The Pope is the leader and rock of Christians on Earth, and has been since Jesus specified to Peter, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18)".
Here it is super important to note that Jesus made no mention of the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family murdering family members, nor forging royal claims in order to make Henry VIII the leader of Christians.
If that's what God intended, that's what God would have said, but he didn't. He wanted Peter, the first Pope, to lead his church, and then whoever Peter chose thereafter, and so forth.
And Jesus taught us to care for one another, and to give charity, and to help brothers in need, and to forgive one another, so markedly different from today's Republican Party, which has been a magnet and an inciter of not caring for one another, hoarding and bribery, not helping brothers in need, and seeking revenge on our brothers, and in fact calling for the death, throat slitting, civil war, and destruction of U.S. law enforcement, and of our brothers and sisters.
The same has so troubled the Pope, that his Holiness has called out, "backwards American conservatives", or those who profess to be Christians, but who embrace the opposite teachings of Jesus Christ -- which by default is embracing Satan, Satanism, and/or Great Deceivers like Donald Trump and the Republican Party -- who have collectively lied over 30,000 times as clocked by the Washington Post, or roughly 20 times per day, every day, and for years, and where there are only 24 hours in a day, so almost one lie or deception every hour for more than several years, and thus also in violation of the 10 Commandments and "bearing false witness".
More specifically, "Pope Francis put U.S. conservatives on blast recently by pointing out the “backwardness” of many right-wing Americans in the Catholic Church, according to new reports Monday. The 86-year-old reportedly made the comments to a Portuguese Jesuit earlier this month during a visit to Lisbon. Francis said that there was “a very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” in American Catholics, calling the predisposition “backward” and ideological. “Doing this, you lose the true tradition and you turn to ideologies to have support. In other words, ideologies replace faith,” he said, adding that the “vision of the doctrine of the church as a monolith is wrong. When you go backward, you make something closed off, disconnected from the roots of the church.” Francis has been the subject of criticism by conservative Catholics for his comparatively open mind when it comes to social issues. He once joked that it was an “honor” to be critiqued by Americans."[3][4]
Accordingly, the Pope specified that American conservatives not only are "disconnected from the roots of the church" -- specifically the teachings of love and altruism by Jesus -- but that American conservatives lost the "tradition" with their "backward" ideology, which he specified conservatives (Republicans) were using to "turn to ideologies to have support".
More simply, the leader of all Christians on Earth has specified that the GOP has weaponized religion in America, in order to get votes to support them, is a reasonable interpretation.[4]
And of course where UpRights News elucidates that the reason they are doing this is to be able evade and obstruct ongoing organized criminal behavior -- having conspired with and by conspiring with enemies of the United States -- and enemies of Jesus -- to be able to perpetuate and expand their ongoing organized criminal syndicate linked to Jeffrey Epstein and U.S. enemy, Russia, for which now America and the ICC are investigating, and in the face of a massive loss of support, this has radicalized the GOP and Trump, who have in turn radicalized anyone they can to support them in any way they can to collectively avoid the death penalty for many different crimes. Meanwhile, the Republican Party and Trump have bastardized and weaponized the faith of others in such a manner as to now resemble the total opposite or backwards teachings of Jesus.[4]
Bless the Pope for his defense of Jesus and the values of Jesus, and for serving as the moral compass for all true Christians, who have strayed far from the flock into the den of wolves seeking to destroy Christianity and Christian values, which Trump refers to as the "radical left", "Marxists", and "Communists".[4]
What is clear is that no one who loves Jesus and Christianity can also love Satan and his values, it is one or the other. Fortunately, Jesus also specified that Hell (Satan, the Great Deceiver, Trump, the Republican Party, and/or those they have deceived) will not prevail against the love of Jesus.
The teachings of love by followers of Jesus -- or the teachings of hate by the followers of Satan and the Bible's Great Deceiver(s) -- that's the choice in God's perfect design.
The saddest part about those who are so hateful is that they just want to be loved, but behave so poorly and is such a sick and hateful manner, that it is hard for anyone to love them at all.
Those whose hearts are full of love and whose hearts overflow with love, have enough love for themselves and others.
But those whose hearts are empty of love, and face a scarcity of love for long enough, don't have enough love for themselves and others, but rather, hate themselves, and/or they hate others.
Let's pray for them, and try and teach them what a life full of love looks like, because it is beautiful.