What is the relationship between Switzerland, the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family, Hitler and the Nazis, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russian war crimes, and Trump Tower?

Published on 12 August 2023 at 21:34


As reported by by Daily Beast, August 10, 2023 -- the U.S. State Department has been increasing pressure on the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's Nazi Germany's country of Switzerland -- after they helped child trafficker Vladimir Putin's child-raping Russian's United States-sanctioned Russian nationals  evade sanctions -- in a direct slap in the face to the Department of State, Secretary Blinken, President Biden, and to U.S. allies -- who the U.S. taxpayers and U.S. government protect from being wiped off the map like small defenseless children, who need mommy to protect them.[2][3]

More specifically, "Switzerland is roiled by controversy after getting called out by a U.S. government agency for falling for a plot orchestrated by notorious Trump Tower lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. “Switzerland is fighting for its reputation,” wrote Swiss newspaper of record Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

The fallout comes after the U.S. Helsinki Commission wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggesting that three Swiss nationals—two ex-prosecutors and one former law enforcement official—should be sanctioned by the U.S. “These individuals have abetted Russian nationals sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act,” the letter read.

Veselnitskaya, the pro-Kremlin lawyer who attended an infamous meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner in 2016, held secret talks with one of the men—Vinzenz Schnell—while he was supposed to be investigating the Magnitsky affair, one of the world’s most notorious frauds, which Veselnitskaya was tasked with covering up.

One of the Schnell-Veselnitskaya summits took place in Moscow on an illicit trip to Russia bankrolled by the Russians. Schnell, who was a consultant to the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office at the time, was eventually fired and convicted when it emerged that he had been gifted multiple luxury vacations, including a bear hunting escapade, all while he was in a key position investigating the case against a network of Russians who had funneled some of the stolen $230 million into Swiss bank accounts.

During one of these trips to the picturesque Lake Baikal he was photographed with Switzerland’s attorney general Michael Lauber and prosecutor Patrick Lamon—the other two men targeted by the Helsinki Commission—along with senior Russian officials.

Despite Schnell’s conviction—and the details of Veselnitskaya’s influence campaign being aired in open court—Switzerland decided to return 80 percent of the funds that had been frozen by the authorities to sanctioned Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') Russians, as first reported by The Daily Beast.

The Helsinki Commission’s suggestion that former Swiss officials should be sanctioned has called into question Switzerland’s reputation for the rule of law.


The Luzerner Zeitung newspaper this week bemoaned the way the Swiss justice system had handled the fraud. “Switzerland is under international pressure because of its strange investigations into the Magnitsky case,” the paper wrote, under the headline This Fatal Proximity to Russia.

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung on Sunday wrote about “panic” in the Swiss government, and the Watson website explained: “Switzerland investigated in a way that made it vulnerable to international attack—and which is now costing it dearly.”

The letter from Helsinki Commission chairman Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and ranking member Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), dated July 27, made it clear that the apparently tainted Swiss investigation into the Magnitsky affair came to a totally different conclusion than the U.S. government.

“These findings are in direct contradiction to the findings of our government and many of our allies. The Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office repeated verbatim the statements they received from the Russian government,” they wrote.

Bill Browder has led a global campaign for justice since tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was abused and left to die in a Russian jail cell after uncovering the massive fraud. “Switzerland has had a long and shady history of providing secret accounts, looking after dictators’ money and hiding Nazi gold. It seems that since Putin’s murderous invasion of Ukraine, they are adding to its negative reputation by returning dirty money to sanctioned Russian gangsters amid a worldwide effort to starve Putin of his financial resources,” he told The Daily Beast.

Switzerland—the famously neutral banking hub—has largely tried to stay out of the global movement to pressurize President Vladimir Putin for launching an invasion against Ukraine. The Swiss—who are not members of NATO—did go along with European Union sanctions on Russia but they still refuse to re-export arms to Ukraine, citing their neutrality.

Washington’s pressure over Magnitsky is part of a squeeze on Bern to take more responsibility. In the words of Switzerland’s SRF network: “The pressure from the U.S. on Switzerland is increasing.”[2]




To better understand the same, Germanic Switzerland -- whose people are originally from Northern Greece, and before that the Aryans of India and Iran, and before that Eastern (central) Africa -- were allies of Hitler, the Nazis, and their crime syndicate -- in large part because Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were German-speaking countries with a shared culture forced onto them by the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family -- who resurrected Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire, under the Privilegium maius-forged royal claims of the Habsburg crime family (fake royals who tricked others for hundreds of years into believing they were real royals). [3][4]

As forged royals, the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family -- now rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK and EU royals -- self-proclaimed themselves the Holy Roman Emperors of Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany, but not limited to the same, and where all of the same was fashioned around the Roman, Greek, and Egyptian imperial cults. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

Imperial cults are often self-proclaimed fake royal dictators who force those they oppress to worship them, their family members, and/or their friends as Gods, "Defenders of the Faith", divine, the ear of God, and/or the hand of God -- employing cult of personality tactics, by weaponizing the faith of others, and/or distorting the faith of others as to literally have those others embrace the opposite values of their faith. [4][5][6][7][8]

The Nazi's Hitler was a WWI military asset of the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's forged and illegitimate empire, who wanted war after Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated, to be able to bomb and kill those they oppressed into submission via proxy wars using their own people, but they were defeated, and Kaiser Wilmhem became the last Emperor of Germany.[10]

Even after WWI, Hitler remained a military asset of the forged royal Habsburg crime family, and as an asset of the Habsburg crime family, began to organize the overthrow of Germany and then Europe, with the hopes of reinstating the  Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family into power, specifically but not limited to Edward VIII, the traitor king, who leaked French allied intel to the Nazis regarding weaknesses in the French defense, urging Hitler to "bomb Britain into submission" thereafter, all of which Hitler was able to do within weeks, resulting in the Battle of Britain, in part financed by traitor Prescott Bush, whose family was allegedly distantly related to the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family, in part explaining his loyally to them over the execution of his own country men and women, and/or their allies by the Nazis, while Bush profited off the slaughter of the same.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14] 

It is important to note that Russia was originally on the side of the Habsburg's Hitler and the Nazis at the beginning of WWII, in part because Russia was formerly a forged royal Habsburg crime family asset, and where Russia, and many other Habsburg countries, shared the double-headed eagle or bird on their flags, which the Habsburg's also stole from the Roman Imperial Cult, who stole it from the Greek Imperial Cult of Alexander the Great and Philip II of Macedon, who stole it from the Egyptian Imperial Cult of the Pharaohs, and where the same can be found carved in stone at the base of the Egyptian Sphinx.




In the built up to WWII, Nazi cult of personality researcher, Abraham Veriede came to the United States and taught the GOP how to weaponize the faith of others by simply coupling reference to Jesus, Christians, Christianity, and/or God to whatever propaganda, true or not, in order to get Christian Americans to accept to finance the same with their tax dollars, and/or to get them to support the same, to influence the court of public opinion, which the Republican Party has been doing ever since, in order to manufacture the "critical mass" required to return their organized crime syndicate to power, stealing election after election, slowly returning the Nazi regime back to power ever since WWII, with the help of other loyal to Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family, including but not limited to the freemasons, whose founding documents were commission by the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family imperial cult, and found within their possession, and where the founding document of the freemasons, the Regius Poem, specifies an oath to the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family monarchy, and to networking profiteers, which is exactly when the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's Nazi cult of personality researcher, Abraham Vereide also taught Republicans beginning in the 1930s through to his death, since replaced by The Family, but not limited to the same.[16]

After the treason of Prescott Bush with the Nazis and Edward VIII, came the treason of Ronald Reagan and G.H.W. Bush during their Iran-Contra treason plot, where their Republican administration traded drugs and arms with not one enemy of the United States, but two enemies of the United States, the Contras and Iran.[16]

After this treason, Reagan and G.W. Bush illegitimately-installed a GOP majority within the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), who then unlawfully-stole the 2000 elections from Al Gore, by preventing votes Americans cast in Florida from being counted, in order to rig, undermine, and/or unlawfully-elect G.W. Bush as President of the United States (POTUS), in the context his brother Jeb Bush was the Governor of that State, who didn't prevent the same -- is a reasonable inference.[16]

The G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney's GOP administration is who sent the air defense of the United States away from New York on 9/11, in part drawn to Alaska by the Russians, who owed the Bush family their existence, because of the Gulf War by G.H.W. Bush, which allowed Russia's failed economy to recover via fossil fuel and mining sales.[16]

The Bush family, the GOP, and/or others also played critical roles in Russia's USSR's transition to Capitalism into its modern oligarch state, now led by child trafficker Vladimir Putin, who was part of the KGB, modeled after the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's Okhrana, which the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family Gesto was modeled after, which the UK and US intelligence services were modeled after.[16] 

Under G.W. Bush, Robert Mueller III, and the Republican Party, the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein was not properly investigated nor prosecuted, as is evident by the 1,971 names in his "black book", almost all of whom were provided unlawful immunity from prosecution in violation of the rights of their victims, and included Donald J. Trump, Ivanka Trump, Ivana Trump, Melania Trump, Blaine Trump, and other members of the Trump family, and where out of the 1,971 names, only five people and one organization were labelled as "very important people" to Jeffrey Epstein's child kidnapping, child sex trafficking, and child rape operations for the global elite, including many members of the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family, since rebranded the UK and EU royal families, including but not limited to Prince Andrew and his wife.[16]

Many of those named in the "black book", who unlike Jeffrey Epstein, weren't prosecuted for rape, sex trafficking, sexual abuse, and/or sexual harassment, have since been accused of, and/or associated with more of the same after Epstein was prosecuted, specifically but not limited to, Donald J. Trump, Kevin Spacey, Leon Black, Andrew Cuomo, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Richard Branson, Alan Dershowitz, the Mack family, the Bronfman family, and/or others, and where these last four were also found referenced as associated with NXIVM's child sex trafficking ring, along with one shared victim, allowing for a merging between the organized crimes of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring's crime syndicate and NXIVM's child sex trafficking ring's crime syndicate, into a single or ongoing child sex trafficking ring's crime syndicate.[16]

After the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') and their allegedly related Bush family's Russia (led by ICC child trafficker Putin) and GOP helped "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, the GOP, and Brexit candidates (approved by Jeffrey Epstein's UK royals) into power -- by "stealing the election" in 2016 from Jeffrey Epstein's Clinton family -- thereafter, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's administration appointed Jeffrey Epstein's Robert Mueller III (who was formerly a client of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family's golf club, and who didn't prosecute Trump's family when Epstein was first prosecuted) to investigate the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's (since rebranded Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals') and Jeffrey Epstein's Bush family's Russia and GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, and child trafficker Putin's Russia's organized crimes against the United States in 2016, only for Mueller not to prosecute Trump again.[16]

In Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Bush family's Robert Mueller's defense, Trump's golf club's Mueller was limited in scope as to what he was allowed to investigate by the Trump administration, and Mueller wasn't allowed to investigate and/or prosecute the former or current associates of Trump, nor Trump's family, and/or nor anyone who could directly tie Trump to a treason conspiracy with Russia, so he didn't, and/or when he absolutely had to, and found evidence of crime that could link Trump to Russia -- Trump pardoned those witnesses, to obstruct justice for them all, is a reasonable inference.[16]

Part of that ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy with Russia, involved dropping Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia(ns), the planning of which was overtly furthered April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel with Russia's Ambassafor Sergei Kislyak, after child trafficker Putin approved of the treason and elections fraud conspiracy to "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, the GOP, and/or Brexit candidates into office.  The treason and elections fraud conspiracy was overtly furthered again June 9, 2016, at the Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, when both January 2016 and April 2016 terms were furthered by the meeting of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, the campaign of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, and the Russians, when the Trump family, the Trump campaign, and Natalia Veselnitskaya  further discussed how to aid, comfort, and aid Russia to drop the sanctions against Russia(ns), in order traffic children from child trafficker Putin's Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump Organization (where they all met for the June 9, 2016 meeting) and/or to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, and where both Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization were among the 2/5 most important contacts in child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist Jeffrey Epstein's "black book". [16] 

Once child trafficker Putin's Russia from Hitler's and the Bush family's Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family"engineered" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump into power, by "stealing the elections" in 2016, with Jeffrey Epstein's Bush family's GOP, then Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and GOP administrations installed Jeffrey Epstein's, the Bush family's, and the GOP's Robert Mueller, who was limited in scope as to what he could investigate, and then Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's GOP administration hand-picked William Barr, who mischaracterized the finds of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's golf club's and Jeffrey Epstein's Robert Mueller, and specified there was "no collusion", after Trump, the GOP, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Barr, and/or others limited who and what could be investigated, and how far back, to be able to lie to the public that no treason and elections fraud conspiracy making Trump and the GOP ineligible for public office could be found. [16]

All of this in the context that William Barr, was the son of Donald Barr, who was the person who groomed Jeffrey Epstein at Dalton school for children, and where per an independent autopsy, Jeffrey Epstein was murdered by strangulation, consistent with a homocide, after Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, and Jeffrey Epstein's William Barr's administrations and/or others had Jeffrey Epstein arrested and some to all of his blackmail materials for as many as 1.971 global elites -- confiscated by Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's William Barr, in the context Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump stole a massive number of documents from the U.S. government, after U.S. enemy Russia, led by child trafficker Putin, "engineered" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and GOP into office, despite the fact that Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and GOP made themselves ineligible for public office BEFORE and after the 2016 elections, resulting in them "stealing the elections" in 2016. [16]

Returning to the top of this article, the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's Nazi country of Switzerland helped the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family's Nazi country of Russia, evade U.S. sanctions with Trump Tower Meeting's and Russia's  Natalia Veselnitskaya (1) in overt furtherance of neo-Nazi Putin's January 2016 approval of that conspiracy in the U.S.; (2) in overt furtherance of Ambassador Kislyak's overt furtherance with neo-Nazi Trump, the neo-Nazi GOP, CA/Sacramento GOP's Devin Nunes, the Trump family, and/or others April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel, who specified treason and elections fraud conspiracy terms for dropping of sanctions against Russia(ns) and specified selling some of Rosneft; (3) in overt furtherance of the now infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, and Jeffrey Epstein's, the GOP's, and Russia's Trump campaign, who discussed dropping sanctions and trafficking children from Russia to the VIP Trump Organization of Jeffrey Epstein; (4) in overt furtherance of Trump, the GOP, and/or others actually dropping sanctions against Russia(ns) in December 2016, after child trafficker Putin's Russia engineered Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and GOP into power, who actually did drop sanctions and who actually did allow a part of Rosneft to be sold; and (5) in overt furtherance of child trafficker Putin trafficking children in Ukraine to Russia, resulting in his ICC arrest warrant. [16]

It has since been revealed that Russia's co-conspirator Belarus has been implicated in the same crimes as Putin, trafficking Ukrainian children, but to Belarus, and their leader and Putin ally, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has specified that Belarus will continue to do so, and that he doesn't care about criminal charges, in another slap in the face to the ICC, United Nations, people of Europe, and Christians, Muslims, Jews, and people of conscience everywhere.[17][18]

It seems that the only way to stop these ugly people -- is to stop these ugly people -- with heavy sanctions, more arrest warrants, more seizure of their assets, and to arm and support those who want them dead.

More specifically, "On September 1, 2020, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) declared that its experts received reports of 450 documented cases of torture and ill-treatment of people who were arrested during the protests following the presidential election. The experts also received reports of violence against women and children, including sexual abuse and rape with rubber batons.[178] According to the OHCHR, both male and female detainees were subjected to rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Medical records reviewed by OHCHR indicate lesions and other injuries to the male genitalia associated with forcible twisting and rape. Psychological violence, including threats of rape, was also used against detainees.[179]

At least three detainees suffered injuries indicative of sexual violence in Okrestino prison in Minsk or on the way there. The victims were hospitalized with intramuscular bleeding of the rectum, anal fissure and bleeding, and damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum.[180]

In an interview from September 2020 Lukashenko claimed that detainees faked their bruises, saying, "Some of the girls there had their butts painted in blue".[181] In November 2021, however, Lukashenko confirmed in an interview to the British Broadcasting Corporation that people were beaten in Okrestino, saying: "OK, OK, I admit it, I admit it. People were beaten in the Okrestina Detention Centre. But there were police beaten up too and you didn't show this."[182]

In January 2021, an audio recording was released in which the commander of internal troops and deputy interior minister of Belarus Mikalai Karpiankou tells security forces that they can cripple, maim and kill protesters in order to make them understand their actions. This, he says, is justified because anyone who takes to the streets is participating in a kind of guerrilla warfare. In addition, he discussed the establishment of camps, surrounded by barbed wire, where protesters will be detained until the situation calms down. A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry stamped the audio file as a fake.[183][184]

However, a phonoscopic examination of the audio recording confirmed that the voice on the recording belongs to Karpiankou.[185] The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe expressed its concern about the remarks.[186] According to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, such a camp was indeed used near the town of Slutsk in the days from 13 to 15 August 2020. Many of those detained there are said to have been brought from the Okrestina prison in Minsk.[187]

A demonstration in Warsaw in 2004, raising awareness about the disappearances of opposition activists in Belarus

In 1999 opposition leaders Yury Zacharanka and Viktar Hanchar together with his business associate Anatol Krasouski disappeared. Hanchar and Krasouski disappeared the same day of a broadcast on state television in which President Alexander Lukashenko ordered the chiefs of his security services to crack down on "opposition scum." Although the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus (KGB) had them under constant surveillance, the official investigation announced that the case could not be solved. The investigation of the disappearance of journalist Dzmitry Zavadski in 2000 has also yielded no results. Copies of a report by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which linked senior Belarusian officials to the cases of disappearances, were confiscated.[188]

In September 2004, the European Union and the United States issued travel bans for five Belarusian officials suspected in being involved in the kidnapping of Zacharanka: Interior Affairs Minister Vladimir Naumov, Prosecutor General Viktor Sheiman, Minister for Sports and Tourism Yuri Sivakov, and Colonel Dmitri Pavlichenko from the Belarus Interior Ministry.[189]

In December 2019, Deutsche Welle published a documentary film in which Yury Garavski, a former member of a special unit of the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs, confirmed that it was his unit which had arrested, taken away and murdered Zecharanka and that they later did the same with Viktar Hanchar and Anatol Krassouski.[190]

On January 4, 2021, the EU Observer reported that new evidence, including documents and audio recordings, provide that Belarusian secret services planned to murder dissidents abroad.[191] An audio file, allegedly being a recording from a bugged meeting in 2012, reveals Vadim Zaitsev, the KGB chairman at the time, discussing the murder plot with two officers from the KGB's Alpha Group, an elite counter-terrorism unit. Translated from Russian, one of the voices in the recording says, "We should be working with Sheremet, who is a massive pain in the arse [inaudible]. We'll plant [a bomb] and so on and this fucking rat will be taken down in fucking pieces, legs in one direction, arms in the other direction. If everything [looks like] natural causes, it won't get into people's minds the same way."[191] In addition to planting a bomb, they also discuss poisoning Sheremet.

On 23 May 2021, Lukashenko personally ordered Ryanair Flight 4978 en route from Athens to Vilnius, carrying the opposition journalist Roman Protasevich, to land in Belarus.[192] The flight was forced to land at Minsk International Airport shortly before it reached the Lithuanian border after Belarusian air traffic control conveyed a report of explosives on board the plane. The flight was escorted by a Belarusian Air Force MiG-29 fighter jet. Belarusian authorities said no explosives were found and arrested Protasevich, who was placed in a list of "individuals involved in terrorist activity" the previous year for his role in the anti-government protests and incitement to Public disorder. The move was condemned by opposition figures, with Tsikhanouskaya saying that Protasevich "faces the death penalty" in Belarus.[193][194][195]"[18][19]

This is how all of us will live for hundreds and thousands of more years unless we stop them as soon as possible, and the best way to do that is to ensure that every person on Earth is accountable to the same or similar laws. It's when networked sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, kleptocrats, and/or obsessive compulsive hoarders aren't stopped, when there is no intervention, and when they are allowed to grow, that they overthrow governments, then self-proclaim themselves royalty, then self-proclaim themselves God(s), who are their own judges, and who operate above the law, that the promise of human potential is destroyed by the few at the cost of everyone else on Earth.

As much of these crimes against the United States are being investigated by many different agencies of the United States from many different but increasingly overlapping angles, the Department of State is putting enormous pressure on Switzerland as a result, and may have to take some serious measures against Switzerland, Swiss nationals, Swiss companies, and/or any others furthering these crimes to overthrow the United States with the enemies of the United States in an ongoing manner.

The State Department, Special Counsel Jack Smith, Special Counsel David Weiss, Attorneys General Merrick Garland, Letitia James, Aerial Smith, and Dana Wessel, and District Attorneys Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis, and the ICC's Karim Khan are quickly moving in on all of the same in manners that overlap, and they are very likely to find common ground by (1) investigating, the tenants, visitors, financiers, and networks of the Trump family properties, and the networks of their networks; and (2) the Swiss banks who financed and/or laundered money for the Nazis, Trump, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or other sanctioned and/or identified terrorists, organized crime, and/or enemies of the United States; and (3) by investigating the Swiss-founded companies like, but not limited to, Hoffman LaRoche "Roche", and/or Novartis, Genentech,  whose complex paid Trump's attorney Michael Cohen at least $1 million dollars in 2017 a manner that may have been an unlawful campaign contribution and/or an additional hush money payment; and (4) investigating the clients, associates, friends, financiers, communications, and/or affiliates of Jeffrey Epstein's NXIVM's merged child sex trafficking rings, the Panama Papers, the Pandora Papers, the Paradise Papers, and the FinCen Files, but not limited to the same.

How all of this plays out is anyone's guess. Will those in uniform, who took an oath to serve and protect their country from these enemies inside and outside of our country honor their badges and uniforms to protect their people from these enemies? Will those who took an oath to our constitution and rule of law, have the courage to do whatever it lawfully takes to complete this mission to save the future of the world and us all? Actions by those who can stop the same speak as loud as the words that empower them to do the same.




[1] https://unsplash.com/@fakurian

[2] https://www.thedailybeast.com/switzerland-freaks-out-after-veselnitskaya-plot-is-exposed

[3] https://www.uprightsnews.com/african-mutterland

[4] https://www.uprightsnews.com/imperial-cults/1420798_are-the-uk-and-eu-royal-families-of-jeffrey-epstein-s-organized-crime-syndicate-russia-and-the-family-of-osama-bin-laden-fraudsters-members-of-ongoing-organized-crime-or-defenders-of-the-faith

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire

[6] https://www.uprightsnews.com/imperial-cults/1409436_an-introduction-to-imperial-cults-cults-of-personality-and-exploring-are-they-important-to-understanding-the-geopolitics-of-the-modern-era

[7] https://www.uprightsnews.com/active-measures/1409872_do-imperial-cult-active-measures-polarize-natural-differences-in-populations-and-or-does-us-against-them-branding-help-a-minority-criminal-ruling-class-to-engineer-the-critical-mass-required-for-them-to-divide-and-conquer

[8] https://www.uprightsnews.com/imperial-cults/1416804_are-barriers-to-education-or-information-access-employed-by-imperial-cults-to-manufacture-the-critical-mass-required-to-keep-their-ongoing-organized-crime-syndicates-in-power-by-filling-the-void-with-big-lies

[9] https://www.uprightsnews.com/epstein-s-commonwealth/1413261_was-the-uk-eu-royal-family-involved-in-any-manner-with-child-kidnapper-child-sex-trafficker-and-or-child-rapist-jeffrey-epstein-or-did-they-socialize-with-him-before-during-and-or-after-his-child-prostitution-conviction-or-did-they-share-assets-with-give-to-or-receive-assets-from-him

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II%2C_German_Emperor

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_VIII

[15] https://www.uprightsnews.com/epstein-s-commonwealth/1408138_is-there-any-available-evidence-online-that-supports-in-any-way-at-all-that-donald-j-trump-and-or-his-family-members-may-have-been-named-as-clients-friends-enablers-associates-and-or-obstruction-of-justice-agents-of-jeffrey-epstein

[16] www.uprightsnews.com

[17] https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/08/11/belarus-abducting-deporting-ukrainian-children-social-media-networks-kyiv-minsk-camps-russia-war-donbas/

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Lukashenko