Great news on the legal front against Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump this week, as Trump and the GOP have overtly furthered the ongoing treason conspiracy of the GOP, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, Felix Sater, Michael Cohen, and/or others, which immediately and further disqualifies Trump and the GOP from office with the self-executing laws of treason, but not limited to the same.
As a reminder, this disqualifying treason conspiracy was first documented in an email between Michael Cohen, Trump's attorney, and Felix Sater, a back channel player between Putin, Russia, Trump, and/or the GOP 11/03/2015.
“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this.”
Right before he was murdered, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Putin's right hand man, admitted to interfering with the U.S. elections.
Special Counsel John Durham -- a partisan hack of Trump's like Kash Patel, who like Patel, RICO obstructed justice for ongoing disqualifying organized crimes of Trump and the GOP as an accessory after the fact, and is the reason Trump wants him as the de facto usurper of the FBI Director position, to further RICO obstruct their collective disqualifying crimes -- testified and affirmed to Congress that Trump and the GOP did in fact cheat and steal the 2016 elections with an enemy of the United States, which is disqualifying treason as a matter of self-executing laws.
Trump's and the GOP's treason has also been called out by two CIA Directors, Brennan and Hayden, and/or by career military prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, all of whom know what treason consists of.
Trump has repeatedly furthered the ongoing treason and other disqualifying crimes used by the GOP for decades to steal enough elections to change the SCOTUS majority, whose majority was hand-picked by the Federalist Society of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's overlapping crime syndicates.
In turn, the organized crime syndicate lawyers on SCOTUS -- whose bribery, RICO, obstruction, corruption, intimidation, illegitimate appointments, fraudulent and perjured nomination and confirmation hearings, and/or other crimes we reported on this year as insiders to the same (see Harlan Crow infiltrating, influencing, and/or meeting with the brother of the Editor of UPR News in our earlier reporting, and where Crow bribed SCOTUS, and SCOTUS dismantled the investigation laws and other laws that would have defended the United States against enemies, including Trump, the GOP, and Russia, who installed half of the SCOTUS majority of usurpers -- making the SCOTUS usurpers accessories after the fact for Trump's and the GOP's disqualifying crimes. The result is the occupation of the United States government by enemies of the United States government, who disqualified themselves from public office, before they created a majority on SCOTUS. More simply, an organized crime syndicate linked to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring and enemies of the United States are unlawfully usurping the key offices required to imprison them, as ongoing organized crime would do.
The GOP SCOTUS usurpers have since unlawfully invented retrospective immunity laws for the GOP presidents who weren't qualified to appoint them, but where de facto laws, their bad behavior, and bad faith, have created the legal pathway to purge Trump, the GOP, and SCOTUS usurpers from their unlawfully occupation of the US government, which they are destroying to prevent their own collective prosecution.
Per our reporting, Trump and the GOP have overtly furthered this ongoing and disqualifying treason conspiracy more than once, including when they pulled out of Syria, to help Russia, Iran, Syria, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and/or other enemies of the United States, and he also committed treason with North Korea.
He and the GOP committed treason when they intentionally infected as many people as possible with COVID per Paul Alexander, killing over a million Americans, while invested in the response to the same, while putting his family in charge of the loans and other funds they eventually forgave themselves.
Most recently, Trump furthered this ongoing treason against the United States by withholding funding from Ukraine to give aid, comfort, and adhere to U.S. enemy, Russia, and Russia's military who "engineered" Trump into power, while we were at war with Russia, and in the context Elon Musk also committed treason with Russia with Starlink, and Musk like Trump were also linked to the financing of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein per our earlier reporting.
We continue to hammer the point that Trump said on 03/30/2023 that he knew of an investigation into him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others, BEFORE he ran for office in 2015, and where Crossfire Hurricane was not until a year later, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News (UPR News) that Trump knew about was the one California and Sacramento GOP lynched and obstructed 09/21/2014, an investigation into the organized crimes of Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, Russians, the Bush family, and others, with the family of the Editor of UPR News insiders to why Trump ran for office, as specified in the diagram above but throughout our reporting, in particular the link to Crossfire Hurricane origins (the lynched investigation of the Editor of UpRights News).
That investigation was ultimately provided to U.S. and Canadian law enforcement, intelligence, and military communities to protect the United States and Canada from Trump's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and Russia's organized crime syndicate overthrowing Western governments. Days after this biblical "revelation" to these keepers of law and order, Anthony Vo beelined illegally over the Canadian border in Saskatchewan to Whistler, BC, where the Editor had fled days earlier.
Once the Canadian military, intelligence, and law enforcement community began investigating, Trump and the GOP immediately threatened to takeover Canada, and hit Canada with a 25% tariff that is expected to kill the US economy, and hurt Americans, in the context Trump is an agent of Russia, an enemy of the United States.
Fortunately, per stare decisis, a priori, a fortiori, and many other laws, Trump, the GOP, and SCOTUS are only usurping office in a de facto or "pretend" (remember that Trump is an actor by vocation who knows how to engineer ratings) manner than can be defeated in lower courts (including the removal of SCOTUS), per SCOTUS and per Prakash and Smith, and per U.S. law, these usurpers can be removed, and all of their unlawful changes to the government may be voided from the beginning with a showing of their bad behavior and bad faith, which is easy because their RICO corruption and obstruction is now a matter of the public record, as we reported on in our 2024 archives link at the top of the page.
There is ZERO doubt that Trump, the GOP, and their judges can be removed from public office, and in fact many laws demand the same, including but not limited to Trump's 34 felonies, EACH of which permanently disqualified Trump forever from public office and/or government employment. All of the evidence and laws to remove Trump, the GOP, and SCOTUS usurpers from public office has been provided to Canada's government, and all Canada has to do is start making the narrative and evidence known to the world, that Trump was NEVER qualified for public office after 11/03/2015 and/or thereafter, as specified, affirmed, and implied by many Special Counsel, including Mueller (who did have a conflict of interest as Trump did say he did), Durham (said and affirmed that Trump and the GOP did cheat in the 2016 elections with a US enemy), and Smith (who said there was enough evidence to convict Trump of disqualifying crimes, linked to espionage against the United States, and/or not limited to the same).
Accordingly, those of us trying to hold Trump, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's overlapping crime syndicate available can rejoice that Trump and the GOP just furthered the crimes that disqualified Trump and the GOP BEFORE the 2016 elections, which is not covered by immunity, nor is the murder of children by Trump's crime syndicate, for which there is no statute of limitation, and which the Canadian government also has many copies of the evidence for. All they have to do is "release the Kraken" with this legal "revelation" and supporting evidence they have to save the world from the Bible's Great Deceiver, Donald Trump. Amen.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." Albert Einstein