Jeff Epstein's crime syndicate's orbit-financed Federalist Society's SCOTUS denies abused boy scouts their win in court, after denying Jeffrey Epstein's victims justice, as organized crime installed by a treasonous child sex trafficking ring's orbit would RICO obstruct.

Published on 18 February 2024 at 09:08


This week the GOP's SCOTUS denied justice to victims of the boy scouts of America after they won in court for years of sexual abuse and predation, "The settlement involves more than 82,000 men who have said they were abused as children by troop leaders while in the Boy Scouts. Doug Kennedy, an abuse survivor who co-led the official committee representing abuse claimants in the bankruptcy, called the delay a "horrible" result. Survivors have already waited for decades for their abuse to be addressed, and 86% of abuse survivors voted to support the Boy Scouts settlement in bankruptcy court, Kennedy said."


And this comes of the heals of the GOP's SCOTUS denying justice to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein's child kidnapping, child sex trafficking, child rape, and child sodomy.


But the RICO corruption and obstruction of justice by the GOP's SCOTUS and defense of the crimes of child kidnappers, child sex traffickers, child rapists, and child sodomizers knows no end, and the same shouldn't surprise anyone.


Because it was Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch's, Jeffrey Epstein's David Rockefeller's of Standard Oil's Chevron, Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, and Russia's and Cambridge Analytica's Mercer family's Mercer family who have been financing the Federalist Society who hand-picked 6 out of 9 of the GOP's corrupted SCOTUS "justices".


"Of the current nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States, at least five are current or former members of the organization—Brett KavanaughNeil GorsuchClarence ThomasSamuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett.[1][11] Chief Justice John Roberts previously served as a member of the steering committee of the Washington, D.C., chapter, but denies ever being a member.[12] Politico wrote that the Federalist Society "has become one of the most influential legal organizations in history—not only shaping law students' thinking but changing American society itself by deliberately, diligently shifting the country's judiciary to the right."[13] ... Other early donors included the Scaife Foundation and the Koch family foundations. Donors to the Federalist Society have included GoogleChevronCharles G. and David H. Koch; the family foundation of Richard Mellon Scaife; and the Mercer family.[16] By 2017, the Federalist Society had $20 million in annual revenue.[1]"


And it was Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump who illegitimately appointed 3 of the 6 GOP SCOTUS majority after Cambridge Analytica conspired with enemies of the United States and the UK Commonwealth to "engineer" Trump, the GOP, and Brexit candidates into power over the justice systems of Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's U.S., and Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's (whose family led SCL Group, from which Cambridge Analytica was spun off to help Russia engineer the same) UK, in the context that Prince Andrew and Trump have each been accused of raping children sex trafficked to them by Jeffrey Epstein, and in the context that Prince Andrew's finances were co-mingled with Jeffrey Epstein's finances (and where the U.S. Virgin Islands' U.S. Attorney General's Office's attorney have implied that Google's and Elon Musks' finances were also co-mingled with Jeffrey Epstein), whereafter Prince Michael of Kent was found to have sold access to the Kremin, led by Vladimir Putin, wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for child (sex) trafficking (linked to Trump, his family, Trump Tower, and Russia's sanctions lawyer via the infamous 06/09/2016 Trump Tower meeting, where the GOP, Trump, and an attorney for Russia discussed how Trump and the GOP would aid, comfort, and adhere to Russia(ns), by helping them evade sanctions, and also discussing trafficking children from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family -- resulting in the 3 out of 6 GOP SCOTUS illegitimately installed by Trump -- who have since been asked by Trump to provide Trump immunity for his known crimes, and who have been asked to destroy the constitution to allow Trump to run for office, despite constitutional law, which forbids the same -- after John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Barrett, and/or members of their families have engaged in ongoing organized crimes, bribery, self-dealing, treason during the 2000 elections, and/or other harm against the United States.


Similarly, at least two of these illegitimately-installed SCOTUS "justices" have been accused of ongoing drug and gang rape conspiracies (Brett Kavanaugh), and sexual harassment (Clarence Thomas) during their illegitimate appointments, nominations, and/or confirmations, and confirmed regardless.


Separately, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump has asked Jeffrey Epstein's illegitimate GOP SCOTUS to provide Trump immunity for Trump's crimes against America, but where those crimes were overtly furthered by the wife of GOP SCOTUS Clarence Thomas in a conspiracy with Trump, because of course.


Accordingly, no one should expect that an illegitimately-installed SCOTUS, installed by an ongoing organized crime syndicate operating a treason and child sex trafficking ring, is going to do anything but act like the personal criminal defense attorneys financed by the American taxpayers -- to ensure little to no consequences nor accountability for the victims of the crime syndicate that illegitimately installed them.


In fact, SCOTUS is being asked to legitimize themselves here, after illegitimately being installed into office by a treasonous child sex trafficking ring, who now wants them to destroy the constitution in order to allow them all to illegitimately continue to usurp offices to overthrow the United States, using the law unlawfully to do so, and in violation of all precedence.