Understanding the ongoing organized crime syndicate of the Republican Party, the Trump family, the Bush family, Russia, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein required no less than ten years of investigative research into the same people, their families, their organizations, their networks, the crimes they have been accused of over the years, the obstruction of justice for the victims of those crimes over the years, who obstructed those crimes over the years, and which after a decade clearly resolved into an ongoing organized syndicate beyond all reasonable doubt, and thus perfectly explaining the radicalization of Donald Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or other conspirators, as heaps of evidence of these ongoing crimes has been made public almost weekly for at least the last six years.
Robert Mueller's investigation alone allegedly collected 18 billion pages of evidence, which is estimated to take centuries to declassify, per our previous reporting, and that's just for the stealing of the 2016 elections by Trump, the GOP, U.S. enemy Russia, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, as specified at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins.
This week it was reported that the President of the NRA, Oliver North, was allegedly extorting and/or blackmailing the CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Wayne LaPierre, who was involved in all sorts of questionable self-dealing financial transactions with NRA funds, and where the NRA also paid $1 million to Oliver North in "secret", as disclosed in an NRA fraud trial in New York this week.
The enormous volume of organized crimes we have reported on has previously included other crimes for which Oliver North, Wayne LaPierre, and the NRA were involved with, further supporting our observation that the same people, families, organizations, and countries are almost always involved with some of the most high profile crimes in United States history.
More specifically, as illustrated below, the NRA was involved in Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's, ICC child (sex) trafficker Putin's Russia's, pedophile militia Qanon's Mike Flynn's, the GOP's, Jeffrey Epstein's UK royals' SCL's Cambridge Analytica's, and/or others' treason, sedition, elections fraud, RICO obstruction of justice, and/or other conspiracy spokes linked to the stealing of the 2016 elections in the U.S. and the UK "Commonwealth", which was linked to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane (linked to the lynching of the qui tam pro se civil complaint investigation of our Editor at UpRights News a year about two years earlier). Zooming or clicking on the diagram below will increase the ability to read the same.
But as illustrated above, Oliver North was also linked to USAF's Stephen Cartisano's child sex trafficking ring as specified in the Netflix documentary Hell Camp, and Oliver North was also linked to the Iran Contra treason conspiracy, which resulted in drugs being trafficked into the United States, resulting in children being sent to Oliver Stone's Hell Camp's child sex trafficking ring, and those ultimately responsible for the drugs and arms trafficking to enemies of the United States (both Iran and the Contras) were the GOP's Ronald Reagan and G.H.W. Bush, whose contradictory "war on drugs" also scared and forced parents to send their children to the child sex trafficking camps of USAF's and Oliver North's Stephen Cartisano.
The diagram above also illustrates how many different types of child sex trafficking operations, including but not limited to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring, and linked to treason conspiracies, and linked to the obstruction of justice for all the same are heavily-linked to the GOP, and to Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Barr (whose father, pedophile fantasy author was Donald Barr, who was the mentor of Jeffrey Epstein at Dalton school for children), who was both the RICO obstruction master of Iran Contra and Russia's 2016 treason conspiracies as the Attorney General for both sets of treason conspiracies, who was otherwise responsible for prosecuting and not RICO obstructing these ongoing organized crimes, both of which (Iran Contra and Russia-Trump 2016 treason conspiracies) are also linked to families named as clients, financiers, and/or associates of not just the child sex trafficking ring of Jeffrey Epstein, but to the financing of the Federalist Society, who hand-picked 6 out 9 of the GOP's SCOTUS majority, who have since RICO corrupted their public offices to RICO obstruct justice for the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and now are meddling with the investigation of Special Counsel Jack Smith instead of trying to protect our country from the ongoing organized crimes that resulted in the GOP SCOTUS majority, in what looks like a merry-go-round of organized crimes, and circular and thus fallacy arguments for legitimate government by the GOP.
Bill Barr also met with the family members of our Editor after Crossfire Hurricane was launched by the FBI and Senator Feinstein, and where Feinstein also met with the family members of our Editor.
The same diagram above also illustrates how the same families involved in Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring as clients, financiers, and/or associates were also connected to the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Not found in the diagram but just as relevant to our "always the same people, families, organizations, and countries" working hypothesis, is the fact that the 9/11 Commission used to RICO obstruct justice for the victims of 9/11 was led in part by none other than Jeffrey Epstein's Henry Kissinger, whose Theranos also met with the family of our Editor and also retaliated against our Editor's family, and where Theranos was also financed by the DeVos family, who is also linked to Crossfire Hurricane's origins, because the DeVos family's Spectrum Health is who connected to Trump Tower and Alfa Bank servers, in the context that our Editor's lynched and evolving qui tam investigation implicated a former Alfa Bank advisor George Fomitchev before these servers linked, who stalked and attempted to bribe our Editor, and our Editor had implicated Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, and Russia before our Editor's qui tam was stalked and lynched by Russia, the GOP, Trump's orbit, and/or others, and before Trump ran for POTUS with the GOP, perfectly explaining Trump's 03/30/2023 comments that his crimes with Russia, insurrectionists, fake electors, and/or others were linked to an investigation he knew about BEFORE he ran for president.
This diagram above was one we built on a diagram for a previous article regarding the child sex trafficking rings and treason conspiracies linked to Jeffrey Epstein, Stephen Cartisano, Oliver North, and others, but since then, we have learned so much more, and so above we added to the original diagram found below.
All of these links between the GOP, child sex traffickers, treason, elections fraud, witness intimidation, and RICO obstruction conspiracies, reminded us about about all of the other Republican Party links to the same and different treason, elections fraud, RICO obstruction, child sex traffickers, child sex trafficking rings, pedophiles, and the like, also linked to the Republican Party, per our previous reporting, and illustrated in the following diagram, also build upon a previous diagram. Again zooming or clicking on the diagram will increase visibility.
As specified in the three articles below, both UpRights News and The Hartmann Report have independently researched and concluded that the Republican Party has engaged in no fewer than three treason and/or elections fraud conspiracies, resulting in former and current GOP SCOTUS majorities, RICO corruption-stolen presidencies, and/or RICO obstruction by GOP-installed judiciary and/or Attorney Generals, as follows.
The following diagram illustrates some of these treason conspiracies and how they led to the current RICO obstructing GOP SCOTUS majority, and truly calls into question the legitimacy of the appointments, nominations, and confirmations of this GOP SCOTUS majority, hand-picked by the Federalist Society, financed by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit, and by 2016 Russia's Mercer family. More simply, those who financed the Federalist Society who hand-picked SOCTUS were linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit and to more than one GOP treason and elections fraud conspiracy, and conspiracies which involved no fewer than 4 out 6 of the GOP SCOTUS justices.

Even more simply, the GOP's, Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's, the Bush family's, the Barr family's, Donald Trump's family's, and/or others' organized crime syndicate hand-picked individuals who were involved in their organized crimes to fill Supreme Court seats, other judiciary seats (like Aileen Cannon) to RICO obstruct their collective organized crimes, which included organized crimes that would prevent the current GOP SCOTUS majority from having been illegitimately formed, due to the self-executing laws of treason, insurrection, elections fraud, destruction/theft of government documents, and/or violations of the 14th Amendment Section 3, but not limited to the same, which would have prevented the GOP proxies involved in the same from holding their offices, and thus prevented the legitimate installment of the GOP SCOTUS majority.
Here it is important to note that after our Editor's qui tam civil complaint investigation into the organized crimes of Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, and Russia was lynched by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC on 09/21/2014 -- which had been cyberstalked and cyberattacked by the Russian Federation 10/20/2013 and where Russians and Sacramento GOP proxies conspired to break into the office space of our Editor to remove and try to destroy a printed copy of his investigation into Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, and Russia -- thereafter by December 2014 Alfa Bank's former advisor George Fomichev began cyberstalking and bribing our Editor through to April 2016, but our Editor refused the bribe, followed by Trump, Trump Tower tenants, CA/Sacramento GOP/RNC, Russia, and others conspiring on our Editor's birthday 04/27/2016 from a facility (Mayflower Hotel) named after our Editor's family's Mayflower voyage (a fact that implicated Trump Tower tenant family, the Wildensteins, knew about as they worked with and were friends with our Editor's father), to further Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater's, Trump's Michael Cohen's, ICC's child (sex) trafficker Vladimir Putin's and pedophile militia Qanon's spokesperson Mike Flynn's 11/03/2015 conspiracy, meant to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power, after Trump and the GOP ran for office on our Editor's daughter's birthday 06/16/2015, to defeat an investigation Trump specified (on March 30, 2023) he knew about BEFORE he ran for office, which is reasonably the 09/21/2014 lynched investigation of our Editor (also supported by the threats made by Lev Parnas' lawyer to the Trump administration regarding "remembering the 21st night of September" and what the "stars stole away").
Part of the lynching of our Editor included the secretary of Casper Weinberger, Sonda Coates, who is who served Scott Jones et al. a subpoena to produce the Brady evidence of the lynching of our Editor, which in contempt of court, Scott Jones did not produce but concealed, buried, and/or destroyed to RICO obstruct the torture of our Editor from behind, while bound from behind.
Thereafter, Dianne Feinstein launched Crossfire Hurricane, and met with our Editor's family twice thereafter, followed by Bill Barr, Harlan Crow, Trump's H.R. McMaster, G.W. Bush, and Jeb Bush also meeting with our Editor's family thereafter, again supporting that our Editor's lynched investigation into the organized crimes of the GOP, Bush family, Trump family, Trump Tower tenant families, Russia, Wildenstein, and/or others is the origins or parallel origins of Crossfire Hurricane, as illustrated below.

Accordingly, there is very strong, known, unknown, actual, and circumstantial evidence, that the Republican Party and networks of child sex traffickers, have conspired to overtly further an ongoing conspiracy to engage in treason, elections fraud, RICO, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation in order to remain in power over the United States justice system, for the sake of protecting the organized syndicate members from investigation, prosecution, prison, the death penalty, seizure of assets, and/or civil liability/lawsuits, as ongoing organized crime would.
They wrap all the same with pretty ribbons, each of which reads,
(1) Christianity, though they embrace the total opposite values of Jesus, Christian values they find "radical"; (2) Patriotism, though they are constantly trying to and actually overthrowing the United States via ongoing treason, sedition, insurrection, terrorism, organized crime, elections fraud, gerrymandering, bribery, and RICO obstruction of justice, including with enemies of the United States, including Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, 9/11's Saudis, Turkey, Syria, ISIS, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and/or others; and
(3) Freedom, though they are constantly trying to and actually taking the rights of the majority away, while increasing the rights of billionaires and companies linked to Jeffrey Epstein and enemies of the United States, and have created a two-tier legal system -- one legal system for their ongoing organized crime syndicate class who is "free" to rape, harm, murder, rob, and/or exploit the majority of Americans, who are enslaved and oppressed by them, who are not free, and who increasingly don't have the right to defend themselves from this harm. This is financed by the Americans being enslaved through their tax dollars, which the criminal ruling class doesn't have to pay, but receives the lion's share of in the form of government contracts and grants, and a small percent of these funds directed to the crime syndicate is used to bribe the highest to the lowest levels of government to perpetuate the ongoing criminal conspiracy against America and Americans.
That's what tens years of investigations into the same reveals.
Much like how the normal distribution curve in statistics is based on data points -- and where as few as five to seven data points can be used to create a normal distribution curve, in order to approximate the average of the data points, and where many more data points will fill in and smooth out the curve -- the investigations of UpRights News team has examined an estimated million pages of evidence, and the same has in a similar manner elucidated the American "normal", which is an ongoing organized crime syndicate operated by the GOP/RNC, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and enemies of the United States, meant to destroy the United States, the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, and American democracy, to install a crime syndicate of traitors, child sex traffickers, elections defrauders, witness intimidation agents, and RICO obstructers, but not at all limited to the same.
And though we recognize that some of our data points may be off, and/or may need correction with more access to information, we also recognize that most of our data points/evidence are precisely right on the curve and that the curve is a solid curve with few extraneous points, which is why we reached out to all of the government investigators and attorneys that we have, to do our part to defend our country and our way of life, threatened in an ongoing and escalating manner by this radical organized crime syndicate, in desperate need of intervention, and collectively evidence of a failed billionaire experiment gone wrong, and even more true if they turn America's minority into a fascist dictatorship under Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump, in order to oppress, rob, exploit, and violate America's majority.
"For want of a nail (the lynched investigation of our Editor), the shoe (investigation into the organized crimes of Trump, Trump Tower tenant families, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, and the GOP) was lost.
For want of a shoe (investigation that would have removed Trump and the GOP from office in 2016), the horse (election) was lost (stolen by Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States).
For want of a horse (an election determined by the people), the rider (democracy) was lost (to kleptocracy).
For want of a rider (democracy), the message (the pursuit of happiness, life, liberty, and justice), was lost.
For want of a message (happiness, life, liberty, and justice), the battle (a life worth living) was lost.
For want of a battle (a life worth living), the kingdom (America) was lost.
And all for the want of a nail."[2]
[1] Photo of a merry-go-round: https://unsplash.com/@miless
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_Want_of_a_Nail