The following is an explanation of our key investigative journalism categories, which fit together like overlapping pieces of a puzzle, which come together to describe where humanity comes from, what humanity is part of, and where humanity is likely to go, as well as who leads us on this journey, and why they do, and what we can do in order to change the course of this journey we are on together.


Because of the overlapping nature of our investigative journalism, some of our articles are found in more than one section, and serve as the bridges between our overlapping investigations, which when pieced together seek to determine the nature of reality or the truth.


Our different news columns or ongoing investigations are ultimately truth-seeking investigations based on patterns we have elucidated over time as "insiders" to and/or victims of the global elite for over 40 years, and where our network have had access to at least one Emperor, many royal family members, G20 Presidents (American and French), Prime Ministers (Canada), Bohemian Club members (including one U.S. President, one Governor), at least one IMF leader, the crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, and many Freemason executives (including the Editor of UpRights News, who is also a veteran of a FIVE EYES troop, and a former police volunteer, paid expert in court for criminal cases, graduate business faculty member, certified Principle Investigator for behavioral sciences, Fortune 500 consultant and peer-reviewed researcher with many patents, and a former doctorate of law student) during this period.


As specified in our About UpRights News section and/or disclaimer found at the bottom of every page, the search for the truth is really about testing information and information trees, and where the "truth" can be changed over time with access to new information, and it can be changed by nefarious characters who have unlawfully overthrown governments to revise the history of their illegitimate rule, who use deception to manufacture "fake truth" or lies about what is true, and the truth can also be circumstantial, for example as elucidated by Nietzsche's birds of prey, where it is true and it is false at the same time that it is good and it is bad when one thing kills another in order to keep on living.


Accordingly, though we investigate many different angles to discover the truth about the American and human experience -- because of how small we are in space and time, it is unlikely for any person on Earth to ever know what is true every where on Earth, much less what is true across all space and all time, or what is known in philosophy as objective reality.


This leaves each of us with our next best guess as to what is objectively real, based on the information trees each of us is born into, experiences, accepts, and/or rejects. Each of us builds an information tree based on what we have been taught is true, what we have accepted is true, and/or rejected as false, and each of us has had a different experience with what may or may not be true or false, resulting in each of us forming a worldview or information tree in a forest of worldviews and information trees.


Unfortunately, the information trees, experiences, or cultures we are born into heavily-influence how we accept or reject information that fits or doesn't fit on the information tree we are born into. For example, it is true that it is polite to burp at the table in China, to thank the chef for a good meal, and it is true that it is rude in France to burp at a table, and is considered a lack of self-control that adversely affects the dining experience of those around the burping person. Similarly, it is true that God exists, for a child who was taught the same and raised to believe in God, but it isn't true that God exists for a child who was taught that God doesn't exist by atheists. Accordingly, depending on the information tree we are born into, we are more likely than not to use that information trees as a filter to accept or reject all future information.


Some of these worldview trees are so similar or close that they seem to be a single tree, and others are close enough to have their information trees or worldviews intertangle with the roots and branches of the worldviews or information trees of others, and some worldviews or information trees are so far removed from any other worldview or information trees that they are within the forest, but nowhere close to any other trees.


Accordingly, each of us tests the truth of information or doesn't throughout our lives, and that's what we do here at UpRights News, test the truth of information in our quest to understand the truth, in the context that no one on Earth will ever know what is true about everything, because of how much each of us would have to known, and in the context that bodies of knowledge are constantly changing.


Per Plato, Socrates acknowledged the overwhelming amount of changing information there is to know, when he specified as one of the most knowledgeable people at the time, that he knew that he knew nothing -- despite knowing more than most other people -- because Socrates recognized that there is much more changing information that he didn't know, compared to what he actually knew, and though what he knewwas much more than others knew, what Socrates knew was insignificant with respect to all there is to know.


More simply, there is more to learn, which is constantly changing, than there is one life that can learn it all, even more true in our era because of internet access to true and false information, and so each of us only has a best guess as to what is true or not true, based on the information trees we build, and the sum of UpRights News is our best guess as to what is true about the American and human experience, based on the information and patterns of information we have tested, which is nothing compared to all there is to know.


Accordingly, we do our best to test the truth of the American and human experience from as many angles as possible, and with every new day, we access more information, which further shapes our best guess as to what is true.


The Truer Origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and Durham Report


The Crossfire Hurricane Origins section of UpRights News elucidates the truer, parallel, overlapping, preceding, and/or follow-up to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, which resulted in the RICO-obstructed Mueller Investigation, and then overlapped with the RICO-obstructed Durham Investigation, and now overlaps with Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation, Fani Willis' investigation, Alvin Bragg's investigation, Letitia James' investigation, and other domestic and international investigations, prosecutions, and lawsuits, as the underlying crimes Trump, Putin, and the GOP have been RICO-obstructing in an ongoing criminal conspiracy, meant to conceal Trump's and the GOP's disqualification from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections, and thus also proving the disqualification of others they had no legitimate right to install, appoint, nominate, and/or confirm into public offices, but not limited to the same, and as a matter of law.


The truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane began in Sacramento by January 2013, and was based on a 2013-2016 Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC and Russian-stalked and lynched pro se relator qui tam civil complaint investigation on behalf of the government, elucidating the ongoing and overlapping crimes of the GOP/RNC, Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the Russian Federation, and oligarchs operating in Russia -- which was stalked, lynched, unlawfully-seized, distributed to those implicated, and RICO-obstructed by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, Scott Jones, Ann Marie Schubert, Dave Gilliard, and/or others by 09/21/2014, followed by Trump, Russia, the GOP/RNC, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, Scott Jones, Ann Marie Schubert, Dave Gilliard, and/or others (including Dave Gilliard's wife who is an appellate judge) named in that lynched investigation conspiring to commit treason and elections fraud in an ongoing manner beginning by 06/16/2015 through to 11/08/2016 and thereafter.


This investigation preceded the involvement of Christopher Steele, and overlaps with the same subject matter, and much more. After being lynched and preemptively defamed to RICO-obstruct the truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and the Durham Investigation, the author of the qui tam was subjected to a decade of nearly daily witness, victim, and government informant stalking, intimidation, death threats, threats with deadly weapons, and the like, until he had enough and started UpRights News, resulting in a near end to the decade-long campaign of terror waged against him, subject to estoppel, and an ongoing criminal conspiracy.


During this period, Ann Marie Schubert, Dave Gilliard, Scott Jones' network, and/or others repeatedly conspired to overthrow elected leaders across California by way of getting a minority to recall majority-elected leaders, including the Governor of California, the Attorney General of California, District Attorneys of California, but not at all limited to the same -- desperate to RICO obstruct their role and/or the role of others in aiding, comforting, and adhering to U.S. enemy Russia, Trump, and the GOP in the treason and elections fraud conspiracy of 2014-2016, through to the present day, in part meant to RICO obstruct the contents of the pro se relator qui tam civil complaints the GOP and Russia stalked and lynched in Sacramento by 09/21/2014, and thereafter. 


Illegitimate Power


The Illegitimate Power section of UpRights News explores if there is any evidence at all that via treason, sedition, insurrection, and/or elections fraud plots (1) Hitler's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and the Bin Laden's Bush family, (2) Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, and (3) Hitler's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and the Bin Laden's UK/EU 'royal' family and their forged royal claims via Privilegium Maius, but not limited to the same,  respectively and/or collectively unlawfully stole or usurped government power, and thereafter made illegitimate changes to government to conceal the same, and/or obstructed justice for their organized crimes, followed by near daily propaganda meant to trick others into believing they didn't? We also explore their overlapping relationships with one another as candidates for crime families, networked for generations of ongoing organized crimes and/or other harm.

The Christian Constitutionalism section explores how Abrahamic religions -- whose core values have mirrored U.S. constitutional and Magna Carta rights -- have been weaponized, exploited, eroded, attacked, and perverted by networked sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, kleptomaniacs, Machiavellians, obsessive compulsive hoarders, child sex traffickers, and/or organized crime -- collectively known as the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein (Trump, RFK Jr., the Saudis, the UK/EU royals, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Elon Musk, and/or others) and Vladimir Putin -- in such a manner as to have created cults of personalities that reject core Abrahamic and constitutional values, and embrace the total opposite values of Jesus Christ, while mimicking service to Christianity and patriotism, like wolves in sheep's clothing. This section also explores the textual, historical, archaeological, and/or others origins of the Abrahamic religions, born out of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and European imperial cults (cults of personality), but not limited to the same.

The Active Measures section explores "us against them" active measures propaganda, born out of the Privilegium maius-forged, fraudulent, broken, usurped, and illegitimate royals families of Europe -- who along with their royal loyal commissioned Freemasons, and the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein -- divide and conquer countries by polarizing natural differences in populations based on race, ethnicity, country of origins, gender, age, religion, political affiliation, wealth, employment types, and other differences -- to allow a criminal elite ruling class to evade historical, criminal, and civil prosecution, by engineering scarcity and fear among the uneducated lower and middle classes, and others, to get them to take out their frustrations on the more education middle upper class, and others, to manufacture crises, chaos, infighting, and distractions that leave the criminal ruling elite and their proxies in power over their own criminal and civil investigations.

The Epstein's "Commonwealth" section focuses on and elucidates the privatized socialism and privatized communism of the clients, financiers, friends, and associates of child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist, Jeffrey Epstein, whose crime syndicate and orbit overlaps with (1) NXIVM child sex trafficking ring, and/or (2) with the oligarch orbit of the International Criminal Court's child (sex) trafficker Vladimir Putin and Russia, and/or (3) with the sex trafficking ring of Hamish Ogston and/or the charities of Charles III (also linked to the Bin Laden family), and/or (4) with the child sex trafficking ring and/or pedophile networks of the Republican Party's Matt Gaetz, Joel Greenberg, Mike Johnson, and/or others, and/or (5) with the child sex trafficking ring linked to PornHub, ES Family Trust, Paxum porn Bank, Trump Media, and/or Friends of Ron DeSantis, and/or (6) to the child pornography ring linked to 4chan, 8chan, 8kun, Qanon, Mike Flynn, Donald Trump (also linked to 9/11's Saudis who were named by Jeffrey Epstein as clients, financiers, and/or associates along with Trump, who was sued by Katie Johnson for being gang-raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein), and/or others, and/or (7) linked to the child sex trafficking ring and orbit of Sean Combs (Puff Daddy/P. Diddy), Prince Harry, and/or others, and many of whom share, transfer, loan, invest, and/or support one another like privatized communists and socialists, in furtherance of organized crimes, treason, sedition, insurrection, RICO, obstruction of justice, tax evasion/avoidance, anti-competitive/antitrust behavior, and/or witness, victim, government informant, law enforcement, judge, jury, prosecution, professor, whistleblower, and/or journalist stalking, cyberstalking, intimidation, obstruction, corruption, and/or other organized crimes and/or harm - in order to maintain, further, expand, and obstruct justice for those crimes and/or harm, to evade historical, criminal, and/or civil investigations, prosecutions, liability, seizure of assets, and/or the death penalty. This section of our news tracks the ongoing harm caused by this overlapping network of people and the organizations they control and/or can influence.

The Engineering Malthus section of our investigative journalism focuses on the moral relativism employed by the global criminal ruling class of oligarchs linked to Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Vladimir Putin, MBS, Donald Trump, Leon Black, David Koch, the Mercer family, Silicon Valley tech leaders, and/or others -- collectively known as the failed billionaire experiment -- who exploit, harm, destroy, deceive, and/or kill others for the sake of billionaire profiteering -- literally engineering the population collapse described by Thomas Malthus, which correspond perfectly to the allegory and allusions of the four horsemen in the Book of Revelation, and thus the failed billionaire experiment is engineering the "end of times", but on an ongoing basis, manufacturing crises they profit off, and then profiting off the solution to the crises they also profit off of. We also explore why they do so via Nietzsche, and have concluded that they do so because they perceive it is good for them, regardless of the harm to others. Other investigative journalism on our site has attributed this to networked mental illnesses, moral relativism, primate behavior, and to dysfunctional hypothalami, specifically the ventromedial nucleus, and overlapping with the following section.

In the Antisocial Syndicates section of our investigative journalism we explore how networked sociopaths, sadists, narcissists, kleptomaniacs, Machiavellians, and obsessive compulsive hoarders, result in organized crime syndicates that destroy democracies, and become kleptocracies, then plutocracies, then oligarchies, then monarchies, then theocracies, and eventually imperial cults of personality - the end stage of this networked mental illness - where almost everyone is more or less a slave to the networked mental illness, and provide near daily worship of the leaders of the mentally-ill society as God(s), the return of God(s), the children of God(s), the facilitator of God(s), the hand of God(s), the ear of God(s), divine, or generally better than you or I - employing resurrected versions of the Egyptians', Greeks', Romans', and Charlemagne's imperial cult model, employing the techniques of neutralization, DARVO, mass deception, and Cialdini's principles of influence, and employing full-spectrum dominance of the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds under one leader, the members of their family, and/or their allies for generations in a manner that becomes inherited, and overlapping with the following section dedicated to imperial cults, active measures, Christian constitutionalism, and engineering Malthus. 

In the Imperial Cults section of our investigative journalism we explore the overlapping, resurrected, and united imperial cults of personality around the Mediterranean (known in ancient Egyptian times as the Wadj-Ur) to India (the Aryans), from the Egyptian Pharaohs, to the Philip II of Macedon, to Alexander the Great, to Octavius Gaius or Augustus, to the Flavians, to Constantine, to Charlemagne, to fake monarch Henry VIII, to the forged royal Habsburgs, to their royal loyal Freemasons, to the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and Vladimir Putin, to Donald Trump's, the Trump family's, and the Republican Party's cult of personality around Donald Trump, and their collective attempts to elevate Trump from an organized crime syndicate member into imperial cult status, despite Trump's former claims that he believed Christianity was "bullshit" and a "racket", that Christians were "fools", "idiots", and "schmucks", and/or that evangelical leaders were "pieces of shit", followed by Trump and/or others claiming Trump was Christ returned (despite Christ always being with us), God, and/or the chosen one, and/or followed by Trump grifting off personalized bible sales to profit off of what he formerly called a "racket".

In the African Mutterland section, we debunk white replacement theory, and other false active measures polarizing narratives, born out of forged European monarchies, used to divide and conquer people by polarizing natural differences in populations, including but not limited to race and ethnicity, and we debunk the same by employing genetics and other research, which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that all human beings share a common ancestry and a common heritage out of Eastern Central Africa, and that all other heritages are arbitrary lines in the sands of time. Genetic research also proves that blue eyes and white skin pigment (coloring) mutations are fairly recent in human history, about 8,000 years old, out of a 200,000 to 7 million year old human history. More simply, human beings have had dark colored skin and eyes for 96% to 98% of human history, and where genetics and other research prove light colored hair predates humans, and has been found in other primates well before humans. Genetics research has also determined that we share 99.6% DNA in common with chimpanzees and pigmy chimps. The Uakari monkey above, who we are less related to than chimpanzees, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink skin, a blonde moustache, little other hair on its face, a full set of hair beginning at the top of its head, and frankly looks like a human being (also a type of primate). In this section and other overlapping sections, we also compare and contrast the origins and nature of the worst human behavior, embodied by the likes of Donald Trump, and prove that the same is actually common primate behavior, and that most of human history has been driven by a small organ in the brain responsible for satisfying cravings, wants, needs, and/or unhealthy addictions, specifically the hypothalamus, which also governs mood, and the fight or flight response in humans.


The Performance Theory section of our investigative journalism focuses on how human beings and organized crime syndicates give values to internal and external changes, and how the values they provide changes results in mirroring behavior to the values provided to the changes, and how the behavior results in mirroring performance, and where performance is the ability to provide the best value and behaviors to ongoing external and internal changes in order to adapt to the changes in order to survive and grow.

This section largely overlaps with our Active Measures section -- concerning criminal ruling elites born out of networked mental illness -- dividing and conquering much larger populations using deceptive self-serving propaganda like active measures polarization of natural differences, coupled to engineering of scarcity and engineering of perceived scarcity in the ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalami of those they seek to oppress and incite, by using psychological operations (psy-ops) to trigger the fight and/or flight posterior hypothalamic areas of the hypothalami of those they deceive, exploit, and oppress.

We explore how the failed billionaire experiment-turned organized criminal ruling class and how imperial cults and cults of personality weaponize how people perceive change, in order for a minority of people who control access to information, to polarize enough people to be able to manufacture the "critical mass" required for the minority to stay in power over governments, to be able to maintained and expand their ongoing organized crimes and syndicates, and to be able to obstruct justice for the victims of their crimes in an ongoing manner, primarily be corrupting enough public offices and government employees to evade historical, criminal, and civil investigations, prosecutions, lawsuits, liability, prison time, seizure of their assets, and/or the death penalty, as otherwise required by law. 


Epstein's Blackbook and Epstein's "Commonwealth"


Epstein's Black Book section provides links to two of the "little black books" (contact/address books) of Jeffrey Epstein's known clients, financiers, and/or associates, and along with Epstein's "Commonwealth" section, provides evidence of a broader human trafficking ring and crime syndicate puzzle, and their overlapping orbits, largely linked by Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's UK royals and the Yugoslavian royal family members, but not limited to the same, also involving the EU's French, German, Austrian, Greek, Spanish, Dutch, and other royal family members, and also linked by other overlapping orbits, and other human and child sex trafficking rings, including but not to NXIVM, Hamish Ogston, Sean Combs (Puff Daddy/P. Diddy), the GOP's Matt Gaetz's, the GOP's Joel Greenberg's, the GOP's Mike Johnson's, and/or others' child sex trafficking and/or other harmful networks, the sex trafficking ring of ICC's child sex trafficker Vladimir Putin, pedophile militia Qanon born out of child porn sites 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun, and linked to PornHub's and Paxum porn bank and ES Family Trust linked child sex trafficking and child pornography sites, as well as to the infamous Trump Tower meeting June 9, 2023, where the Trump family, Trump Tower's Paul Manafort, the Republican Party's Trump campaign, and a lawyer for Russia met to discuss how to better Trump's campaign, in exchange for Trump and the GOP dropping sanctions to aid, comfort, and adhere to Russia before the 2016 elections, and how to traffic children from Putin to the Trump's under an adoption scheme, in the context Putin and Russia were involved with kidnapping, sex trafficking, raping, and/or torturing children from Ukraine to Russia resulting in an ICC warrant for Putin, and where Russia is where Jeffrey Epstein's Trump-Kushner family (business partners with 9/11's and Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis) wanted to "adopt" kids from. 


Our Humanity Incorporated section proposes some of our ideas for a utopia that would increase the rights and quality of life for more people, and we propose what we believe might be some solutions to get us there from where we are now, even if these ideas are not likely to be implemented within our lives, based on the stranglehold of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's failed billionaire experiment, now acting like privatized communists and/or socialists involved in war crimes, terrorism, organized crime, elections fraud, treason, sedition, insurrection, RICO, obstruction of justice, witness stalking and intimidation, usurping of power, and/or other harm, and employing a playbook as old as the 666 year old Privilegium Maius-forged English/EU 'royals' of Jeffrey Epstein's, NXIVM's, Sean Combs', and/or Hamish Ogston's overlapping (child) sex trafficking operations.


Hypothalamus News


In search of the truth about the nature of the human experience, history, and the daily news, our Hypothalamus News and African Mutterland sections explore the biology, psychology, and science of the human experience, whereas our Christian Constitutionalism section explores the history of faith and imperial cults of God-Kings, and where we have found significant overlap between these sections of our news.


For example, we have discovered that regions of the hypothalamus found in humans and all vertebrate animals, is responsible for governing our perceived wants, needs, desires, cravings, scarcity, and satisfaction, specifically our ventromedial nucleus, and if not met, results in the triggering of our posterior hypothalamic area's "sympathetic" fight or flight reaction, in order to meet those perceived wants, needs, desires, cravings, scarcity, and satisfaction -- resulting in the devil or angel on each of our shoulders, whispering in our ears don't or do this or that, and thus a biological candidate for the seat of our souls -- the hypothalamus, a key driver of all human history and the daily news, but which like a car's central processing unit, needs many other parts of the car in order to properly drive the same.


American Injustice


American injustice is our newest news section and examines the two different classes of citizens in America -- those who have access to a justice system that seeks to protect them from harm -- and those who don't.

In this investigative journalism section, we compare and contrast how different people are treated in the eyes of the law, having concluded in our other investigative reporting below that the ongoing organized crime syndicate we have elucidated -- linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime orbit and enemies of the United States -- get treated better than others.

This leads to the conclusion that the United States has fallen under the control of an ongoing organized crime syndicate, where justice can be bought and sold, and/or influenced to turn a blind eye to ongoing organized crime, in such a manner that allows organized crime to flourish in the United States. The failed prosecutions of Donald Trump and the RICO obstruction of justice by judges he installed are proof of the same, and in the context that Donald Trump has committed some of the greatest crimes against America in all U.S. history.

This is achieved many different ways, beginning with investigators and law firms refusing to investigate ongoing organized crimes of the superwealthy and powerful, leaving their victims defenseless, or if forced or influenced to investigate, result in weak, botched, and/or corrupted investigations, prosecutions, or lawsuits which refuse to look at key evidence, refuse to charge the greatest crimes or harm despite evidence of the same, resulting in weak, failed, to no prosecutions and/or lawsuits.

And if resulting in a prosecution, then evidence and witnesses are omitted in such a manner as to not find organized crime guilty, and if guilty, then most of the organized crime syndicate is provided immunity and/or clemency from prosecution to take down a small group of people, usually deceived into participating (for example the 01/06/2021 insurrection).

And when those small group of people are prosecuted, those who organize the organized crimes get much smaller, if any, prison sentences, relative to those they deceived into committing the crimes for them, and if they are found guilty, are able to either to largely evade prison (Jeffrey Epstein), and/or are sent to deluxe campy prisons that resemble resorts (Ghislaine Maxwell and Nazi officers after WWII).

Much of all of this is achieved through bribery and partisanship dynamics, in the context that ongoing organized crime is who bribes the highest to the lowest offices with campaign donations, allowing the justice system in America to almost entirely (some exceptions) be bought and sold to the highest bidders, and where the richest people among the organized crime syndicate are almost never prosecuted, and often because they run for office when prosecuted to be able to claim elections interference, and to get the party they join to finance their legal expenses through political party donations (as Donald Trump has been doing).

Another tactic is for the conspirators to install the judiciary and lawmakers in order to get the judiciary, prosecutors, and/or congress they installed to act as the personal defense lawyers of members of the ongoing organized crime syndicate ruling America linked to Jeffrey Epstein and enemies of the United States, where criminal and civil cases are often "shopped", and where Donald Trump's DOJ, the GOP in Congress, SCOTUS, and/or Aileen Cannon are perfect examples of the same.

Another tactic is for this organized crime syndicate to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberbully, threaten, and intimidate witnesses, victims, government informants, investigators, prosecutors, and judges, if they can't bribe or influence them, which we also cover in our Terror Log section, balanced by our Heroes and Zeroes section, which praises the conduct of U.S. law enforcement, and where our research concludes that 96% of U.S. law enforcement does a really hard job well, and where their efforts and sacrifices are unjustly minimized and dwarfed by the misconduct of the 4% of sociopaths/sadists found in any population, and thus among their ranks per statistical inference.

Collectively, all of this allows for the ongoing organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and enemies of the United States to expand the harm they can do to society and to America, and where they seek to overthrow the United States to install themselves permanently into office to formalize this two-tiered style of American injustice, one system of law for organized crime that allows them to continue to harm others with little to no consequences, and another system of law for everyone else. 

This privatized socialism of the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, and Putin, and their overlapping orbit is provable an ongoing and overlapping organized crime syndicate born out of networked mental illness, explored across the different sections of our investigative journalism reporting.