After UpRights News elucidated that OpenAI was heavily-linked to the clients, financiers, and/or associates of child kidnapper, sex trafficker, rapist, and sodomite Jeffrey Epstein, Silicon Valley insiders made claims of non-consentual sex parties, drugging, targeting, and retaliation, again.

Published on 21 May 2024 at 08:27


As previously reported, UpRights News' investigative journalism team took a deep dive into OpenAI only to discover that it was heavily-linked to Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and/or associates.


We also tested OpenAI's ChatGPT to see if the same had a bias that would protect Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates, and what we found was that ChatGPT did not have a bias and wanted to let us know all about Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates, but that OpenAI would within seconds censor ChatGPT's response to our questions into Jeffrey Epstein's orbit, as well as delete our question, and when we asked why the same was censored, we were told that we "may have" violated the user terms, and when we inquired which user terms, we were not told specifically which user terms we violated, but rather that some people (the crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein behind ChatGPT is a reasonable inference) might be sensitive to questions concerning Jeffrey Epstein.


Accordingly, UpRights News was not at all surprised to learn from Salon Magazine that OpenAI "insiders" were complaining about Silicon Valley tech leaders (most of whom are linked to Jeffrey Epstein as clients, financiers, and/or associates per the first of the three links above) linked to OpenAI as being behind non-consentual sex parties targeting young women, and involving drug trafficking.


As Salon Magazine specified, “Female researchers in artificial intelligence and machine learning are calling for greater transparency into what they allege is a culture of sexual coercion in Silicon Valley. On Sunday, computational neuroscience and machine learning expert Sonia Joseph took to X (formerly Twitter) to describe a "dark side" of startup culture — including "heavy LSD use" and sex parties held by mainly male tech and entrepreneurial elites that involve mock-violent role playing with female participants.


"I have seen some troubling things around social circles of early OpenAI employees, their friends, and adjacent entrepreneurs," she said in a detailed tweet. 


Joseph, who said she is not currently under any non-disclosure agreements and has never worked for OpenAI, is a Princeton graduate and doctoral researcher at deep learning institute Mila Quebec. Her observations, she said, reflect what she witnessed in San Francisco's well-known community housing tech scene and through a network of women quietly navigating it. Joseph did not name any individual employees or executives at OpenAI in her posts, but said her knowledge of these incidents includes participants who were early employees at OpenAI and other companies. 


"I don't think events like the consensual non-consensual (CNC) sex parties and heavy LSD use of some elite AI researchers have been good for women," Joseph said, adding that when "combined with the shadow of 100B+ interest groups, leads to some of the most coercive and f***ed up social dynamics that I have ever seen."


CNC is a term used in alternative sexual-interest and kink communities to describe sexual acts that are agreed to by all parties in advance, but that may include violent fantasy re-enactment of rape, sexual assault or abuse. Group sexual events involving CNC are generally considered by sex researchers, community advocates and abuse survivors to be among those requiring the strictest participant-safety and ethics protocols in order to mitigate risks of potential criminal abuse. 


"It’s an event where by attending you implicitly give up right to consent," said Bay Area founder and former Palantir machine-learning specialist Rochelle Shen in a May 18 tweet. "The part I’m very concerned with is the age range and that they often target newcomers to (San Francisco). I've had friends who moved here recently ask me what they’re getting into, not fully understanding the nature of the event,"


"People hosting sex parties in their spare time isn’t the issue, it’s when they (consciously or not) use power gradients to encourage those who do not seek these experiences to join."


Shen's background includes computational neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. She added that the tech startup scene's lack of accountability is "resulting in issues not unlike those in Hollywood (and to a lesser degree, academia)."


"For many women, Silicon Valley can be like Westworld, where violence is pay-to-play"


"The relevant thing is the subsequent erosion of basic social etiquette as SV blurs personal and professional lines, magnified by lack of enforcement of accountability on those who misuse these structures," said Shen. 


Joseph similarly described how male researchers' participation in these allegedly coercive sexual contexts reflects a longer trend of industry predation. She further alleged that women who try to speak out — including herself — are placing their careers at risk if they week address male founders about the sex parties.


Such parties "create a climate that can be very bad for female AI researchers, with broader implications relevant to (artificial intelligence) safety," she said. "I believe they are somewhat emblematic of broader problems: a coercive climate that normalizes recklessness and crossing boundaries, which we are seeing playing out more broadly in the industry today. Move fast and break things, applied to people."


"For many women, Silicon Valley can be like Westworld, where violence is pay-to-play," Joseph said. "I have seen people repeatedly get shut down for pointing out these problems. ... Once, when trying to point out these problems, I had three OpenAI and Anthropic researchers debate whether I was mentally ill on a Google document. I have no history of mental illness; and this incident stuck with me as an example of blindspots/groupthink."


Joseph and Shen are the latest women to add their accounts to a long list of allegations from other female investors, researchers, programmers, founders, tech-community members and even family members of prominent CEOs — all of whom have repeatedly called for greater accountability for Silicon Valley power players and broad changes to a tech culture they believe encourages systemic sexual harassment, discrimination and misogyny. "


Rebel Wilson, the daughter of one of the Beach Boys, has corroborated the existence of these sex parties put on by tech company leadership, and implicated the UK royals at these parties -- who tried to recruit her into the sex and drugs -- in the context the UK royals were also heavily-linked to Jeffrey Epstein, SCL Group, Cambridge Analytica, the Proud Boys, and the fall of Europe during WWII with the treason of Edward VIII, and after the 2016 elections, "prince" Michael of Kent was caught selling access to the Kremlin.


Similarly, Sean Combs used "princes" Harry and William to lure people into his drug and/or rape parties.


The UK/EU royals have also been linked to other sex traffickers (for example but not limited to Hamish Ogston), and were in fact the largest named family across Jeffrey Epstein's book of clients, financiers, and associates.


Similarly, "queen" Elizabeth II loaned her "cabin in the woods" to Jeffrey Epstein and his child rape crew and clients.


Similarly, though others were paying Jeffrey Epstein for child sex trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein was paying the UK royals, who were also linked to his child rape and child sex trafficking.


But this isn't the first time that Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, associates, and/or tech leaders have been accused of violence against women in a non-consentual manner, as specified in at least two lawsuits by Katie Johnson and Jane Doe against Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black.


Katie Johnson sued Donald Trump (owner of Truth Social tech company available in California) and Jeffrey Epstein in 2016 for having gang raped her and/or Maria Doe (possibly Maria Farmer) at the ages of 13 and 12, respectively. In the lawsuit, Johnson specified how she was sodomized by Jeffrey Epstein, beat up by Donald Trump when she begged him not to rape her without a condom, then he brutally raped her, and as she cried over the rape, he threatened to kill her family if she let anyone know what had been done to her, and then he threw money at her and told her to "get a fucking abortion". This of course may be another example of the pay-to-play sexual violence against children and young women specified as a norm among the tech leader community above, also heavily-linked to Jeffrey Epstein, thus forming a distinct pattern of sex predators.


Similarly, in a separate lawsuit and separate example of pay-to-play-like sexual violence against children linked to Jeffrey Epstein, Leon Black (owner of Apollo Global Management who largely owns Yahoo tech company in Silicon Valley, California) was accused of gang raping and sex trafficking a child with Down Syndrome and autism with Jeffrey Epstein, when per the lawsuit he so violently raped her and sodomized her, including with objects, as to leave her bleeding out of an orifice. As she laid crying on the floor bleeding out of an orifice, she was denied medical attention at an emergency room, in order to conceal the child sex trafficking crimes against her. She was 16 but apparently had the mental intellect of someone much younger, and was lured into this situation by what can only be described as a conspiracy of sexual predators of mentally retarded children seeking to exploit the child's developmental genetic disease as an easy mark.


The two lawsuits are available here and here in the event that they are later scrubbed from the internet.


With respect to the above excerpt, "For many women, Silicon Valley can be like Westworld, where violence is pay-to-play," Joseph said. "I have seen people repeatedly get shut down for pointing out these problems. ... Once, when trying to point out these problems, I had three OpenAI and Anthropic researchers debate whether I was mentally ill on a Google document. I have no history of mental illness; and this incident stuck with me as an example of blindspots/groupthink."Shen's background includes computational neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. She added that the tech startup scene's lack of accountability is "resulting in issues not unlike those in Hollywood (and to a lesser degree, academia)."


This is precisely what happened to the Editor of UpRights News, who was "repeatedly shut down for pointing out these problems", specifically for pointing out how the medical research organizations and teams he worked on in Northern California, Silicon Valley, and academia were violating their own standard operating procedures, basic common sense, and the laws meant to protect human subjects, patients, employees, academics, the public, and animals from being harmed and/or killed -- resulting in an ongoing career-ending preemptive defamation conspiracy between East Bay Express, Revelation Studios, Google (who two founders have been repeatedly linked to Jeffrey Epstein as a clients, financiers, and/or associates), Microsoft (whose founder Bill Gates has repeatedly been linked to Jeffrey Epstein as a clients, financiers, and/or associates), Yahoo (and where both Marrisa Mayer and Leon Black were linked to Epstein as a clients, financiers, and/or associates) and/or other Silicon Valley billionaires, and where of course this sort of retaliation is against the law, and extremely harmful to anyone targeted by the same, resulting in little to no accountability in a twisted game of massively harming a person and then using the massive harm against the person to discredit the person who was harmed, which many other victims of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate have reported.


The following links elucidate just some of that harm against the Editor of UpRights News by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, including by Donald Trump and Leon Black, but where this other reporting above and the lawsuits make clear that this is a pattern of organized crime against the Editor of UpRights News, but not at all limited to the same.


There are many victims of this ongoing organized crime syndicate, and given that Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate is also behind 6 out of 9 GOP SCOTUS appointments, and given that this GOP SCOTUS majority and/or their family members have repeatedly been accused of corrupting their public offices, receiving bribes, engaging in drug-then-gang-rape schemes, self-dealing, insurrection, adhering to insurrectionists, and given that this GOP SCOTUS majority of Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, the Bush family, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Federalist Society has blocked efforts of victims of Jeffrey Epstein from seeking justice, there is little hope that this now established pattern of ongoing organized crime is likely to stop any time soon.


The Supreme Court and/or the United States may want to rename themselves the Supreme Court of Jeffrey Epstein, the Supreme Court of Ongoing Organized Crime, the United States of Jeffrey Epstein, and/or the United States of Ongoing Organized Crime, to better represent their brand. Good grief, Charlie Brown.