Having put all of their eggs into the Trump basket cases -- now that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump has been convicted beyond a reasonable doubt for 34 different felonies, with roughly 50 more felonies pending prosecution -- the GOP is in full panic mode.
The GOP has turned over their leadership to the Trump family, who has a history of failed organizational leadership, failed organizations, criminal convictions for their organizations, and criminal convictions of the leader of the organization, and so this is who the GOP needed to come through for them.
Despite Donald Trump embracing the opposite values of Jesus Christ -- revenge, hoarding, exploitation, and hate versus forgiveness, charity, helping others, and love -- the GOP has been employing what are known as polarizing divide-and-conquer Russian "active measures", which is a divide and conquer strategy of Jeffrey Epstein's Privilegium maius-forged European royals, where the minority who seeks to conquer, weaponizes natural differences in the populations they seek to oppress, to manufacture warring tribes.
For example, (1) weaponizing the rights of men over the rights of woman (gender polarization and discrimination, for example the GOP's attacks on the rights of women to control their own bodies), (2) weaponizing the rights of adults over the rights of children or the elderly (age polarization and discrimination, for example the GOP's forced genital checks on children, or separating small children from their parents at the border, to place them in squalor cages, where they are forcibly raped, in the context of their strong ties to Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and associates, including the Trump family), (3) the rights of one nationality over another (for example the GOP's anti-immigration and thus anti-Christian misconduct), (4) the rights of the rich and their companies over the rights of the poor and oppressed (for example the GOP's and David Bossie's Citizen's United and related lawsuits and rulings, or the RICO obstruction of justice by GOP and Trump appointees in criminal cases involving Republicans and Donald Trump), (5) the rights of one culture over another (Republican sadism, sociopathy, corruption, fear and loathing culture over any other culture), (6) the rights of one religion over another personal philosophy (for example the GOP trying to scare others into believing that any insignificantly small person in infinity could wage a "war against God", the creator of the infinitely changing universe), (7) the rights of one branch of the 25,000 branches of Christianity over another branch (for example the GOP playing the numbers game, by seeking the votes of half of American Christians, who are mostly evangelical Protestants, despite the GOP and Trump rejecting the teachings of Jesus, and embracing the total opposite values of Jesus, and having violated all of the 10 Commandments and the 7 Deadly Sins, as the Great Deceiver(s) would), (8) the rights of one ethnic group over another (for example the rights of light skin humans over the rights of the dark skin humans they descend from, now proven by genetics), but not limited to the same.
The strategy they are employing with respect to Russian active measures applied to religion was taught to the Republican Party by Privilegium maius-forged European royals' Abraham Veriede, who studied the cult leadership tactics of Privilegium maius-forged European royals' Adolf Hitler (a WWI military assets of Privilegium maius-forged European royals, specifically the family of Kaiser Wilhelm and the related "Traitor King", Edward VIII, who leaked French Intel to Hitler, urging him to bomb Britain into submission, which Hitler did weeks after Edward VIII leaked the French defense weakness Intel, resulting in the fall of Europe, resulting in the bombing and Battle of Britain, financed by the GOP's Bush family companies linked to Prescott Bush).
After studying Nazi cult leadership strategies, which are cult of personality leadership strategies, where a person deceives and weaponizes the faith of others to serve the needs of the leader, Abraham headed to America to practice the cult strategies on Americans in the lead up to WWII.
Much of the far right culture in America was literally born out of the cult teachings of Vereide, who taught Republicans and others how to weaponize the faith of others, in order to deceive others into supporting and financing them, known in Vereide circles as "Jesus+0" cult leadership strategy, where 0 equals anything the deceivers seeks to pedal or influence, wrapped in Jesus, to allow the deceiver to weaponize the faith of others, in order to self-serve, and which should be a fraud crime, because it literally is fraud to deceive others in order to obtain money or other things of value or benefits from the person being deceived based on their faith, and which every person of faith needs to be protected from.
Trump and the GOP are masters of Jesus+0 cult leadership strategy, and they usually employ the strategy after being caught violating the law and/or engaging in heinous anti-Christian crimes and/or misbehavior, but they have modified the same to "Christian-like+0" strategy, where they simply make reference to God, Jesus, Christians, and the like, despite totally embracing the opposite teachings of Jesus, as do other cult leaders, in order to deceive to self-serve, also known as mimicry, more commonly known as wolves in sheep's clothing, where they pretend to be Christians, which rejecting the fundamental teachings of Jesus, resulting in the Pope debunking this "backwards Christianity" by the GOP on more than one occasion.
As agents of Russia, literally engineered into power by U.S. enemy Russia in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy by 11/03/2015, the GOP has been pitting brothers and sisters against one another in order to cleave off those they can deceive into supporting their anti-Christian movement (falsely presenting as a Christian movement in what seems to almost amount to a hate crime against Christians and/or Christian values), best served by ongoing deception.
Some of their favorite media bites include totally ridiculous statements like Democrats have declared a "war against God", which is precisely what these great deceivers have done, but let's address that for a minute to see just how ridiculous that statement is.
God is another word for everything, or the entire universe, from which we came, are a part of, and return to, and is so enormous in size, that we can't possibly wrap our heads around how much bigger and older God is than us.
So when agents of the Great Deceiver like the GOP's Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely claim that Democrats are waging a "war on God", first that can't possibly be true many different ways. Republicans are a minority in America, and yet most of America subscribes to Christianity, and so by way of statistical inference, it can't possibly be true that all Democrats are waging a war against God, because most Democrats and most Americans are Christians. It is just a crappy media bite by agents of Russia seeking to sew discontent among us to say such a thing, but it is a really effective strategy to manufacture a minority of Americans seeking to implement the total opposite teachings of Jesus into power.
Second, God is the entire universe from the beginning to the end of time. Our country is not the largest country in the world, and our planet is not the only planet, and our Sun is not the only star, and our galaxy is not the only galaxy, there are many more. The point is that God is so large and we are so small, that we couldn't possibly wage a war against God. It simply isn't possible for so many different reasons. It's like saying that half of the sand on a beach is waging a war against the universe in what becomes an impossible and ridiculous statement.
Cult leaders deceive others into believing that only the cult and cult leaders can save others and God, but usually ends up stealing money from those they deceive, and/or raping and/or having sex with their women and children, in the context our reporting has repeatedly revealed strong child sex trafficking and pedophilia links to the GOP, and many different ways.
And so deceivers like Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose behavior is largely anti-Christian, want to scare those they need to deceive others they seek to exploit into believing that their entire worldview is being threatened by Democrats, when it is being threatened by Republicans who embrace the total opposite teachings of Jesus, and regularly engage in fear mongering, and then like wolves in sheep's clothing wrap all of that nastiness with a Jesus or Christian reference to deceive others into believing the Republicans are somehow the defenders of Christianity.
Except Christ was/is God, and God is so much bigger and older than us as the creator of everything, that even if all of humanity revolted against God, that still would pose ZERO threat to God, because of how small the Earth is scope of the universe.
True Christians know that the promise is that God is going to save us, and not that we have any sufficient power to save God, from those at war with God, all total nonsense. God does not need to be saved by us, but rather, many of us are waiting to be saved by God. God cannot be threatened by his insignificant creation known as humanity, because God came well before humanity, and will be around long after fake Christians destroy humanity with their anti-Christian values, cults, cultures, and fake leaders.
Accordingly, next time you hear a Republican, Trump, Trump family member, and/or other enemy of the United States try and scare you into believing that unless you pay and support them, Democrats are going to end, cancel, or wage a war against God, and/or that Trump, the GOP, and/or other enemy of the United States is going to save you and God, take a moment to think about just how ridiculous that statement is.
The finite cannot save the infinite, nor can the insignificant creation wage war, nor defend, its much larger and older creator. The same is simply impossible, and a cult strategy employed by agents of the Great Deceiver and agents of Russia, meant to divide and conquer the American people.
Don't fall for the same. See through the same next time you hear a fake Christian Republican vainly use the Lord's name in vain to serve their anti-Christian agenda, or to cover up for more ongoing organized crime.
Defend the altruistic values of Jesus if you are a real Christian, to have integrity in what you believe, or else you aren't really a Christian, but are more likely a sociopath or narcissist that needs others to believe you are a good person with a speed dial to God, or control dial affecting everything in the universe, when really you aren't, and where you aren't just deceiving these others, but you are deceiving yourself.
Faith is a worldview or personal philosophy, and true freedom of religion includes freedom for all worldviews.