless misinformation, doesn't make our learned and researched reporting false.


When collectively considered, these diagrams seem to elucidate the oldest, wealthiest, and largest global ongoing organized crime syndicate in recent human history dating back 666 years this year (2024) to the fraudulent royals claims employed by the Habsburg family in forged land deeds known as Privilegium maius, through to the modern era, now best described as the ongoing organized crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, the UK/EU 'royals', Hamish Ogston, Sean Combs, and/or their orbit.


Though some of this content below may seem like frivolous conspiracy (based on successful misinformation campaigns by those named above and below), careful research has elucidated that all of this is much more likely an ongoing criminal conspiracy. Said differently, baseless frivolous conspiracies have been used to obfuscate the following ongoing criminal conspiracy we believe we have elucidated based on our "insider" knowledge of these people, their families, their organizations, and/or their "surrogates", over more than 40 years of experience with the same.


These diagrams are only a small handful of diagrams we have developed over time, and where this journey began when our Editor was in law school, and separately while he was a graduate business faculty member, attempting to understand how he and his family had been victimized by the G20 global elite leadership circles they have worked for, worked with, helped elect into office, socialized with, are related to, and/or have been victimized by for over 40 years.


This 11-22 year series of investigations, some shared with the U.S. government, into this organized crime syndicate and/or their orbit began by 2013, when our Editor was investigating harm against his family during the prior decade, and as he slowly learned more and more about those involved, and how they were networked to others who had harmed his family, he learned how the same people, families, companies, and countries were almost always found associated with major American and international crises, scandals, and organized crime, over and over, prompting our Editor to want to learn more about the membership of this ongoing organized crime syndicate and their orbit, their crimes, their nature, their origins, their tactics to evade prosecution for those crimes, and their conspiracies to unlawfully remain in power over both justice systems and taxpayer purses. Those involved in the harm against our Editor's family turned out to be part of a much older organized crime syndicate back to WWII, and then WWI, and then back to the Habsburg family. 


Accordingly, here are some of the diagrams employed across our reporting summarizing this "insider" research on this ongoing organized crime syndicate harming our Editor, his family, the United States, and the UK Commonwealth, their military personnel, their law enforcement, their people, and their rule of law -- presented in more or less chronological order from the most recent organized crimes to the oldest organized crimes linked to the same families.


This first diagram illustrates in a general manner how the Editor's effort to protect children, patients, human subjects, employees, the public, the government, and/or himself from serious injury, death, and endangerment while working as a medical researcher at a Fortune 500 company in California -- owned by foreign and domestic billionaires, whose company was financed by the GOP, and exploited children in illegal medical experiments that murdered and endangered children -- and how all of that snowballed into a series of investigations and complaints to the government and lawsuits by the Editor of UpRights News into a conspiracy between Donald Trump, the GOP, and the Russians before the 2016 elections, and then snowballed some more into RICO obstruction of justice, sedition, insurrection, treason, elections/electoral/voter fraud, fake electors, hush money payments, COVID, impeachments, stolen top secret documents, and more after the 2016 elections, in part to further the ongoing RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy for our lynched Editor's 09/21/2014 unlawfully-seized and RICO obstructed investigation into organized crimes and/or unlawful misconduct of the Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP/RNC, corrupted public offices, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, but not at all limited to the same.


The next four diagrams build on the diagram above with increasingly more detail, in more or less chronological order.


The next diagram fuses information from the previous five diagrams to specify how after the 2013-2014 investigation of the Editor of UpRights News into Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, was lynched by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, how the Trump, the GOP, and Russia received copies of the same and then conspired to have Trump run for office with the GOP, and how they would conspire with U.S. Russia to overthrow the United States in a disqualifying treason and elections/electoral/voting fraud conspiracy, in part to RICO obstruct the lynched investigation of the Editor of UpRights News, to conceal their disqualification from public offices, and to conceal the murder of endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments financed and RICO obstructed by the GOP. Then how in overt furtherance of this ongoing obstruction conspiracy for ongoing organized crime harming children, the US government, and the Editor of UpRights News and others -- insurrectionists, fake electors, hush money conspirators, stolen documents conspirators, RICO corrupted Trump judges, and/or war criminals were used to overtly further this RICO ongoing obstruction of justice conspiracy by seeking to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system, and/or manufacture distracting crises, after they stole the 2016 elections with U.S. enemy Russia in 2016, per John Durham's testimony June 21, 2023 in Congress, and per text by Dylan Howard in Trump's hush money trial, and per email messages between Felix Sater and Michael Cohen.



The next diagram elucidates how the GOP's Ann Marie Schubert and GOP's Scott Jones (disappeared $100 million in COVID funds and sexually assaulted and/or harassed his female subordinates and was sued and investigated for the same) under the auspices of Dave Gilliard, the GOP, RNC, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, and/or others stole the credit from California and/or federal law enforcement for catching the Golden State Killer, and why they did so (to conceal their role in Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's treason and elections fraud conspiracy), and in the context that the same group of people thereafter organized to recall many different Democrats who were elected for public offices in law enforcement position (the Attorney General, Chesa Boudin, and others) in a bid to replace them with themselves to RICO obstruct any future law enforcement response to their treason and elections fraud with Trump, Russia, the GOP, Felix Sater, and/or others to "engineer" Republicans into power by violating criminal laws that disqualified them from public offices, which they concealed, followed by stealing credit for catching the Golden State Killer, to shore up much needed public support thereafter, but to little to no avail, as they were voted out of office. Greater specifics as to who was involved in the lynching of our Editor and the unlawful seizure of his investigation on 09/21/2014 is provided, and how that investigation into Trump, GOP, and Russian orbits was distributed to those named as defendants in the investigation, who then by 2015-2016 conspired to overthrow the United States to be able to RICO obstruct justice for all of the same, but not limited to the same.



The next two diagrams provide greater detail as to how Trump Tower tenants, Russians, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein (merged with NXIVM child sex trafficking ring many different ways) -- who had been stalking, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, preemptively defaming, retaliating, interfering with the economic activity of, and/or harming the Editor of UpRights News since 2004 -- conspired with many others to overthrow the United States in 2015-2016 after Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC lynched the Editor of UpRights News after the GOP, Rosneft's Alfa Bank, and the Russians conspired to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberattack, and broke into the office of the Editor of UpRights News to obstruct and discredit his 2013-2014 investigation into them, which furthered the obstruction of justice for the murder and endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments and no less than a $40 billion government fraud ongoing conspiracy as accessories after the fact.

The next three diagrams further make clear that those conspiring to overthrow the United States and harm the Editor of UpRights News were heavily-linked to organized crimes, including more than one child sex trafficking ring, including but not limited to Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's child sex trafficking rings, and others linked to pedophilia and child porn, like Qanon, PornHub, Paxum porn bank, and/or ES Family Trust who conspired with and/or financed Trump, DeSantis, and/or the GOP in their bid to overthrow the United States to "engineer" themselves into power over the justice system in the United States and in the UK Commonwealth. 


Then in the next two diagrams, a deeper dive elucidated that Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's child sex trafficking rings were merged and/or overlapped with many other (child) trafficking rings linked to the UK/EU "royals", for which "prince" Andrew was sued for child rape, and settled with Virginia Guiffre instead of going to prison. And these child sex trafficking networks repeatedly conspired to overthrow the United States and UK Commonwealth, with their sworn enemies, and/or engaged in terrorism within the United States, and/or terrorism, money laundering, tax evasion/avoidance, and/or child sex trafficking financing schemes, in what could readily be described as a sprawling and complex ongoing organized crime syndicate, which the Editor of UpRights News and his family had been victimized by, but who had victimized many others.



And more overlaps were found between Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, the UK/EU royals, Trump, and Russia, and plots to overthrow and/or harm the United States and/or United Kingdom Commonwealth, as well as the conspiracy to RICO obstruct our lynched Editor's RICO obstructed investigation.



A totally different child sex trafficking ring linked to the NRA, the GOP, Russia, Trump, the Bush family, and Jeffrey Epstein was also elucidated, that of USAF's Stephen Cartisano, later known as Steve Michaels, and could be also linked to the ongoing organized crime syndicate harming the Editor of UpRights News, and attempting to overthrow the United States, and/or financing the same.


And yet another child sex trafficking ring was found to be linked to all of the same.


The next three diagrams elucidated major GOP links to pedophiles, child sex traffickers, and pedophile networks linked to the GOP executive branch, GOP members of Congress, and the GOP SCOTUS majority, who were unlawfully and illegitimately "engineered" into power over the justice system and taxpayer purses by organized crime and enemies of the United States in an ongoing series of overtly furthered treason and/or elections/electoral/voter fraud conspiracies, including the one that victimized the Editor of UpRights News and his family between 2002-2024.


The next three diagrams specify how AFTER the Russians and GOP stalked, cyberstalked, cyberattacked, attacked, lynched, unlawfully-seized, RICO obstructed, and distributed the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News into Trump, the GOP, and Russia BEFORE the 2016 election -- the witness, victim, whistleblower, government informant retaliation, stalking, intimidation, and threats with deadly weapons escalated after Trump personally-visited McClellan Park, whose tenants Trump and the GOP financed with taxpayer funds, and whose tenants conspired to terrorize the Editor of UpRights News for years to scare him into never coming forward with the evidence and narratives of their ongoing organized crime syndicate.


These next three diagrams are key dates and events before and after the 2016 elections that prove that Trump, Schwarzeneggar, the GOP, and/or others immediately disqualified themselves for public offices, and thus disqualified others from public offices, like Aileen Cannon, three GOP SCOTUS judges, but not at all limited to the same, also disqualifying Trump and the GOP from granting pardons and clemency to their conspirators, as well as invalidating all of their orders, opinions, rulings, and privileges. Since then, on 06/21/2023, Special Counsel John Durham confirmed and/or specified the facts in Congress around Trump's and the GOP's disqualifying treason and elections/electoral/voter fraud BEFORE the 2016 elections, and Dylan Howard's texts specified to a family member that he had committed voter/electoral/elections fraud, in overt furtherance of Trump's, GOP's, Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Paul Manafort's, and others' immediate public offices disqualifying conspiracy with U.S. enemy Russia.



The next diagram illustrates just how many people linked to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking operations, as clients, financiers, obstruction of justice agents, and/or associates have run for President of the United States, and/or participated in treason and/or elections fraud conspiracies in order to engineer Jeffrey Epstein's orbit into power over the United States justice system.



Similarly, this diagram illustrates how all six of the GOP SCOTUS majority were improperly, illegitimately, and thus unlawfully-appointed post-GOP treason and elections fraud conspiracies, and how all of them were hand-picked to corrupt public offices by the Federalist Society, financed by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, Russian agents, and/or enemies of the United States.



But then a deeper dive into these ongoing conspiracies by Thom Hartmann of The Hartmann Report and filmmaker John Hankey proved many more treason and/or elections fraud conspiracies by the GOP back to WWII, the murder of President Kennedy, and resulting in organized crime's and enemies of the United States' control over and kleptocapture of the legal landscape of the United States, as summarized by the next four diagrams.


The next three diagrams summarize how the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein overlaps with more than one terrorism, treason, and/or elections fraud conspiracy by the GOP and others, in desperate bids for the GOP to remain in control over the legal landscape of the United States.

Similarly, the next four diagrams illustrate just how many of America's enemies Trump, the GOP, and/or crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein have aided, comforted, and/or adhered to in ongoing treason, elections fraud, organized crime, terrorism, child sex trafficking, money laundering, stalking, cyberstalking, war crimes, and/or other unlawful conspiracy spokes.


This diagram only scratches the surface of how many different times Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit have stalked, harmed, interfered with the economic activity of, retaliated against, intimidated, and/or other harm directed against the Editor of UpRights News and his family. Trump, Henry Kissinger, and Jean Luc Brunel can also be added to this list below as stalking, cyberstalking, intimidating, tampering with, retaliating against, and/or interfering with the economic activity of the Editor of UpRights News and his family.



Unfortunately, as illustrated above and below, we elucidated that most of the major social media companies are linked to Jeffrey Epstein's, Trump's, Putin's, and/or 9/11's Saudis' crime syndicate, and they keep on using the same, along with their stranglehold on news conglomeration and distribution, advertising space, deep fake technology, artificial intelligence, U.S. communications/intelligence community infrastructure, satellites, and/or other technology to regularly violate the rights of Americans and people around the world, and to evade prosecution for the same, largely by bribery, stolen elections, and treason with enemies of the United States, over and over and over again, and a testament to why it is so hard to put Trump in jail, because they change the laws that they violate or don't suit the 0.001%, making a mockery of the rule of law, governing by the rule of man through a small handful of people or kleptocrats. As J.D. Vance specified when he quoted the Nazis, "there is no law (they have to follow), there is only (their) power (over the law)" that matters.



In addition to "prince" Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein's largest family named across his operations contact book of clients, financiers, obstruction of justice agents, and/or associates were the UK/EU royal family, as illustrated below, which also specifies other child sex traffickers and/or trafficking rings the UK/EU royals are associated with, and where the Trump and Kennedy-Cuomo-Shriver-Schwarzeneggar families were the two other largest families named in his contact book. 



Each the UK royal family, Trump family, and/or Schwarzeneggar family have harmed the Editor of UpRights News also, as specified across our investigation materials. The Trump and UK/EU royal families are linked together via Hitler's Wildenstein family, living in Trump Tower, and where the Wildenstein family worked with and were friends with the family of the Editor of UpRights News, and business partners with Maja Oeri of Roche-Novartis who paid Michael Cohen another uncharged hush money payments, after the Editor of UpRights News elucidated a murder and endangerment of children criminal conspiracy linked to Roche-Novartis, Wildenstein, Trump, the GOP, and Russia BEFORE the 2016 elections, explaining why Russia and the GOP stalked, cyberstalked, lynched, and RICO obstructed that investigation, which Trump specified he knew about BEFORE he ran for office on 06/16/2015, per his 03/30/2023 comments, and where the GOP unlawfully-seized, distributed, and RICO obstructed justice for this investigation by 09/21/2014, and that investigation linked this ongoing organized crime back to WWII and involving the Wildensteins, Bush family, UK royals, GOP, and Russia, perfectly explaining why Trump and the GOP resurfaced and attempted to normalize white nationalism active measures polarizing propaganda in order to achieve the critical mass required not to be removed from power, and/or to unlawfully steal it again. 



As the 2013-2014 stalked, cyberstalked, cyberattacked, lynched, and RICO obstructed investigation of the Editor of UpRights News had traced the crime families and/or orbits harming him and his family back to WWII, further research was able to link the same to a much older crime family, specifically the Habsburg crime family, who forged their royal claims via Privilegium maius, and then violated the laws of succession an estimated 50 times thereafter, resulting in the modern day UK/EU royals of Jeffrey Epstein's and/or merged NXIVM's child sex trafficking rings.



Accordingly, as the Editor and his family have been "insiders" to the G20 global leadership circles for more than 40 years, having worked with them, worked for them, installed them into office, been victimized by them, and/or are related to them, this has provided the Editor of UpRights News this novel understanding of the ongoing organized crime syndicate that has harmed his family, their businesses, their country, and their people for more than 20 years. Again, these network diagrams are not exhaustive, but just a handful of diagrams that describe an estimated million pages of evidence, and about 10,000 pages of investigations over a 22 year period, and perfectly explaining why the Editor and his family have been stalked, cyberstalked, cyberattacked, attacked, preemptively and excessively been defamed, threatened with death and deadly weapons, and their economic activity interfered with, and by whom, and some of the reasons why.


This next network diagram, more or less in chronological order, reveals how Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Steve Bannon asking Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's GOP SCOTUS majority to RICO obstruct justice for Bannon and Trump, is actually a RICO, obstruction of justice, corruption, bribery, extortion, and/or blackmail born out of a series of very flawed circular arguments regarding their collectively legitimacy.


More simply, Trump and Bannon have asked the Supreme Court they illegally-installed with enemies of the United States to illegitimately legitimize and/or RICO obstruct their collective organized crimes resulting in, and/or contributing to the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority.


Even more simply, Trump and Bannon have asked their illegitimate SCOTUS majority to legitimize themselves, in a subversive manner -- which asks an illegitimate SCOTUS to be the judges of their own legitimacy by way of providing immunity to the treason and elections fraud conspiracies disqualifying the GOP who illegitimately appointed the GOP's SCOTUS majority asked to decide the same --  and thus asking the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority to consider whether or not their ongoing disqualified crime syndicate conspiring with enemies of the United States, should remain unlawfully above the law, and born out of the following circular or flaw arguments and facts.


In a similar manner, William Timmons of the GOP, who disqualified himself via the fake elector conspiracy, thereafter also invited the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority who Trump and the Bush family installed after disqualifying themselves from public offices, to legitimize the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority by RICO obstructing for Trump for 34 felony convictions linked to disqualifying elections/voting crimes and disqualifying treason crimes with Russia confirmed by Special Counsel John Durham's June 21, 2023 testimony to Congress, hush money payments for sex trafficking a porn star, and/or other ongoing disqualifying criminal conspiracy spokes, including but not limited to RICO obstruction of justice as accessories after the fact for disqualifying crimes BEFORE Trump became President, and then thereafter, as an ongoing organized crime syndicate would.