The Freemasons have frequently been the subject of frivolous conspiracy theories, and so we turned to a former three-time executive of the Freemasons in Northern California to be able to sort out the difference between frivolous conspiracies and legal conspiracies, in the context he has also been to law school.
To do the same, he wishes to remain anonymous, to be able to fully explain what he knows about the origins and nature of Freemasonry to UpRights News, and so we will simply refer to this executive as "Daniel", in homage to the Book of Daniel, and its content regarding "fallen angels" and the "exile of the noble".[2]
Former Republican Daniel started by explaining to us the difference between a frivolous and legal conspiracy.
"Simply said, a legal conspiracy is when there is an abundance of evidence or evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that two or more people conspired to unlawfully harm any other(s)", said Daniel.
Daniel continued, "a frivolous conspiracy is different from a legal conspiracy in that there is no abundance of evidence nor evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that two or more people conspired to unlawfully harm any other(s), but postures that there is evidence, without ever presenting that evidence".
To further differentiate, and employing Donald Trump and the GOP as an example, former Republican Daniel further elucidated "Donald Trump is a perfect example to illustrate the difference between a frivolous conspiracy and a legal conspiracy.
Because Trump claimed that there was a legal conspiracy to steal an election from him in 2020 -- and yet despite the 63 lawsuits filed alleging the same, all 63 lawsuits failed to produce sufficient evidence proving wide-scale fraud or any other evidence to support his frivolous conspiracy that the elections were stolen from him -- and so since then, his frivolous conspiracy has since been named the "Big Lie".[3]
Continuing, former Republican Daniel further specified, "the 'Big Lie' was used in a legal conspiracy to harm President Biden, Vice President Harris, members of Congress, and others who were killed and/or who died on and after 01/06/2021 as a result of Trump's, the GOP's, and/or Fox News' "Big Lie", and more than one investigating team, more than one prosecutor, as well as more than one court of jurors have determined and expressed their belief that there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump conspired with others in a criminal manner to harm the United States of America and our people in a legal criminal conspiracy.[4][5]
Accordingly, part of the criminal legal conspiracy that Trump and others are being prosecuted for, and/or for which Trump must surrender himself to be arrested for next week involves more than one fictitious conspiracy created by Trump and/or these others used to facilitate a legal conspiracy -- including but not limited to the 'Big Lie' that the elections were stolen from him and/or them (in the context other evidence suggests not only did they try and steal the 2020 elections, but that they more likely than not stole the 2016 elections with Russia) -- "Big Lies" used by them to incite a treasonous insurrection to overthrow the United States for themselves to 'steal the election' on and/or after 01/06/2021 -- and/or including but not limited to the frivolous conspiracy that Trump and/or others could employ fake electors to keep Trump in power and/or to appoint Trump a fake king of the United States, which also wasn't true, was self-serving, and/or was entirely unconstitutional.[5]
More simply, Trump used more than one frivolous conspiracy to steal another election, including blaming others for stealing the election from him, in order to further a legal criminal conspiracy to steal another election", specified Daniel.[5]
Returning to the Freemasons, former three-time Freemason executive, Daniel, further said "With respect to Freemasonry, there is also a need to differentiate between frivolous conspiracies and legal conspiracies -- and as a Freemason scholar (someone who has extensively studied the Freemasons) and as "insider" to the Freemasons as a three-time executive, coupled to my law school studies -- I believe I can help shed some much needed light on the origins and true nature of the Freemasons at this critical time in US and global history."
As found at the bottom of every UpRights News article is our general disclaimer that every article we post is a researched opinion posed as broader questions only, and accordingly, no person, organization, nor country mentioned in any of our articles in guilty nor liable for any harm to anyone, nor any perceived mischaracterization true, until a court the alleged violators have installed or influenced, or not, finds otherwise.
"To begin, there is a need to differentiate between stone masons and Freemasons", said Daniel, "where the stone masons, or first builders of some of the oldest structures on Earth, came thousands to almost ten thousand years before the Freemasons, if not much earlier, when some of the structures of the American Indians and/or Neanderthals are considered (some stone structures are as old as 170,000 years old, almost as old as humanity).[6][7]
Accordingly, the Freemasons are comparatively new on the scene, relative to the stone masons of the ancient past, but that hasn't stopped them from usurping or "borrowing" the history of others, to make themselves seem older than they are.
For anyone who researches the same, there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the stone masons came thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of years before the Freemasons, who have since usurped the culture and name of the stone masons, as far back as the Egyptian times, as part of a frivolous conspiracy to misinform lower level (non-executives) and/or Freemasons as to just how recent Freemasonry actually is -- hundreds of years old -- not thousands of years old.[6]
This obfuscation, or mixing facts with fiction, deceives prospective and actual Freemason members to think and/or feel like are part of something much older, honorable, and/or grander than they actually are -- promising access to "ancient" secrets members can only gain later access to, provided they 'paid more' to access those secrets, and where the secrets, from my perspective can be debunked as lies -- in what in retrospect seems to cross the line from a frivolous conspiracy to a criminal fraud conspiracy -- because deception is used in order to get others to depart with their money, and the promises don't deliver as promised", said Daniel, a former Freemason executive and 32nd degree Freemason.
For example, even the founding document of the Freemason oath to the English royals within the "Regius Poem" makes reference to the likes of Euclid from the Greek imperial cult, which preceded the Freemasons by approximately 2,000 years, and this founding document of the Freemasons also links Freemasonry back to the Egyptian imperial cult and their stone masons of 4,000 years ago, loosely interweaving historical facts with Freemasonic fiction and/or aspirations.[11]
However, these are stone masons, not Freemasons, the obfuscation.
In a similar manner the oath makes reference to one of the early English Kings, King Athelstan, where it is expressed or implied Freemasons and/or masons met then, when they could not have, the Freemasons not being founded until centuries later.[8]
"The earliest masonic documents are those of their early employers, the church and the state. The first claimed by modern Freemasons as the lineal ancestors of their own Charges relate to the self-organisation of masons as a fraternity with mutual responsibilities. From the reign of Henry VI to the Elizabethan period, that is from about 1425 to 1550, surviving documents show the evolution of a legend of masonry, starting before the flood, and culminating in the re-establishment of the craft of masonry in York during the reign of King Athelstan."[11]
"Modern analysis has confirmed Bond's dating to the second quarter of the fifteenth century, and placed its composition in Shropshire. This dating leads to the hypothesis that the document's composition, and especially its narrative of a royal authority for annual assemblies, was intended as a counterblast to the statute of 1425 banning such meetings.[1]"[11]
Here it is important to note, that the earliest Freemason documents (if from this period, which also isn't certain based on no lodge having been founded until 1717), were commissioned by illegitimate royals with inferior claims to the thrones of England, based on the illegitimate usurping of the thrones by Henry Bolingbroke, and so from illegitimate royals, inaccurate Freemasonic documents were commssioned swearing loyalty to these fake royals, and revising history at the same time.
The first minutes recorded for any Freemason lodge are found at the first Grand Lodge in England in 1717, so not even close to the period of the "ancient" Greeks, nor Soloman's Temple, nor the Egyptian stone masons, all obfuscation.[11]
"The origins of the Regius are obscure. The manuscript was recorded in various personal inventories as it changed hands until it came into possession of the Royal Library, which was donated to the British Museum in 1757 by King George II to form the nucleus of the present British Library.[4] It came to the attention of Freemasonry much later, this oversight being mainly due to the librarian David Casley, who described it as "a Poem of Moral Duties" when he cataloged it in 1734. It was in the 1838–39 session of the Royal Society that James Halliwell, who was not a Freemason, delivered a paper on "The early History of Freemasonry in England", based on the Regius, which was published in 1840."
Here it is important to note that George II is the first established owner of the Regius royal oath, and that the copy he donated to the library was dated 1757 right on the cover, which anyone can readily look up.
Accordingly, in a seemingly impossible manner, the Regius "royal oath" of the Freemasons was donated to the library in 1757 by George II, 17 years after it was donated to the library, is similar to saying that WII occurred before WWI with respect to the chronology of when it was received?
In a similar manner, though the first lodge didn't operate until 1717, Freemasons further advance suspicious origins as early as the later 13th century, but it is the lodge and its craft of networking, sedition, treason, insurrection, and/or other related conduct, and not the craft of "stone masonry", that makes a "Freemason", again because Freemasons and stone masons are two different things, and where Freemasons "borrowed" or usurped from stone masons, but stone masons didn't borrow nor usurp from Freemasons.
If we date this article herein to 1390, does that mean that's when this article was written? What if someone on our payroll confirmed the date of this article herein to 1390, would that make it more or less true?
The truth with regards to the origins of the founding document of Freemasonry seems to "lie" somewhere between when the first lodge was founded in England in 1717, and when the Regius oath was first cataloged by the royals in a library in 1734, and as the English royal families from Henry Bolingbroke forward were habitual deceivers and revisionists of history, earlier dates than 1717 are simply highly suspect.
Everyone should be suspicious of earlier dates than when the document and first lodge first appear in world history, regardless of revisionist attempts to retroactively date the same to an earlier period, and where it is clear that obfuscation or mixing of facts and historical fictions did occur in the founding document, and thus an earlier date than 1717 to 1734 is also highly suspect.
Similar to Donald Trump, as Washington Post clocked him lying 30,000+ times in 4 years, how believable is anything he says?
If the Freemasons and their documents existed back to Egyptian times, the times of Solomon, the Greeks, Athelstan, the illegitimate Habsburg crime family forgery, and/or the illegitimate Tudor crime family, then why wasn't a lodge opened then, and why wasn't this oath serving the royals cataloged in the libraries of these imperial cults then?", asked Daniel. "These circumstances reasonably discount any attempts to retroactively date the founding of Freemasonry and its founding documents any earlier than 1717", he said. [43]
Daniel continued, "the next deception to new members is that to become a Freemason, you simply have to "ask one to become one", which is exactly what myself and a former client had done, literally walking into a Freemason lodge in Northern California and inquiring about becoming members, with zero knowledge about what Freemasonry was all about.[10]
We were then invited to participate in events the Freemasons had going on in the "lodge", which housed different branches of Freemasonry, and the lodge had a shared billiards game room, where the members from the different branches played pool, drank heavily, and socialized, and where the same was used to vet or investigate new or prospective members.
After drinking heavily, these "brothers" would drive home, and where a good chunk of them were part of Northern CA law enforcement, but off the clock, and there to socialize, and not there to arrest their brothers for DUIs, for which they'd turn a blind eye, and where they weren't the ones drinking heavily, to be clear.
Very quickly as Freemason candidates, we learned that becoming a Freemason didn't just require asking a Freemason to become a member, but rather suddenly required "dues" or payments to be made to the Freemasons in order to continue to socialize with them, and where some of these funds were supposed to be used to literally conduct a criminal background check and/or other investigations into new members -- and where to become a member, we had to have some faith in God or a higher being -- and so unlike the Freemasons marketed and/or promoted, becoming a Freemason wasn't just a matter of asking a Freemason to become a member -- there were all sorts of concealed strings, deceptions, exceptions, and/or conditions attached.
Here it is important to note that when I was a student in college at the #1 ranked comprehensive research university in the nation -- and after I had published some of the earliest research linking global warming and pandemics to fossil fuel use -- I was shortly thereafter accused of a DUI (the specific charge was failing to get a device to work), for a car I was asked to drive to prevent a DUI, and where I didn't own the car because I could not afford a car, but when I couldn't get the DUI device to work, and because I was so poor, I literally could not afford an attorney to defend me, nor was I provided a public defender, and so I tried the best I could to develop a defense, and failed miserably, because I hadn't yet studied the law in any significant manner.
The same resulted in a DUI on my record, which should have disqualified me from being a Freemason during the investigation my dues paid for, except it didn't, and so despite paying for my own investigation, it is reasonable to assume the same investigation never transpired, and the Freemasons simply pocketed the money, as otherwise per their own standards, I would have been denied entry as a member, and lost my money nonetheless.
Similarly, Freemasons in California have specified that the Freemasons don't just have their own (international, national, state, and local) government(s), but they have their own police force, and yet that domestic and international police force failed to conduct the investigation in a manner that satisfied what I paid for, promising one thing, but delivering zero.[9]
This was more evidence of their fraud, deceiving me into paying them for an investigation that should have disqualified me, only for the investigation to never transpire and/or for me not to be disqualified, resulting in an opportunity for them to get me to pay them more to gain access to the "ancient secrets" they kept peddling like a carrot on stick, with me pulling the cart, which I later found out were actually lies to support something more nefarious, so more deception to get more money from me equated more fraud.
Even if the same disqualified me from being a Freemason, I was still entitled to the criminal background check I paid for, which I was also never provided a copy of, though I am the one who paid for the same.
The Freemasons then explained to me -- after I paid for myself to be investigated -- that I wasn't really a full-fledged mason, because there were three basic "degrees" (or cult educational programs) I would have to complete to become a full-fledged 'Master Mason'.
Returning, becoming a Freemason wasn't just about asking a member to become one -- but later required paying them to become one -- and then once I paid, I still wasn't considered a full-fledged mason, and so more carrots dangled in front of me on a stick, to pay them more and work without being paid more, with more future promises.
Instead, in a forever-carrot-and-stick-cliffhanger cult programming manner I would now have to endure three different cult programming "educational" programs -- each of which resulted in a type of graduation degree and ceremony, allowing me to access more and more "ancient secrets" -- including promises I would learn prayers that could perform all sorts of miracles, including changing and/or accessing future and former space and time -- which turned out to be fraud as well, because since then, I have learned some of those Rosicrucian prayers, and I haven't been able to change the future nor the past with these prayers ... hook, line, and sinker ... a sucker born every minute, but honestly, my bad, and as evidence of how strong cult propaganda mixed with faith can be, and honestly all of the same damaged my faith, and caused the same to meander, and caused me to question the same.
When I was young, my girlfriend at the time took me to a family reunion, where I met her aunt, a woman from a family of strong faith. She only had one son, who I knew, Max, and he also had strong faith, and as a young medical student went to Africa to perform charity, and the pickup truck he was in hit a rock, sent him into ongoing traffic and killed him. Then his mother, who I met at the family reunion, also had lost her husband to a radical cancer. When I met her, she was being ravaged by radical cancer, and she asked me as we discussed our faith, what kind of all-seeing, all-powerful, and all-loving God would do this to his faithful, her faith also shaken by the promise of a wonderful life with her family, if she remained a person of faith, dedicated to the word, and faithful to God.
My experience with the Freemasons regularly reminds me of her struggle, and where in contrast, people like Donald Trump, who haven't led a pious life, and who have behaved like savages towards other people, including Christians, are rewarded with more life, and claims he is God, in a manner that seems both insulting and unfair to the likes of the truthfully faithful who endure the loss of their only child, and then who are ravaged by cancer. How then can God be all-seeing, all-loving, and all-powerful, and how could this all possibly be a perfect design?
I wasn't 100% committed to believing Freemason lies, but as they promised new knowledge that others couldn't access -- which I have since learned is a classic cult brainwashing propaganda technique -- I gobbled up the same in a "what if" manner, drinking the promises snake oil salesmen were selling me, so again, my bad, and reminding me of the expression, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice (or 33 times), shame on me".
And once I was in the process of completing my 3rd degree -- to "finally be accepted" as a proper or full-fledged mason -- I was invited to be an executive of other Freemason branches, but, I would "have to pay more" for the same -- and where if I joined these other branches, I would gain access to more "ancient secrets" -- which also turned out to be more lies, so more fraud -- and where to be able to do all of the same, I would have to pay for more "degrees" or cult education brainwashing propaganda in order to access the same -- and where I was told that there were 33 degrees that needed to be completed to be the best or top Freemason I could be (formerly 3, formerly none as we were all equal brothers, provided we paid to be equal, otherwise, we weren't equal as brothers) -- and where allegedly it costs thousands to tens of thousands to arrive at and/or to become a 33rd degree Freemason, and/or thereafter by invitation only, I could join the "inner circle" of the Freemason leadership, the Freemason government (state, national, and/or international) and/or many other Freemason branches, where I would likely also have to pay-to-play, and/or pay-to-serve "Worshipful Masters".
The perpetual horse and carrot stick game, similar to how a gambling addiction might play out, where you always want to access the big pot (of ancient secret and prayers) and everyone once in a while after paying over and over you receive a win (some secrets and prayers), but you never win the big pot before you spent all your money on the dream of winning it all, but the house wins big time all along the way.
I stopped at the 32nd degree out of 33 degrees, when it became clear to me that the same was more likely a fraudulent cult of personality than not, and that they were trying to pervert my faith -- a realization I had when I was approached by some higher degree masons who began to try and get me to abandon and convert my faith -- and to replace the same with what was known as the Freemason "Potentate" -- someone who believes royals and/or not God is who the Freemasons need to serve, which is what I got out of the conversation, with flashbacks to what I knew about Henry VIII flooding my mind, who in an unlawful bid to keep his family in power over their ill-got illegitimate thrones, split the resurrected imperial cult in half, usurping the half of the Pope, by declaring himself the head of Christians in England, resurrecting the imperial cult under a single illegitimate monarch, himself, the Potentate.
And with good reason, the expansion of the Freemasons under the Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg crime family (an abbreviation for their predecessors and successors who weren't legitimate English ruling royals) resulted in the eventual and repeated overthrow of the actual royal families of England, France, and then most of Europe.[12]
Freemason scholar Professor Dr. Richard Spence of the University of Idaho has in part elucidated a significant body of evidence supporting the same and in a very comprehensive manner, document by document, relationship by relationship, for example but not limited to his series of lectures found on The Great Courses, streaming on Amazon Prime, from the early history of the Freemasons, through to the modern era, linking the European royals, the Freemasons, global conservatives, terrorism, the mafia, and organized crime into one big ongoing organized crime syndicate that his research elucidated all the way up to Trump ally, Silvio Berlusconi, who Dr. Spence linked to both the Freemason lodge named Propaganda Due in Italy, and to the same mob families linked to Roy Cohn, Fred Trump, and/or Donald Trump.[12][13][32]
Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump tried twice to overthrow the United States, the second time attempting to install himself as the King of America, per his CIA Director wannabe Kash Patel, who wrote two "children's books" on plots to overthrow the king (Trump), and now Trump is trying a third time to run for POTUS a second time, in a bid to evade a life prison in jail, for the two times he tried and did overthrow the US -- in the context that there is some evidence that Jeffrey Epstein Trump may have been a Freemason.[31]
There is also allegedly some evidence that Trump is related to Richard III, but where Richard III is among those who make the English royals forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, as DNA testing has proven his illegitimacy. [43][44]
All of the same is interesting because from a legal conspiracy perspective, the unlawful power grabs used by the likes of Henry IV, Henry VII, Henry VIII, and royal bastards Richard III and Edward IV, and the forged royal claims of the Habsburg family in the Privilegium maius documents is true the glue or basis of many of the royal family claims in England, Britain, and/of across the EU, and so if ill-got, forged, and/or illegitimate, would make Jeffrey Epstein's UK, EU, and/or other royals illegitimate also, in the context that Trump is related to them, and also tried to illegitimately seize power to install a monarchy within the United States.
From a legal (and biblical) perspective, this could readily be argued as an ongoing criminal conspiracy by illegitimate deceptive rulers of illegitimate royal families, illegitimately and/or perpetually seeking to expand an illegitimate, forged, and fake royal empire in the UK, EU, and/or US, and/or an ongoing organized crime syndicate to do the same, violating and changing laws to acquire or keep the same, as SCOTUS and the predecessors to Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals have done, and/or to evade prosecution for the overt furtherance of the same, from the fake Habsburg royal families to the fake royal Trump family of Richard III and Jeffrey Epstein, in a manner that will in part be prosecuted in court 666 years after Privilegium maius' forgery, next year, with Trump having been clocked as having lied over 30,000 times by Washington Post, making him a great contender for the role of the Great Deceiver or Satan, and with Trump being prosecuted for forgery, having overtly furthered the "original sin" of the fake royal family he is alleged to be part of. It's pretty biblical, and not that far a stretch, almost perfectly on brand. Hollywood would struggle to write a closer script. [45]
Dr. Spence's research specifies how the European Freemason lodges were largely controlled by the French Freemason lodges, who were largely controlled by the royal English lodges of London -- and in the context where I was invited to perform my first degree in San Francisco by a French Freemason lodge (and interestingly the person who organized the same was literally an employee or franchisee of alleged freemason Donald Trump) -- though I wasn't from nor located particularly close to San Francisco, and where I was literally kidnapped by Northern California Freemasons in San Francisco to participate in the 1st degree, who blindfolded or hookwinked me in a van packed with Freemasons from Northern California, took me to a place where I did not know where I was, who then forced me to sit with the bones of a corpse for several hours, in a place where I did not know how to escape, while the other Freemason ate dinner and broke bread without me.[12][32]
So the kind of people Jesus would definitely not want to eat with for his last supper.
Returning to the difference between a frivolous conspiracy and legal conspiracy, a frivolous conspiracy was used against me with respect to the true nature of the imperial cult of personality of the Freemasons, to further a legal conspiracy to not just defraud me, defame me, and/or harm me, but to do the same to my country and my people on behalf of a foreign, illegitimate, forged, and/or fake English monarch(s).
Taking a step back, another deception used in my Freemason community to get members to depart from their money was that the Freemasons specified to me that people of all faiths were accepted -- and this is an early deception used against lower level or new Freemasons and Freemason candidates to depart with their money, during which time they are marinaded in cult propaganda -- and the reason this is deceptive is that my faith was literally attacked within a short period of time thereafter, by another "brother" who simply had a different perspective on faith than I had, and where he conspired with others to literally have me investigated and ousted from the Freemasons I had recently paid to be a part of -- instead of me simply asking a Freemason one to be one.
The deception would increasingly be revealed as I paid to access more and more (fake) ancient secrets, literally paying to access 32 degrees of "ancient secrets", but where I was researching historical facts as a doctorate of law student, and separately as a graduate university faculty member, and separately as a three-time executive for the Freemasons, and separately as a Freemason scholar.
The more I researched the actual facts of the usurped and false 'ancient secrets' of Freemasonry, the more of the cult teachings I was able to debunk as false, deceptive, and/or misleading proving that I and most if not all other Freemasons were being lied to in order to get us to part from our money, which in legal terms is certainly known as fraud.
Summarizing this perceived fraud again,
(1) the Freemasons marketed in an expressed, written, verbal, and/or implied manner that to become a Freemason, one simply has to ask a Freemason to become one, which wasn't true, deception 1, and/or
(2) concealing that this doesn't routinely include women in "accepted" Freemason lodges, who can't ask a mason to become one, deception 2, and/or
(3) people who don't have a faith that can be weaponized can't simply ask a mason to be one, deception 3, and/or
(4) people of all faiths are not accepted, because some masons will attack the faith of other masons, deception 4, and/or
(5) people who couldn't afford to defend themselves against legal troubles, after being entrapped, and/or after having published research that exposed liability by the energy industry, can't just ask a Freemason to be one, if a criminal background check is conducted and reveals that social injustice, deception 5 and/or
(6) people who pay the Freemasons for a criminal background check in order to become a Freemason, aren't always provided that service they paid for, deception 6 and/or
(7) people who pay the Freemasons to become members, aren't considered full-fledged Freemasons until they pay more to access 3 to 33 degrees of educational programming, which may cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to achieve, deception 7 and/or
(8) people who pay the Freemasons for access to 'ancient secrets' or the 'secrets of Freemasonry' are being deceived, in part because the secrets are not historically and/or nor factually accurate, deception 8 and/or
(9) people who pay to "become a Freemason" have to pay to remain a Freemason in "good standing" otherwise they are not allowed to remain members of Freemasonry, and/or if they choose to return, they have to back-pay all of the dues they didn't pay, is what I was told, deception 9, and/or
(10) people who pay for Freemason "brotherhood" and "friendship", aren't guaranteed "brotherhood" and "friendship", but rather can become the target of legal conspiracies of enormous harm, which in turn can cause enormous harm to others, deception 10, and/or
(11) people who pay for Freemason "brotherhood" to be treated as equals, are not treated equally as Freemasonry employs an imperial cult military hierarchy structure, and those who pay more and longer to be able to climb the hierarchy are "worshiped" as "masters" more than other "brothers" in a non-equal manner, deception 11, and/or
(12) people who are loyal to their country and/or to God and who join the Freemasons are at first in the lower ranks of Freemasonry among friends, but in the higher ranks of Freemasonry are cultivated into agents of sedition, treason, insurrection, organized crime, and/or other harm and/or subjected to attacks on their faith, and/or attacks on their country by foreign agents, on behalf of foreign monarchs, deception 12.
More simply, despite claims of 'brotherhood' and "we have your six/back" and "you are our equal" kind of rhetoric and claims, cult programming, and/or education -- first, the same is not true -- and second, the Freemasons are organized like a non-equal hierarchy imperial cult militia, whose leader is literally the monarch of England (I'll prove that in the next section) -- and for good reason, the Freemasons were literally born out of an imperial cult, specifically the ill-got, forged, and illegitimate Bolingbroke-Tudor-Habsburg predecessor and/or successor crime syndicate and/or imperial cult hundreds of years ago, and/or are a military branch of that imperial cult (supported by the work of Dr. Richard Spence) -- and/or one of many resurrected imperial cults dating back to the Egyptians, explaining why Freemasons and/or Rosicrucian Freemasons have employed deception into tricking others into believing that the origins of the Freemasons are as old as the imperial cults of Charlemagne, King Solomon, Alexander the Great, and Egypt, and where they do so by obfuscation (the art of mixing fiction with established facts to make the fiction seem true, which Donald Trump and the Republican Party are perfect examples and masters of, for example, their "Big Lie" and fake electors).
With 'brothers' and 'friendships' for rent like these Freemasons, who needs enemies?", asked Daniel.
Accordingly, Daniel -- who again is a former executive of the Freemasons and a Freemason scholar -- has some very interesting insights to share, when it comes to understanding the difference between frivolous and legal conspiracies, especially with respect to the Freemasons, which as an "insider" to this secret society, he is well-suited to elucidate.
With a shady minority of Northern California law enforcement involved with freemasonry, and involved in these sorts of activities around their own membership, it isn't hard to understand why Daniel left his role as an executive, and why he doesn't want to share his true name, preferring to remain "anonymous".
As a Freemason scholar, Daniel then provided UpRights News with his additional insight and understanding of the origins of Freemasonry, when he specified, "The two founding documents of freemasonry, the 'Regius Poem' (also known as the 'Halliwell Manuscript), and the 'Cooke Manuscript' are two works of fiction that increasingly obfuscate (mix fiction with facts to make fiction seem like facts) the origins and nature of the Freemasons in subsequent Freemason origins documents -- and where these documents originated and expanded under the rule of forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, with each document, including the Regius Poem, building on lies, and then using those lies as the basis for building more lies, as the leaps and bounds from the lies of the Regus Poem are exacerbated in the Cooke Manuscript, which embellishes and/or obfuscates more fiction with more historical facts -- which eventually became the imperial cult propaganda teachings of the inheritable or transferable cult of personality of forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals and/or their Freemasons", said Daniel.[11]
Daniel continued, "though lower level Freemason lodges engage in imitation and mimicry by professing to swear allegiance to God and the US Constitution -- as Freemasons who have paid to access more secrets and higher degrees find out, and as specified in the founding document of Freemasonry -- the 'Regius Poem' (which translates into the royal poem and which is an oath), requires all Freemasons to pledge allegiance to the English royals "over all thing" -- including the United States and its Constitution is a reasonable inference -- based on the history of fake English royals and/or their Freemasons overthrowing the thrones of Europe to install themselves and/or proxy Freemason governments, and around the world, largely supported by the research of Dr. Richard Spence, but not limited to the same.
Daniel continued, "On more than one occasion, members of our lodge celebrated that the Freemasons overthrew many countries and continents, including but not limited to England, France, Italy, South America, and/or the United States.
In the context that there is some evidence that Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump (who is allegedly related to the UK and/or EU royals) and/or Jeffrey Epstein UK/EU royals were also Freemasons, as were the allies of the Nazis, for example but not limited to British royal Edward VIII, whose collective efforts repeatedly tried to overthrow the United States and/or its armed forces more than once, and/or have -- that should trouble every American. Kash Patel's "children's books" weren't about a plot to overthrow a President, but to overthrow a king, depicted as Trump.
Trump's merchandising and elections tour bus had a giant photo of Elizabeth II on the side of the bus, and only much later did the Trump campaign and UK royals manufacture some distance between themselves and the bus. UK film crews were both embedded in the Trump family and in the insurrection, as the Trump family attempted to overthrow the country. All of this should worry every American."
Specifically, the 'Regius Poem' -- which can be found translated online from older and more difficult forms of English to modern English -- specifies that all Freemasons must take an oath to the English royals in the 14th point or verse that reads in a translated manner,
'To his master and his fellows that be there; He must be steadfast and also true, To all this ordinance, wheresoever he go, And to his liege lord the king, To be true to him over all thing. And all these points here before To them thou must need be y-swore, (sworn). And all shall swear the same oath.'"[8]
Daniel provided UpRights News the full "Regius Poem" and it's online translation, which we make available at the end of this article before the sources and attributes.[8]
Daniel continued, "And for anyone who thinks this royal loyal oath or allegiance to the forged, illegitimate, and/or fake royals is outdated, think again. Disney just denied the government of the United States its right to enforce the law making reference to Charles III and his descendants within the last year." We examine the truth of this statement a little later below.
A quick gander at the names of these propaganda degrees and those involved in their ceremonies reveal the ongoing loyalty oath of the Freemasons to forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, none more obvious than the degrees of the "York Rite" bodies, which Daniel was an executive for. Note the number of times the word "royal" is employed, no less than 49 times. In the context George II is who donated the same to the library that first documented it's existence in the 1700s, it isn't hard to figure out who commissioned the same, royals, likely George II, or at the very earliest per modern analysis Henry VI, whose respective and/or collective royal claims are also suspect, forged, illegitimate, ill-got, and/or fraudulent.[33]
"The York Rite, sometimes referred to as the American Rite,[1][2][3] is one of several Rites of Freemasonry. It is named for, but not practiced in York, Yorkshire, England. A Rite is a series of progressive degrees that are conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. The York Rite specifically is a collection of separate Masonic Bodies and associated Degrees that would otherwise operate independently. The three primary bodies in the York Rite are the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Council of Royal & Select Masters or Council of Cryptic Masons, and the Commandery of Knights Templar, each of which are governed independently but are all considered to be a part of the York Rite. There are also other organizations that are considered to be directly associated with the York Rite, or require York Rite membership to join such as the York Rite Sovereign College but in general the York Rite is considered to be made up of the aforementioned three. The Rite's name is derived from the city of York, where, according to one Masonic legend, the first meetings of Masons in England took place.
The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join to further his knowledge of Freemasonry. But the York Rite is not found as a single system worldwide, and outside of the United States there are often significant differences in ritual, as well as organization. However, in most cases, provided that the Grand Body in question regards the parent "Craft" jurisdiction as regular, each distinct Order has recognised fraternal inter-relations with the respective Grand Body within the York system.
Since the York Rite is actually a grouping of separate organizations joined in order, each body operates with relative autonomy. And though they are referred to as one rite it is common for individuals to be member of some bodies and not others. For example, in many jurisdictions Cryptic Masonry can be skipped allowing the person to be a member of just the Royal Arch and Knights Templar. It is also common for non-Christians to join only the Royal Arch and Council of Royal & Select Masters, as the Knights Templar require members to be willing to defend the Christian faith, if needed. Membership in the Royal Arch is always required must be kept in order to maintain membership in the other two bodies.
Details on the individual bodies are as follows:
Royal Arch Masonry is the first order a Master Mason joins in the York Rite. The Chapter works the following degrees:
- The Mark Master Mason degree is in some respects an extension of the Fellow Crafts' second degree. In some jurisdictions the degree is conferred in a Fellow Craft Lodge, that is, the second degree of the Blue Lodge.
- The (Virtual) Past Master degree is conferred because of the traditional requirement that only Past Masters of a Blue Lodge may be admitted to Holy Royal Arch. Because there are so many applicants for this degree, Virtual Past Master is required to qualify them for it in many U.S. jurisdictions. Other places, such as Pennsylvania and UGLE Masonry, do not have this requirement or procedure. Much of the work is the same given to install the Worshipful Master of a Blue Lodge.
- In the Most Excellent Master degree the building of King Solomon's Temple, which figures so prominently in Blue Lodge, has been completed. In England the degree is conferred by Cryptic Councils, along with three other degrees below.
- The Royal Arch Mason (or Holy Royal Arch) degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry.[4] Following a convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter in England on November 10, 2004, there are currently significant ritual differences between what is worked in England and that worked in many U.S. jurisdictions.[5] Fraternal inter-relations remain as before. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar where permitted—requirements vary in different jurisdictions.
Membership in the Council of Royal & Select Masters or the Council of Cryptic Masons is not required for membership in the Knights Templar in some jurisdictions, so it can be skipped. In others it is required. It is called Cryptic Masonry or the Cryptic Rite because a crypt or underground room figures prominently in the degrees.
- Royal Master
- Select Master
- Super Excellent Master
In some councils, a Most Excellent Master degree is offered between Select Master and Super Excellent Master, and some jurisdictions do not have the Super Excellent Master degree.
A crowned Passion Cross laid upon the Cross pattée inscribed with "In Hoc Signo Vinces" [which literally means "by this sign, conquer", and where the York Rite literally is empowered like the monarchs to knight others like Daniel was made a knight] resting upon crossed swords is often used in to represent the Knights Templar
The Knights Templar is the final order joined in the York Rite. Unlike other Masonic bodies which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religion, membership in the Knights Templar is open only to Christian Masons who have completed their Royal Arch and in some jurisdictions their Cryptic Degrees.[6] This body is modeled on the historical Knights Templar to carry on the spirit of their organization. Throughout history it has been claimed that Freemasonry itself was founded by the Knights Templar or that the Knights Templar took refuge in Freemasonry after their persecution. The Grand Encampment of the United States acknowledges the existence of these theories but states that there is no proof to justify such claims.[7]
A local Knights Templar division is called a Commandery and operates under a state level Grand Commandery as well as The Grand Encampment of the United States. This is unique among Masonic bodies as most report to the state level alone. The Knights Templar confer three orders, and one passing order as opposed to the standard degree system found elsewhere in Freemasonry:
- The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
- The Passing Order of St. Paul (or the Mediterranean Pass)
- The Order of the Knights of Malta (or simply Order of Malta)
- The Order of the Temple
Main article: Order of Mark Master Masons
- England, India, and parts of Europe and Australasia – The Mark degree is conferred in a separately warranted Lodge of Mark Master Masons. The candidate for Advancement is required to be a Master Mason. A further degree may conferred; one not present in the York Rite, that of Royal Ark Mariner; although strictly speaking this degree is conferred in a Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners – said lodge being 'anchored' or 'moored' to the parent Mark Lodge. In the U.S., this degree forms part of the Allied Masonic Degrees. In Canada, the Royal Ark Mariner degree is conferred by a Council of Royal and Select Masters.
- Scotland – The Mark degree is conferred in a Craft lodge and is seen as the completion of the Fellow Craft Degree, but the candidate for Advancement is required to be a Master Mason. The Mark may alternatively, and exceptionally, be conferred in a Holy Royal Arch Chapter as a prerequisite for Exaltation to the HRA. If a Candidate has already received his Mark Degree in his Craft Lodge, then his initiation into the Chapter is preceded by a short ceremony of Affiliation to the Mark Lodge associated ("moored") to that Chapter.
In England and Wales, the degrees of Select Master, Royal Master, Most Excellent Master and Super-Excellent Master are conferred in a separately warranted organization, the Order of Royal and Select Masters.
The position of the Holy Royal Arch among the Masonic appendant bodies in England and WalesA lodge room set out for use by a Holy Royal Arch Chapter
The Holy Royal Arch is affiliated with various constitutions worldwide, many of which place different emphasis on the order.
- England, Europe and Australasia – A Holy Royal Arch Chapter is required to be sponsored by a Craft Lodge and bears the same number, and in almost all cases the same name; however, the HRA is a separate Order from Craft Freemasonry. Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter is governed from the headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England, but the administration remains distinct – though many officers of the Grand Lodge hold the equivalent office in the Grand Chapter. In these countries the Order of the Royal Arch consists of a single 'Royal Arch' degree, although there are three related ceremonies, one for the installation into each of the three Principals' chairs. As a compromise, at the union of two rival Grand Lodges in 1813, one of which considered the Royal Arch a 'Fourth Degree', whilst the other almost totally ignored it. English Freemasonry recognized the Royal Arch as part of "pure, ancient masonry," but stated that it was not an additional degree, but merely the "completion of the third degree." However, this was a compromise position, and one which was in opposition to normal masonic practice, and consequently on November 10th, 2004, after much deliberation by a special working party, the Grand Chapter overturned this compromise position at its regular meeting in London, and declared the Royal Arch to be a separate degree in its own right, albeit the natural progression from the third degree. Words in the ritual which propounded the earlier compromise position were removed, by mandatory regulation.
- Ireland – The Royal Arch degree under the Irish Constitution is unique, and while it is regular and recognized, it bears little resemblance to the same degree in the sister Constitutions of England and Scotland. The Royal Arch Degree under the Irish Constitution contains a legend concerning the first Temple, not the second. The elaborate "Passing of the Veils" ceremony is essential to the Royal Arch Degree in the Irish system and after it is completed it is followed immediately by the Royal Arch degree itself, containing the story of the restoration of Solomon's Temple under King Josiah. The three presiding officers of a Royal Arch Chapter are called the Excellent King, High Priest and Chief Scribe, instead of First, Second and Third Principal. Irish Royal Arch Chapters are also permitted to meet as Lodges of Mark Master Masons, and they are governed by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
- Scotland – The degree is conferred in a Royal Arch Chapter which is within a wholly different administrative structure, the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. Due to a difference in ritual, Royal Arch Masons exalted in England may not attend Scottish Royal Arch Chapters without completing the Scottish exaltation ceremony. Before receiving the Holy Royal Arch Degree the Candidate must first have the Mark degree and the degree of Excellent Master. However, those Exalted in Scotland may attend Chapter in England, or indeed any Chapter, provided it be in Amity.
Officially known as The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, of England and Wales, this order is colloquially known as the Knights Templar. Local bodies of Knights Templar are known as Preceptories; local bodies of Knights of St Paul are known as Chapters; local bodies of Knights of Malta are known as Priories; all operate under a Grand or Great Priory, often with an intermediate level of Provincial Priories. Although some jurisdictions maintain a separate Great Priory of the Temple and Great Priory of Malta, as, for example, in England, the Grand Master and other officers of both Great Priories hold simultaneous equal office in both bodies. Three degrees are administered in this system:
- The Degree of Knight Templar (Order of the Temple)
- The Degree of Knight of St. Paul (incorporating the Mediterranean Pass)
- The Degree of Knight of Malta (Order of Malta)
Membership is by invitation and candidates are required to be Master Masons, holders of the degree of the Holy Royal Arch and to sign a declaration that they profess the Doctrine of the Holy and Undivided Trinity."[42]
UpRights News certainly urges others to learn more in our Imperial Cult section of our website, about the nature of an imperial cult, which is when a leader like Henry VIII makes themselves the leader of a religion and thus has full-spectrum dominance over everyone, and like Henry VIII, can simply can for executions whenever they feel like it or not, which is why separation of church and state are so very important, to not allow any one person to brainwash or force others into accepting and worshiping them as God(s). History teaches us this only goes to very dark places for most of the people, with Henry VIII a great example of where Trump, GOP, MAGA, and Qanon want to take us -- and off with our heads if we disagree or resist -- or as Russian Porn Bank's Ron DeSantis specified, "slitting throats" on day 1 in office, unlike Jesus would do.
The "Rite" term, in the York Rite branches of Freemasonry relates to ritual worship and degree teachings of imperial cults fashioned around the forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, and the "York" term refers to the House of York who usurped the thrones of England, and together the imperial cult of the House of York, and the literal worship and loyalty of them by at least some Freemasons, comes full circle to the oath taken by Freemasons in the Regius Poem to the imperial cult of fake royals demanding worship, and sacrifices of blood and treasure, in a similar manner as Freemason Walt Disney's company has worshiped and defended royals, princesses, princes, kings, and queens, and almost always in positive light, despite them being dictators with global visions of global empire, them being increasingly ever so close to the same.
Within this last year, the Republican Party's Ron DeSantis -- who like Trump's and Devin Nunes' managed social media company, was financed by Russia's porn bank, Paxum and/or ES "Family Trust" -- became embattled with Walt Disney in Florida.[14]
For those of you who don't know -- and in the context that the Freemasons are royal loyal to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew and UK/EU royals -- Walt Disney was raised "a child of freemasonry", only for Disney, who focused on children, to devolve into a child sex trafficking ring involving over 100 people, judges, and others.[15][16]
During the fight with DeSantis, Freemason's Disney's company issued the following statement, which only Freemasons, who have sworn an allegiance forged, illegitimate, and/or fake royals would be able to appreciate in full, detailed by NPR as follows.[17]
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Walt Disney World and a special tax district are once again making headlines, but this time, it's with a new cast member: England's King Charles III.
In a quiet move that's enchanting the internet, the former Reedy Creek Development board signed its power back to Disney before leaving office, a binding declaration that doesn't expire until England's monarchy dies out.
That means the five DeSantis allies who pledged to rein in one of Florida's largest employers lack the ability to do much of anything, at least until they take legal action.
Here's a look at what's going on and what could come next.
Things started heating up back in 2020, when Disney enacted COVID-19 masking measures and, later, vaccine mandates. Tensions reached a tipping point when Disney sided against Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act, known by its critics as the Don't Say Gay bill.
Last month, in a move widely seen as retaliation, DeSantis signed a bill that took control of a special tax zone encompassing Walt Disney World. The Reedy Creek Development District has allowed Disney to operate and expand with a lot of autonomy for the last 50 years.
The governor gave it a new name, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, and appointed five of his allies to the board, including a prominent parents' rights activist, a Christian nationalist and a lawyer who donated $50,000 to his campaign.
On paper, the new board would supervise municipal services and development for the land around Disney World. In practice, DeSantis said, the board would also serve as a moral arbiter for a company that had lost its way.
One of the board members told NPR in early March that its first step would be conducting a sweeping financial and legal audit into Disney's behavior. But, unbeknownst to the governor, Disney had already cut the board's powers.
The newly appointed board was sitting for its second official meeting on Wednesday when it announced it had made a discovery: It might not be able to carry out the agenda it planned.
Nineteen days before DeSantis signed the final bill, the former board had signed agreements with Disney essentially stripping the board of power and handing that power back to Disney.
Called a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, the measure allows Disney to have the final say on any alterations to the property and requires the board to inform Disney of plans for such alterations without conditions or delays.
Basically, the board loses "the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure," as board member Ron Peri put it, according to local news outlet Click Orlando.
And, in an extra detail that the internet is devouring, the term of the agreement was set using the "Rule Against Perpetuities" — which states that a policy will continue until after a certain person dies.
In this case, the declaration will continue "until twenty one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III." DeSantis, after all, frequently refers to Walt Disney World as a "corporate kingdom.'"[17]
Daniel continued, "So make no mistake, there are dark places within the United States, especially in masonic communities -- who reject the authority of the government of the United States in favor of forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, still to this day -- and where again, Disney was a royal loyal Freemason -- and where per the founding document of the Freemasons, the Regius Poem, found in a royal home a couple to few hundred years ago (but obfuscated as existing as far back as to the imperial cults of Charlemagne, King Solomon, the Greeks, and/or the Egyptians) -- every Freemason must swear an oath to these royals over all other, including the United States, which perfectly explains Freemason Walt Disney's company's posturing and allegiance to fake or improper English royals over their own US government.[2]
And where Disney is one of the largest media influencers on the planet, and where they both produce, and gobble up popular "children's" works to be able to influence others/children, including but not limited to Harry Potter universe, Star Wars universe, children's cartoon universes, Marvel Comics, but not limited to the same, and where the Chairman of Disney's Marvel Comics was hand-picked as part of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump administration -- which becomes important when we get into Disney's now exposed child sex trafficking operations.[18][16]
It is important to note here that about 1/3 of Freemasons have been elected as U.S. President, and led us into war with Hitler WWII, resulting in a sacrifice of blood and treasure by Americans, in the context Hitler conspired with Freemason leader and English King Edward VIII to betray the allies to help Hitler to bomb Britain into submission, which Hitler and Edward achieved weeks later after Edward's treason caused the fall of France, and where Russia was also an early ally of them both, as a former asset of the same Privilegium maius-forged royal claims of Habsburg royal family -- to bring WWII to modern day events into context".[19][20][21][22][23]
Every American should question why we are sharing our military intelligence and taxpayer dollars with the UK/EU royals, and why American taxpayers have to pay for the military protection of the UK Commonwealth and the EU royal family's countries of Europe, and why UK Commonwealth companies operate our voting machines, and why the UK Commonwealth has set our interest rates for our banks via Bank of England and LIBOR for the better part of the last century.[24][25][26][27][28]
Look no further than their royal loyal Freemasons in the US, like but not limited to FDR, Truman, Johnson, Reagan, Clinton, and/or others, and/or to the overlapping crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and the forged royal Habsburg's Russia's Vladimir Putin.[19][29][30]
Most of the current and former largest problems in the world and through the last 665 years of history can be directly linked to forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English/EU royals seeking to further their global operations as an imperial cult. Next year during Trump's criminal trials it will literally by 666 years since the crime syndicate he is furthering unlawfully seized power, as he is also trying to do next year, so a record year for biblical events either way, the saving or end of America by U.S. law enforcement and/or Trump's deep state in SCOTUS, or not.[21]
The Freemasons play an important role in the Freemasons and/or forged royals of the Habsburgs keeping the global power they should have never received -- illegitimate government and rulers perpetuating illegitimate government and rulers in the UK Commonwealth, the US, across Europe, and elsewhere", Daniel concluded for this subject, and where the overlapping research of a Freemason scholar other than Daniel, Dr. Richard Spence, respectively and/or collectively prove(s) the same.[21][32][33]
Not surprisingly, Meghan Markle and Jeffrey Epstein's "Prince Harry" and/or their orbits have repeatedly postured runs for the U.S Presidency and/or office in the United States, because of course, right on brand, despite Spotify Executive literally specifying they were "lazy" and "fucking grifters".[34][35]
What could go wrong with the UK royals running for POTUS, while US voting systems from Prince Andrew's Toronto, Canada determine the elections? It's like the nightmare that never ends. The Presidents of the United States of Jeffrey Epstein's Fucking Grifters, who like small children need endless daily worship, or else WWIII. Please someone change their diapers, because they're starting to stink really bad", said Daniel.
Daniel continued, "My experience with the Freemason imperial cult started with our shared "brotherhood" as people of faith -- many of us former soldiers and/or who had served the law enforcement community as I had -- with the Freemasons introducing less and less equality among brothers, and more and more emphasis on hierarchy -- which those of us other "brothers" who had served in the military or law enforcement were familiar with and comfortable with -- and where over time, my faith was literally attacked by other "brothers" -- and later at least one other if not two other brothers began with the shell game that God is a potentate, and then evolved that conversation into one where I was told to consider that the English royals are the potentates of the lodge, and thus brainwashing me into equating the English royals to God, again a shout out to Henry VIII.
Unfortunately for the Freemasons -- who encouraged me to be a Freemason scholar -- I learned the history of the Freemasons, and the English royals, and imperial cults, and in such a manner that regularly debunked the taught history of the Freemasons, the royal claims of the royal families, and imperial cults as false compared to what was being told to us.
In addition to having to pay more and more to access fake ancient prayers and/or 'ancient secrets' in an ongoing fraud, I was regularly asked us to donate to other organizations the Freemasons managed, for example, but not limited to, Shriner's Hospital for "children".
Though it was not my role in the branches of Freemasonry I served -- I was tasked by the "Worshipful Masters" or leaders of the Freemason lodge to go to the home of someone they (members of our lodge who were part of the Northern CA law enforcement community outside of the lodge, as I had been prior to joining the lodge but not during my time in the lodge) wanted me to vet as a candidate for freemasonry -- a candidate who had paid to be investigated -- except again, I wasn't the person normally tasked for this, and I was only tasked to do this once.
I did as I was instructed to do by the Worshipful Master(s), and went to the home of the candidate I was instructed to interview -- a candidate I did not know -- and I was provided a template of questions to ask, and I took down the answers to those questions, and then I reported the same back to the lodge as I was tasked to do. I never spent time with the person after that, but rather, in a military-style manner I followed orders and performed my duty as instructed.
Well, it turns out that my "brothers" in Northern CA's law enforcement community -- who became "Worshipful Masters", responsible for the "dues" to investigate candidates (which was supposed to require a criminal background check prior to the interview, and which they had the ability to do from their law enforcement work outside of Freemasonry), had hand-picked me to go to this person's home to conduct the interview -- only to later inform me after they sent me there that the person they sent me to was an accused and registered sex offender and/or of children -- in the context that the same person tasking me to do the same also "volunteered" at the Freemason's Shriner's Hospital for "children", and then where accusations and suspicions arose in our community that I had tried to recruit a sex offender into the lodge, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I was sent there by Northern CA law enforcement, by "brothers" from my lodge.
They asked me to go see this person I did not know -- who they knew and recruited. They sent me there though I hadn't interviewed others in the past as candidates. They provided me the questions to ask this person.
And despite them being in law enforcement, and despite the candidate paying to be investigated, they concealed the sex offender background of this person until after they sent me, and instead of sending their regular candidate interviewers -- and so it was a preemptive defamatory hit job is what it was.
This was just the beginning of what would become escalating preemptive defamatory hit jobs to "manufacture" fake evidence against me, during which time my law school studies and faculty research focus were increasingly elucidating more and more organized crime.
In the context that my "Master", much like in Star Wars the Sith dark lords have a Master and Apprentice, the same is true in Freemasonry, where as an apprentice mason I was paired with a dark lord, Joseph, who was also a Trump employee or franchisee for one of Trump's many fraudulent businesses, this one the multimedia business that has since been sued in Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020).[36]
Thereafter, I became the target of several related preemptive defamations via Prince Andrew's Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg's and Russia's Cambridge Analytica's (whose parent company, SCL, was in part directed by the UK royals) -- where mid-investigation into this organized crime syndicate increasingly linked to the Freemasons of Northern CA -- suddenly people I had briefly known in college, and who I had kept in contact with, and who had never in the past accused me of any of the same, within the period of a year or two were suddenly out of the blue accusing me of all sorts of things I simply did not do, and which I would readily pass a lie detector test if asked about any of the same -- because I did not do these things -- specifically, I was within a short period accused of (1) corrupting minors (Dan), (2) sleeping with minor (Mark), and/or (3) sexually forcing myself on people I never did (Michelle) -- like a Facebook chorus of preemptive defamatory hit jobs -- but where I knew that (1) the timeline, (2) other witnesses of my conduct since my youth who could be tracked down based on credit card use and the schools we all went to (including Harvard), (3)(a) many character witnesses who I have stayed in contact with or could refer others to, and/or (3)(b) shared intel, respectively, would prove false all of the preemptive defamations beyond a reasonable doubt.
As I will prove later, these preemptive defensive projections by Jeffrey Epstein's, Putin's, and Trump's orbit were simply how they conduct business, by blaming others for their crimes, for example the Project Veritas and Turning Point USA entrapment, defamation, stalking, and the manufacturing of fake evidence against the perceived enemies of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, Russia, and/or the GOP -- in particular university professors, journalists, activists, and anyone else investigating them, as I was.
Dan accused me of providing him drugs as a minor, except I met him after my first degree, and we went to school together in high school, and my first degree took 5 years to complete, and so there was no way he was a minor when I took him to Mark's house (the same Mark who also accused me), and where roommates of Mark's did get Dan high, but that wasn't me who got Dan high, and that's not the record Dan created on Facebook.
No, he accused me of corrupting him with drugs as a minor, and so the timeline alone, proved this was a lie and attempt to manufacture evidence, and where his brother was financed by the medical investment community as a likely source of his defamation. And of course there were witnesses, but who would remember Dan from over 20 years, when he just out of the blue defamed me with the same?
Mark, whose fraternity house Dan got high at, and I went on a ski trip in college over the border to Mt. Tremblanc, Quebec, which didn't allow snowboarders at the time, and so we got kicked off the mountain on our first run, and weren't provided a refund.
At the hotel/motel bar, we met two students from Harvard University, a male and a female, who I assumed were a couple, who had a hippie look about them. We had some beers together, because we were sitting at one table, and they were having beers at the other table beside us. They and Mark all wanted to take psychedelics that evening, but I wasn't interested and went to bed, in particular because I wasn't feeling well.
In the middle of the night, Mark and the girl woke me up briefly, because Mark brought the girl back to our hotel/motel while I was asleep. Later, after he had slept with her, and after she was gone, perhaps the next day or later, Mark revealed to me that the girl who was a student from Harvard was a minor, and he was really excited about the same. I was dating a girl named Nathalie, and so I had no interest in other girls at the time, and I'm not sure why she didn't come with us, she may have had to work.
Regardless, it was Mark who slept with the girl he said he knew was a minor, while I was fast asleep, but that's not what he said on Facebook. Instead, he accused me of sleeping with a minor on Facebook, again creating a permanent record of something that simply did not happen. Fortunately, no one can rent a hotel/motel without a credit card, and so a deep dive into the credit card history of Mark and I and students from Harvard would reveal which hotel/motel we stayed at, and who the male and female were, and where the male and the female would each by a witness to the fact that Mark is who slept with the girl, not me. Mark never married, never had kids of his own, but instead, became a high school teacher for minors, and was good friends with someone who eventually moved to Russia, Noah.
The next accusation that came in the middle of my investigation in organized crime syndicates meant to manufacture fake evidence of me came from one of my Facebook friends, who informed me that a girl I dated in college, Michelle, who had been on my rugby team, which had male and female teams, was telling others that I sexually forced myself onto her, which again, couldn't be further than the truth.
Michelle and I briefly dated, and we had three intimate sessions, including one at her home, when her mother was home, and we all had breakfast together the next morning after the second session, the first was at a hotel, Howard Johnson's. The third was after our rugby teams met at a bar about a 45 minute walk from my home, and after drinking enough, and already dating -- Michelle followed me home requiring a 45 minute walk, then up to my apartment, and began our 3rd session, during which time she wanted me to promise that I would not let any one on our rugby team know that we were getting it on. But as I informed her with the awkward look on my face, and thereafter verbally, I had already let her coach (Karl/Carl) know, because he was one of my best friends and he helped us meet, and he inquired if we had been intimate, and so I just answered truthfully we had been, as I answered truthfully to Michelle we had been.
This sent her into an unhinged rage, and so she jumped off my bed, got dressed and cussed me out the door for answering our mutual friend truthfully, and where I believe that sharing intel, given my dad worked for defense, would also prove the same, as would many character witnesses back to as early as the age of 13, specifically, many girls I have been to bed with and never tried to sexually force myself onto them, but rather just the opposite, some girls we just slept together, but neither of us was brave enough to initiate, other girls where they wanted to have sex, but where I wanted to remain friends with them instead of ruining our friendship, other girls who told me they weren't interested in having sex or being intimate, so I stopped and we didn't.
Next, I received an email (which specified that if I didn't pay the sender $5,000, or if I contacted law enforcement, that they would tell everyone I know that I watch child porn) -- which I immediately reported to the FBI to investigate -- understanding that those I was investigating, their proxies, and/or others were trying to preemptively defame me as they and/or others had repeatedly done before.
As specified to the FBI -- because I knew I hadn't ever intentionally looked up any kind of child porn online -- I invited them to search my entire online search history as proof that I was in no manner interested in any sort of child porn whatsoever -- which someone with a history of looking up child porn wouldn't do.
But suspecting the same had to do with preemptive defamation, I used the opportunity to direct the FBI to email accounts where they would find evidence of the crimes I was researching as a former law student and graduate faculty member.
Accordingly, in my case timelines, credit card dates, character witnesses, and/or defense intel could readily prove the preemptive defamation was just that, frivolous conspiracies, instead of criminal conspiracies, but that didn't stop all of these former "friends" of mine from pretty much forming a criminal conspiracy to intimidate and/or obstruct my investigation into organized crime by manufacturing fake evidence against me in order to threaten me not to come forward is what it looks like.
Then there was Rob, whose father was a Freemason in Orange County, who I was roommates with near Santa Cruz, CA, who was constantly manufacturing fake evidence against me, but where I was very late to elucidate the same, and where during the course of our relationship, we started off in a very disfunctional living situation, where Rob and I were the more normal of the four people who lived in the mountains outside of Santa Cruz.
Our other two roommates, the fascist owner of the home, and a military veteran, were not on speaking terms, and the owner had a restraining order on the vet or something like that, because of a violent encounter between the two of them. Rob and I were kind of the facilitator of messages between the owner, who claimed he had been a fireman and an astronaut, and who spent most of his time locking us out of climate control to save money, and could frequently be found in the common area in only in his soiled underwear, and who had a four story home, but the county or city stopped him from finishing the fourth floor, and where each of us lived on a different floor, me on the bottom floor, so I mostly kept to myself, and tried not to interact with most of them, Rob being the exception.
Rob liked to party harder than I liked, but other than that, like Mark, he was an unmarried school teacher, who never had kids of his own.
I didn't live long with Rob, and so we weren't that close, but did hang out a little. Once I moved out, Rob and I didn't keep in contact much, until one day, Rob started calling me almost non-stop, almost every day, really trying to rebuilt our relationship.
Because he was an academic, and I was a researcher, and we were more or less of the same political spectrum at the time, he managed to lure me into a friendship with conversations into subjects we both found interesting, history, politics, psychology, world events, and the like, and so that's how our relationship really started to take off.
Unfortunately, like Mark, who was also a school teacher, Rob had a drug dependency problem, which became so bad that he lost his teaching job, but somehow he managed to survive.
And how? While manufacturing fake evidence against me, Rob miraculously came into what he specified was hundreds of thousands of dollars, which he said was bequeathed to him by a woman he said he used to be a caretaker for, the mother of a University of California Music Professor, who we'll just call Cherwood.
Accordingly, while manufacturing fake evidence against me, Rob had no financial worries, because he was sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars during the time we were "friends".
Some of the fake evidence he engineered included often joking with me -- or what I perceived as jokes -- by accusing me of different things I did not do, nor say, in the manner he was specifying -- and which I rarely challenged because I thought he was a friend just making fun -- only for him to specify years later that he had been recording our conversations -- which I ended our relationship over -- in addition to his much escalated drug dependency -- because this was around the same time the Freemason were engineering defamation against me, and at the same time I was involved in an investigation into ongoing organized crimes, and I was starting to see a pattern of an ongoing conspiracy to defame me in a preemptive and/or retrospective manner, which told me that my investigation was on the right course, as otherwise, why invest so many resources in trying to discredit me?
Other fake evidence and/or situations were more serious leading to the end of our relationship, where he would take me to potentially compromising places I would not have entered if I knew what was inside, and then he would take pictures of me in those places, flanked by an attorney from US Santa Cruz, who allegedly lived there.
Specifically for that one time situation, he told me he wanted to stop in to see a friend, and we entered and I wasn't paying too close attention to what seemed like a crowded room, and I was instructed to "have a seat", and sat where I was told to sit down, which was beside a cluster of hypodermic needles, and when I looked up, Rob was snapping a picture of me in that situation.
I can definitely pass any drug test, and I can definitely pass a lie detector test if asked, because I have never used a hypodermic needle for any sort of illicit drug use in my life, nor ever outside of a vaccine or medical/dental situation, administered to me by licensed medical professionals, but that isn't the story a photo like the one Rob took could be spun to tell otherwise at a time when a conspiracy to defame me was well in motion.
Another time we went to a restaurant, and he drove, and my things were in his car, and he exited the restaurant without me knowing, abandoning me at the restaurant, with access to my house keys, my wallet, and my investigation computer, and literally disappeared with my house keys, wallet, and computer for hours before returning.
Other times when I stayed at his home, I would wake up in the middle of the night with him lurking over me with a savage look on his face. At least one other time, he proposed that we sleep in the same bed together without our clothes on, which of course I refused.
No doubt about it, we had a complicated relationship, but I fancied myself as some sort of Bohemian poet type, ready to experience the best and worst of society, galloping around with a mad man through the redwood mountains, and ocean side of Santa Cruz.
On another occasion, he invited my girlfriend and I to a party, which devolved into an orgy, but they announced they were going start an orgy, and my girlfriend and I left, not interested in participating.
So in the context that Rob "manufacturing" all sorts of crazy situations, only to later tell me he was recording our conversations, and during which time he came into possession of hundreds of thousands of dollars in such a manner that he no longer had to work, all of that eventually added up to me as one bad person I needed out of my life, and pronto.
And so why was Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg's, Russia's, and/or Cambridge Analytica's Facebook, and a Donald Trump employee and/or franchisee's royal loyal Freemasonic lodge, and/or others targeting me with preemptive and false defamation in a conspiracy with others?
Because of my research into the nature of their organization, which I was readily debunking and elucidating as a doctorate of law student, and as a faculty member researching organized crime syndicates, collectively as an ongoing legal conspiracy involved with and/or perpetuating fraud, sedition, treason, insurrection, and/or other harm against the United States, UK Commonwealth, against children, and/or others on behalf of forged, illegitimate, and/or fake English royals, and/or the overlapping crime syndicate of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.
I had accidentally found and debunked "Big Lies" that no one wanted surfaced, but I surfaced them anyways, and anyway I could and in every direction and manner that I could, and in other ways I can't specify here", concluded Daniel for this part of our UpRights News research into all of the same.
Sometimes less is more, but in this case, more was more, and we wanted to learn more about this situation, beginning with Walt Disney's equally wild claims regarding rejecting government intervention on behalf of English royals, which like Daniel's story is so incredible that it borders unbelievable.
Our own research into whether or not Disney was a royal loyal Freemason criminal enterprise -- in the context that Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew and many other members of the UK and EU royal families were named as people important to the child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, the UK/EU royals, Donald Trump, his family, their organization(s), Yahoo's Leon Black, JPMorgan Chase, David Koch, Fox News' Rupert Murdoch, and the founders and leaders of most of the big tech companies in California -- revealed some troubling relationships and circumstances that support the claims made by Daniel.
First, we were able to confirm that Walt Disney was a Freemason, which means he swore an oath to royals over all others including the United States, and where he was among those children lured into royal loyal freemasonry for children.
Second, we were able to confirm that Disney did refuse to comply with the United States loyal instead to King Charles in the manner they specified, and explaining all of their pro-royal propaganda for decades.
Third, and in the context the Freemasons preemptively defamed Daniel as he researched their ongoing organized crimes in a manner that projected sex and/or child offenders onto Daniel in an unsuspecting manner -- while themselves "volunteering" to spend a great deal of time around incapacitated hospitalized children at Shriner's -- we discovered confirmed the Freemasons operate children's versions of Freemasonry, where they are indoctrinated to later serve "Worshipful Masters" and the UK royals behind closed doors, specifically DeMolay International, Job's Daughter's International, and the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.[37][38][39]
For example, "DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. DeMolay was incorporated in the 1990s and is classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
DeMolay is open for membership to young men between the ages of 12 and 21 who acknowledge a higher spiritual power. It has about 12,000 active members spread throughout every continent except for Antarctica.[2] There are active chapters in Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, Philippines, Argentina, Aruba, French Guiana, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (affiliated to Peru jurisdiction), Italy, Romania, Greece (affiliated to Romania jurisdiction), France, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia (affiliated to Serbia jurisdiction), Bulgaria and the United States.[3]
Although young women are not permitted to join DeMolay, chapters are permitted to elect chapter "sweethearts" and "princesses."
DeMolay is part of the "family" of Masons and associated organizations. DeMolay is the youth group for young men. (Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters are similar Masonic-related organizations for young women.)[4]"[37]
Fourth, we uncovered that Walt Disney was operating a 100+ person child sex trafficking ring operation inside and outside of Walt Disney, and one that included law enforcement, judges -- and where law enforcement and judges were also specified to be found by Daniel to be operating in Daniel's Freemason lodge, per Daniel -- and where Daniel further specified that at least one judge from his lodge, who Daniel knew, and who Daniel was investigating, thereafter unlawfully blocked otherwise legal access to Jeffrey Epstein Trump's criminal finances, which the State of California sought to gain access to, in order to expose Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's organized crimes and/or treason with Russia, who also interfered in Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's 2016 UK elections -- and in the context that Trump, his family, and their organizations -- were all three named in the client book of Jeffrey Epstein -- met with a Russian attorney at Trump Tower June 9, 2016 in order to discuss how to help U.S. enemy, Russia, evade U.S. sanctions in order traffic children from Russia to Trump Tower under an unlawful and/or sanctioned adoption scheme, for which the International Criminal Court later issued an arrest warrant for Putin for child trafficking raped and tortured children from Ukraine to Russia, presumably to then traffic them to Trump Tower -- is a reasonable inference.[5][16]
As swing voters, who have been registered Republicans, Independents, and Democrats, we desperately hoped that this would mean that the Republican Party's Ron DeSantis was a hero battling Jeffrey Epstein's and Freemasonry's royal loyal Walt Disney, to provide us at least one candidate not linked to massive ongoing organized crime.
But alas, we were so very disappointed to discover that Russian porn bank linked to Putin, Paxum, had financed both Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's social media company and Ron DeSantis, in a manner that left us with no hope for a Republican candidate outside of the influence of Russia and/or other international sex traffickers, and where our investigation also revealed that Paxum bank was the payment site for one of the largest porn sites in the world, PornHub, which has since been revealed to have included pornography from child sex traffickers, which many of their unsuspecting users may have not known, perpetuating fraud from anyone who made payments to them through Putin-linked Paxum bank and/or their affiliate banks financing the GOP's DeSantis and Trump world.[14]
Then there was the case of the GOP's Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg, who were accused of drug trafficking and child sex trafficking minor(s), and yet Matt Gaetz evaded prison for the matter Greenberg received 11 years in prison for.[40]
Then to engage in balanced reporting, we questioned had any other political candidates, or their family members, from the Democratic Party or Republican Party advanced a candidacy, other than the Trump family, and Ron DeSantis, in a manner that was linked to child trafficker Vladimir Putin's Russia, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring, and we were able to determine that some of the largest financiers of the GOP were some of the richest people in the world, and that they had financed Jeffrey Epstein Trump and/or the GOP, and had separately been named in the client book of Jeffrey Epstein, and/or his flight logs, and/or met with him at "private parties", and the names and/or organizations we found linked to the same were truly staggering.[5][29]
These names including the family of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, Ronald Reagan, the Kennedy-Shriver-Cuomo-Schwarzeneggar family of Netflix's Roku, Bill Gates and Paul Allen of Microsoft/Outlook, Leon Black of Yahoo, Tim Cooke of Apple, the founders of Google, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Elon Musk of Tesla, Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, the Saudi royals, and/or others whose family member(s) and/or organization(s) had been involved with Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's royal loyal Freemasonry, and/or Jeffrey Epstein directly, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Ghislaine Maxwell, and/or child trafficker's Vladimir Putin's Russia, Russians, and/or others.[29][5]
Along with Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T, these people and organizations form the basis of the US and UK Commonwealth shared intelligence network, which should terrify everyone, who should resist in every possible manner furthering the same to aid their ongoing child rape, insurrection, sedition, and/or treasonous organized crime syndicate -- is a reasonable inference and suggestion -- to precisely defend the United States and the UK Commonwealth from networked criminal mental illness. Resist by leaking as much evidence of their ongoing crimes to as many people and investigators as possible is the best strategy, to deprogram the masses from their self-serving pity and hero propaganda.[29][5][27]
Daniel's Freemason whistleblower story was an interesting piece of the puzzle to the ongoing organized crime syndicate we have been reporting on, and where we found groups financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch via Donor Trust, specifically Turning Point USA and Project Veritas -- who slashed their staff by half the day we published an article on their ongoing organized crimes, now under criminal investigation in Westchester (where both Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family and the Proud Boys' founder Gavin McInnes operate) -- in part operated by current and GOP former operatives, including corrupted SCOTUS judge, Clarence Thomas' wife, Virginia Thomas.[5]
These organizations and/or individuals, at least at Project Veritas and Turning Point USA, financed by at least Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's orbit and operated by current and former high-ranking GOP (also financed by Jeffrey Epstein's orbit) operatives -- including but not limited to David Koch and Virgina Thomas -- have specifically identified, targeted, stalked, entrapped, harassed, terrorized, defamed, projected sex crimes against, and/or generally discredited their/the perceived enemies of Jeffrey Epstein's and child trafficker Putin's Donald Trump, GOP, Leon Black, Rupert Murdoch, Putin himself, Russia, the UK/EU royals, and/or others in the exact preemptive manner as Daniel specified he experienced by Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's royal loyal Freemasons, and in a manner that can no longer be ignored, because it is a pattern.[5]
And the one thing about patterns, is that (1) they make for exceptionally improbable random coincidences, and (2) they make for exceptionally improbable frivolous conspiracies, and (3) they make for enormously successful criminal conspiracies -- which is why Prince Andrew, Rupert Murdoch, Leon Black, Donald J. Trump, his family, their organization(s), the GOP, Putin, Russia, Russians, and/or their overlapping orbits are facing a huge number of international, national, state, and/or county arrests, indictments, prosecutions, investigations, and lawsuits -- and not because they are innocent victims of a witch hunt -- but rather, because an abundance of evidence, and/or evidence beyond a reasonable doubt may prove them part of an ongoing organized criminal and/or other legal conspiracy.[5]
Many of our other articles at UpRights News investigate these different people, their organizations, these countries, and/or their ongoing overlapping crime syndicate and/or their overlapping orbits, and/or investigations into the same, to better understand all of the same.[5]
Our organic, evolving, and ongoing working theory at UpRights News is that over time, an increasingly growing group of domestic and international affluent individuals, organizations, and/or countries linked to, and/or resulting in the failed billionaire experiment and/or the resurrected, forged, illegitimate, and/or fake UK/EU royals of Jeffrey Epstein's and child trafficker Putin's overlapping crime syndicate -- individuals with networked mental illnesses including but not limited to malignant narcissism, sociopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, kleptomania, and/or obsessive compulsive hoarding behavior -- have conspired to overthrow and corrupt the US, UK, and/or EU governments to install loyalists who will keep their organized crime syndicate in power, operating above the law, and minimizing, eliminating, distorting, preventing, and/or obstructing justice for the victims of their ongoing organized crimes, to be able to maintain, expand, and/or further their ongoing organized crimes in a respective and/or collective manner -- who are now facing a mountain of criminal and civil investigations, prosecutions, and lawsuits as a result of all of the same.[5]
Here it is important to note that despite the deep state of Jeffrey Epstein's, Clarence Thomas', Putin's, Trump's, and/or the GOP organized crime syndicate, and/or their projection of imperial cult deep state onto others, that significant resilience by US law enforcers, US prosecutors, US courts, US lawmakers, jurors, witnesses, whistleblowers and/or others are "standing their ground" in defense of not just American, but global, democracy.
The thin blue line is indeed thin, and we at UpRights News pray that the line holds and doesn't fold like with the traitor king Edward VIII, or traitor Tommy Tuberville dismantling the leadership of the US military during wartime with Russia, to send us all into much darker times than if the line holds, and not just for us but for the blue and red lines who will take the bulk of the hits during dark times if the GOP continues to expand their power, already and regularly threatening to destroy US law enforcement. Nip that in the bud, and faster, not just for America's sake, but for your own sake, and the sake of your own families.
Whether you believe in God or not, pray that God blesses these thin blue lines, thin blue lines, thin black lines, thin activist lines, thin journalism lines, and give them the courage to see the job through, despite the challenges they have faced, and are sure to continue to face, in this epic and ongoing battle of good against evil.
Again, almost biblical, during the 2024 election, next year will be 666 years since the fake royal Habsburg crime family unlawfully stole power by forging their royal claims in documents known as Privilegium maius, and then oppressed us all in one way or another with the opposite values of Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran for 666 years, and this is most likely when one of the Greatest Deceiver's of all time, Jeffrey Epstein's and child trafficker Putin's Donald Trump, and/or his and/or their crime syndicate, will be stopped, or not, by the U.S. justice system -- including for forgery meant to unlawfully claim power in a similar manner as the Habsburgs -- employing ongoing frivolous conspiracies to further ongoing criminal conspiracies
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)
"Hic incipiunt constituciones artis gemetriae secundum Eucyldem.
Whose wol bothe wel rede and loke,
He may fynde wryte yn olde boke
Of grete lordys and eke ladyysse,
That hade mony chyldryn y-fere, y-wisse;
And hade no rentys to fynde hem wyth,
Nowther yn towne, ny felde, ny fryth:
A cownsel togeder they cowthe hem take;
To ordeyne for these chyldryn sake,
How they my[g]th best lede here lyfe
Withoute gret desese, care and stryfe;
And most for the multytude that was comynge
Of here chyldryn after here [g]yndynge.
(They) sende thenne after grete clerkys,
To techyn hem thenne gode werkys;
And pray we hem, for our Lordys sake,
To oure chyldryn sum werke to make,
That they my[g]th gete here lyvynge therby,
Bothe wel and onestlyche, ful sycurly.
Yn that tyme, thro[g]gh good gemetry,
Thys onest craft of good masonry
Wes ordeynt and made yn thys manere,
Y-cownterfetyd of thys clerkys y-fere;
At these lordys prayers they cownterfetyd
And [g]af hyt the name of masonry,
For the moste oneste craft of alle.
These lordys chyldryn therto dede falle,
To lurne of hym the craft of gemetry,
The wheche he made ful curysly;
Thro[g]gh fadrys prayers and modrys also,
Thys onest craft he putte hem to.
He that lerned best, and were of onesté,
And passud hys felows yn curysté;
[G]ef yn that craft he dede hym passe,
He schulde have more worschepe then the lasse.
Thys grete clerkys name was clept Euclyde,
Hys name hyt spradde ful wondur wyde.
Get thys grete clerke more ordeynt he
To hym that was herre yn thys degré,
That he schulde teche the synplyst of (wytte)
Yn that onest craft to be parfytte;
And so uchon schulle techyn othur,
And love togeder as syster and brothur.
Forthermore [g]et that ordeynt he,
Mayster y-called so schulde he be;
So that he were most y-worschepede,
Thenne sculde he be so y-clepede:
But mason schulde never won other calle,
Withynne the craft amongus hem alle,
Ny soget, ny servand, my dere brother,
Tha[g]ht he be not so perfyt as ys another;
Uchon sculle calle other felows by cuthe,
For cause they come of ladyes burthe.
On thys maner, thro[g] good wytte of gemetry,
Bygan furst the craft of masonry:
The clerk Euclyde on thys wyse hyt fonde,
Thys craft of gemetry yn Egypte londe.
Yn Egypte he taw[g]hte hyt ful wyde,
Yn dyvers londe on every syde;
Mony erys afterwarde, y understonde,
[G]er that the craft com ynto thys londe,
Thys craft com ynto Englond, as y [g]ow say,
Yn tyme of good kynge Adelstonus day;
He made tho bothe halle and eke bowre,
And hye templus of gret honowre,
To sportyn hym yn bothe day and ny[g]th,
An to worschepe hys God with alle hys my[g]th.
Thys goode lorde loved thys craft ful wel,
And purposud to strenthyn hyt every del,
For dyvers defawtys that yn the craft he fonde;
He sende about ynto the londe
After alle the masonus of the crafte,
To come to hym ful evene stra[g]fte,
For to amende these defautys alle
By good consel, [g]ef hyt myt[g]th falle.
A semblé thenne he cowthe let make
Of dyvers lordis, yn here state,
Dukys, erlys, and barnes also,
Kyn[g]thys, sqwyers, and mony mo,
And the grete burges of that syté,
They were ther alle yn here degré;
These were ther uchon algate,
To ordeyne for these masonus astate.
Ther they sow[g]ton by here wytte,
How they my[g]thyn governe hytte:
Fyftene artyculus they ther sow[g]ton
And fyftene poyntys they wro[g]ton.
Hic incipit articulus primus.
The furste artycul of thys gemetry:--
The mayster mason moste be ful securly
Bothe stedefast, trusty, and trwe,
Hyt schal hum never thenne arewe:
And pay thy felows after the coste,
As vytaylys goth thenne, wel thou woste;
And pay them trwly, apon thy fay,
What that they deserven may;
And to her hure take no more,
But what they mowe serve fore;
And spare, nowther for love ny drede,
Of nowther partys to take no mede;
Of lord ny felow, whether he be,
Of hem thou take no maner of fe;
And as a jugge stonde upry[g]th,
And thenne thou dost to bothe good ry[g]th;
And trwly do thys whersever thou gost,
Thy worschep, thy profyt, hyt shcal be most.
Articulus secundus.
The secunde artycul of good masonry,
As [g]e mowe hyt here hyr specyaly,
That every mayster, that ys a mason,
Most ben at the generale congregacyon,
So that he hyt resonably y-tolde
Where that the semblé schal be holde;
And to that semblé he most nede gon,
But he have a resenabul skwsacyon,
Or but he be unbuxom to that craft,
Or with falssehed ys over-raft,
Or ellus sekenes hath hym so stronge,
That he may not com hem amonge;
That ys a skwsacyon, good and abulle,
To that semblé withoute fabulle.
Articulus tercius.
The thrydde artycul for sothe hyt ysse,
That the mayster take to no prentysse,
but he have good seuerans to dwelle
Seven [g]er with hym, as y [g]ow telle,
Hys craft to lurne, that ys profytable;
Withynne lasse he may not be able
To lordys profyt, ny to his owne,
As [g]e mowe knowe by good resowne.
Articulus quartus.
The fowrhe artycul thys moste be
That the mayster hym wel be-se,
That he no bondemon prentys make,
Ny for no covetyse do hym take;
For the lord that he ys bonde to,
May fache the prentes whersever he go.
Gef yn the logge he were y-take,
Muche desese hyt mygth ther make,
And suche case hyt mygth befalle,
That hyt mygth greve summe or alle.
For alle the masonus tht ben there
Wol stonde togedur hol y-fere
Gef suche won yn that craft schulde swelle,
Of dyvers desesys ge mygth telle:
For more gese thenne, and of honeste,
Take a prentes of herre degre.
By olde tyme wryten y fynde
That the prenes schulde be of gentyl kynde;
And so symtyme grete lordys blod
Toke thys gemetry, that ys ful good.
Articulus quintus.
The fyfthe artycul ys swythe good,
So that the prentes be of lawful blod;
The mayster schal not, for no vantage,
Make no prentes that ys outrage;
Hyt ys to mene, as [g]e mowe here,
That he have hys lymes hole alle y-fere;
To the craft hyt were gret schame,
To make an halt mon and a lame,
For an unperfyt mon of suche blod
Schulde do the craft but lytul good.
Thus [g]e mowe knowe everychon,
The craft wolde have a my[g]hty mon;
A maymed mon he hath no my[g]ht,
[G]e mowe hyt knowe long [g]er ny[g]ht.
Articulus sextus.
The syxte artycul [g]e mowe not mysse,
That the mayster do the lord no pregedysse,
To take of the lord, for hyse prentyse,
Also muche as hys felows don, yn alle vyse.
For yn that craft they ben ful perfyt,
So ys not he, [g]e mowe sen hyt.
Also hyt were a[g]eynus good reson,
To take hys, hure as hys felows don.
Thys same artycul, yn thys casse,
Juggythe the prentes to take lasse
Thenne hys felows, that ben ful perfyt.
Yn dyvers maters, conne qwyte hyt,
The mayster may his prentes so enforme,
That hys hure may crese ful [g]urne,
And, ger hys terme come to an ende,
Hys hure may ful wel amende.
Articulus septimus.
The seventhe artycul that ys now here,
Ful wel wol telle gow, alle y-fere,
That no mayster, for favour ny drede,
Schal no thef nowther clothe ny fede.
Theves he schal herberon never won,
Ny hym that hath y-quellude a mon,
Wy thylike that hath a febul name,
Lest hyt wolde turne the craft to schame.
Articulus octavus.
The eghte artycul schewt [g]ow so,
That the mayster may hyt wel do,
[G]ef that he have any mon of crafte,
And be not also perfyt as he au[g]te,
He may hym change sone anon,
And take for hym a perfytur mon.
Suche a mon, thro[g]e rechelaschepe,
My[g]th do the craft schert worschepe.
Articulus nonus.
The nynthe artycul schewet ful welle,
That the mayster be both wyse and felle;
That no werke he undurtake,
But he conne bothe hyt ende and make;
And that hyt be to the lordes profyt also,
And to hys craft, whersever he go;
And that the grond be wel y-take,
That hyt nowther fle ny grake.
Articulus decimus.
The then the artycul ys for to knowe,
Amonge the craft, to hye and lowe,
There schal no mayster supplante other,
But be togeder as systur and brother,
Yn thys curyus craft, alle and som,
That longuth to a maystur mason.
Ny he schal not supplante non other mon,
That hath y-take a werke hym uppon,
Yn peyne therof that ys so stronge,
That peyseth no lasse thenne ten ponge,
But [g]ef that he be gulty y-fonde,
That toke furst the werke on honde;
For no mon yn masonry
Schal no supplante othur securly,
But [g]ef that hyt be so y-wro[g]th,
That hyt turne the werke to nogth;
Thenne may a mason that werk crave,
To the lordes profyt hyt for to save;
Yn suche a case but hyt do falle,
Ther schal no mason medul withalle.
Forsothe he that begynnyth the gronde,
And he be a mason goode and sonde,
For hath hyt sycurly yn hys mynde
To brynge the werke to ful good ende.
Articulus undecimus.
The eleventhe artycul y telle the,
That he ys bothe fayr and fre;
For he techyt, by hys my[g]th,
That no mason schulde worche be ny[g]th,
But [g]ef hyt be yn practesynge of wytte,
[G]ef that y cowthe amende hytte.
Articulus duodecimus.
The twelfthe artycul ys of hye honesté
To [g]every mason, whersever he be;
He schal not hys felows werk deprave,
[G]ef that he wol hys honesté save;
With honest wordes he hyt comende,
By the wytte that God the dede sende;
Buy hyt amende by al that thou may,
Bytwynne [g]ow bothe withoute nay.
Articulus xiijus.
The threttene artycul, so God me save,
Ys,[g]ef that the mayster a prentes have,
Enterlyche thenne that he hym teche,
And meserable poyntes that he hym reche,
That he the craft abelyche may conne,
Whersever he go undur the sonne.
Articulus xiiijus.
The fowrtene artycul, by good reson,
Scheweth the mayster how he schal don;
He schal no prentes to hym take,
Byt dyvers crys he have to make,
That he may, withynne hys terme,
Of hym dyvers poyntes may lurne.
Articulus quindecimus.
The fyftene artycul maketh an ende,
For to the mayster he ys a frende;
To lere hym so, that for no mon,
No fals mantenans he take hym apon,
Ny maynteine hys felows yn here synne,
For no good that he my[g]th wynne;
Ny no fals sware sofre hem to make,
For drede of here sowles sake;
Lest hyt wolde turne the craft to schame,
And hymself to mechul blame.
Plures Constituciones.
At thys semblé were poyntes y-ordeynt mo,
Of grete lordys and maystrys also,
That whose wol conne thys craft and com to
He most love wel God, and holy churche algate,
And hys mayster also, that he ys wythe,
Whersever he go, yn fylde or frythe;
And thy felows thou love also,
For that they craft wol that thou do.
Secundus punctus.
The secunde poynt, as y [g]ow say,
That the mason worche apon the werk day,
Also trwly, as he con or may,
To deserve hys huyre for the halyday,
And trwly to labrun on hys dede,
Wel deserve to have hys mede.
Tercius punctus.
The thrydde poynt most be severele,
With the prentes knowe hyt wele,
Hys mayster conwsel he kepe and close,
And hys felows by hys goode purpose;
The prevetyse of the chamber telle he no man,
Ny yn the logge whatsever they done;
Whatsever thou heryst, or syste hem do,
Telle hyt no mon, whersever thou go;
The conwsel of halls, and [g]eke of bowre,
Kepe hyt wel to gret honowre,
Lest hyt wolde torne thyself to blame,
And brynge the craft ynto gret schame.
Quartus punctus.
The fowrthe poynt techyth us alse,
That no mon to hys craft be false;
Errour he schal maynteine none
A[g]eynus the craft, but let hyt gone;
Ny no pregedysse he schal not do
To hys mayster, ny hys felows also;
And that[g]th the prentes be under awe,
[G]et he wolde have the same lawe.
Quintus punctus.
The fyfthe poynte ys, withoute nay,
That whenne the mason taketh hys pay
Of the mayster, y-ordent to hym,
Ful mekely y-take so most hyt byn;
[G]et most the mayster, by good resone,
Warne hem lawfully byfore none,
[G]ef he nulle okepye hem no more,
As he hath y-done ther byfore;
A[g]eynus thys ordyr he may not stryve,
[G]ef he thenke wel for to thryve.
Sextus punctus.
The syxte poynt ys ful [g]ef to knowe,
Bothe to hye and eke to lowe,
For suche case hyt my[g]th befalle,
Amonge the masonus, summe or alle,
Throwghe envye, or dedly hate,
Ofte aryseth ful gret debate.
Thenne owyth the mason, [g]ef that he may,
Putte hem bothe under a day;
But loveday [g]et schul they make none;
Tyl that the werke day be clene a-gone;
Apon the holyday [g]e mowe wel take
Leyser y-now[g]gth loveday to make,
Lest that hyt wolde the werke day
Latte here werke for suche afray;
To suche ende thenne that hem drawe,
That they stonde wel yn Goddes lawe.
Septimus punctus.
The seventhe poynt he may wel mene,
Of wel longe lyf that God us lene,
As hyt dyscryeth wel opunly,
Thou schal not by thy maysters wyf ly,
Ny by the felows, yn no maner wyse,
Lest the craft wolde the despyse;
Ny by the felows concubyne,
No more thou woldest he dede by thyne.
The peyne thereof let hyt be ser,
That he prentes ful seven [g]er,
[G]ef he forfete yn eny of hem,
So y-chasted thenne most he ben;
Ful mekele care my[g]th ther begynne,
For suche a fowle dedely synne.
Octavus punctus.
The eghte poynt, he may be sure,
[G]ef thou hast y-taken any cure,
Under thy mayster thou be trwe,
For that pynt thou schalt never arewe;
A trwe medyater thou most nede be
To thy mayster, and thy felows fre;
Do trwly al....that thou my[g]th,
To both partyes, and that ys good ry[g]th.
Nonus punctus.
The nynthe poynt we schul hym calle,
That he be stwarde of oure halle,
Gef that ge ben yn chambur y-fere,
Uchon serve other, with mylde chere;
Jentul felows, ge moste hyt knowe,
For to be stwardus alle o rowe,
Weke after weke withoute dowte,
Stwardus to ben so alle abowte,
Lovelyche to serven uchon othur,
As thawgh they were syster and brother;
Ther schal never won on other costage
Fre hymself to no vantage,
But every mon schal be lyche fre
Yn that costage, so moste hyt be;
Loke that thou pay wele every mon algate,
That thou hsat y-bow[g]ht any vytayles ate,
That no cravynge be y-mad to the,
Ny to thy felows, yn no degré,
To mon or to wommon, whether he be,
Pay hem wel and trwly, for that wol we;
Therof on thy felow trwe record thou take,
For that good pay as thou dost make,
Lest hyt wolde thy felowe schame,
Any brynge thyself ynto gret blame.
[G]et good acowntes he most make
Of suche godes as he hath y-take,
Of thy felows goodes that thou hast spende,
Wher, and how, and to what ende;
Suche acowntes thou most come to,
Whenne thy felows wollen that thou do.
Decimus punctus.
The tenthe poynt presentyeth wel god lyf,
To lyven withoute care and stryf;
For and the mason lyve amysse,
And yn hys werk be false, y-wysse,
And thorw[g] suche a false skewysasyon
May sclawndren hys felows oute reson,
Throw[g] false sclawnder of suche fame
May make the craft kachone blame.
[G]ef he do the craft suche vylany,
Do hym no favour thenne securly.
Ny maynteine not hym yn wyked lyf,
Lest hyt wolde turne to care and stryf;
But get hym [g]e schul not delayme,
But that [g]e schullen hym constrayne,
For to apere whersevor [g]e wylle,
Whar that [g]e wolen, lowde, or stylle;
To the nexte semblé [g]e schul hym calle,
To apere byfore hys felows alle,
And but [g]ef he wyl byfore hem pere,
The crafte he moste nede forswere;
He schal thenne be chasted after the lawe
That was y-fownded by olde dawe.
Punctus undecimus.
The eleventhe poynt ys of good dyscrecyoun,
As [g]e mowe knowe by good resoun;
A mason, and he thys craft wel con,
That sy[g]th hys felow hewen on a ston,
And ys yn poynt to spylle that ston,
Amende hyt sone, [g]ef that thou con,
And teche hym thenne hyt to amende,
That the l(ordys) werke be not y-schende,
And teche hym esely hyt to amende,
With fayre wordes, that God the hath lende;
For hys sake that sytte above,
With swete wordes noresche hym love.
Punctus duodecimus.
The twelthe poynt of gret ryolté,
Ther as the semblé y-hole schal be,
Ther schul be maystrys and felows also,
And other grete lordes mony mo;
There schal be the scheref of that contré,
And also the meyr of that syté,
Kny[g]tes and sqwyers ther schul be,
And other aldermen, as [g]e schul se;
Suche ordynance as they maken there,
They schul maynté hyt hol y-fere
A[g]eynus that mon, whatsever he be,
That longuth to the craft bothe fayr and fre.
[G]ef he any stryf a[g]eynus hem make,
Ynto here warde he schal be take.
xiijus punctus.
The threnteth poynt ys to us ful luf.
He schal swere never to be no thef,
Ny soker hym yn hys fals craft,
For no good that he hath byraft,
And thou mowe hyt knowe or syn,
Nowther for hys good, ny for hys kyn.
xiiijus punctus.
The fowrtethe poynt ys ful good lawe
To hym that wold ben under awe;
A good trwe othe he most ther swere
To hys mayster and hys felows that ben there;
He most be stedefast and trwe also
To alle thys ordynance, whersever he go,
And to hys lyge lord the kynge,
To be trwe to hym, over alle thynge.
And alle these poyntes hyr before
To hem thou most nede by y-swore,
And alle schul swere the same ogth
Of the masonus, be they luf, ben they loght,
To alle these poyntes hyr byfore,
That hath ben ordeynt by ful good lore.
And they schul enquere every mon
On his party, as wyl as he con,
[G]ef any mon mowe be y-fownde gulty
Yn any of these poyntes spesyaly;
And whad he be, let hym be sow[g]ht,
And to the semblé let hym be brow[g]ht.
Quindecimus punctus.
The fiftethe poynt ys of ful good lore,
For hem that schul ben ther y-swore,
Suche ordyance at the semblé wes layd
Of grete lordes and maystres byforesayd;
For thelke that be unbuxom, y-wysse,
A[g]eynus the ordynance that ther ysse
Of these artyculus, that were y-meved there,
Of grete lordes and masonus al y-fere.
And [g]ef they ben y-preved opunly
Byfore that semblé, by an by,
And for here gultes no mendys wol make,
Thenne most they nede the crafy forsake;
And so masonus craft they schul refuse,
And swere hyt never more for to use.
But [g]ef that they wol mendys make,
A[g]ayn to the craft they schul never take;
And [g]ef that they nul not do so,
The scheref schal come hem sone to,
And putte here bodyes yn duppe prison,
For the trespasse that they hav y-don,
And take here goodes and here cattelle
Ynto the kynges hond, everyt delle,
And lete hem dwelle ther full stylle,
Tyl hyt be oure lege kynges wylle.
Alia ordinacio artis gematriae.
They ordent ther a semblé to be y-holde
Every [g]er, whersever they wolde,
To amende the defautes, [g]ef any where fonde
Amonge the craft withynne the londe;
Uche [g]er or thrydde [g]er hyt schuld be holde,
Yn every place whersever they wolde;
Tyme and place most be ordeynt also,
Yn what place they schul semble to.
Alle the men of craft tehr they most ben,
And other grete lordes, as [g]e mowe sen,
To mende the fautes that buth ther y-spoke,
[G]ef that eny of hem ben thenne y-broke.
Ther they schullen ben alle y-swore,
That longuth to thys craftes lore,
To kepe these statutes everychon,
That ben y-ordeynt by kynge Aldelston;
These statutes that y have hyr y-fonde
Y chulle they ben holde thro[g]h my londe,
For the worsche of my ry[g]olté,
That y have by my dygnyté.
Also at every semblé that [g]e holde,
That ge come to [g]owre lyge kyng bolde,
Bysechynge hym of hys hye grace,
To stonde with [g]ow yn every place,
To conferme the statutes of kynge Adelston,
That he ordeydnt to thys craft by good reson,
Ars quatuor coronatorum.
Pray we now to God almy[g]ht,
And to hys moder Mary bry[g]ht,
That we mowe keepe these artyculus here,
And these poynts wel al y-fere,
As dede these holy martyres fowre,
That yn thys craft were of gret honoure;
They were as gode masonus as on erthe schul go,
Gravers and ymage-makers they were also.
For they were werkemen of the beste,
The emperour hade to hem gret luste;
He wylned of hem a ymage to make,
That mow[g]h be worscheped for his sake;
Suche mawmetys he hade yn hys dawe,
To turne the pepul from Crystus lawe.
But they were stedefast yn Crystes lay,
And to here craft, withouten nay;
They loved wel God and alle hys lore,
And weren yn hys serves ever more.
Trwe men they were yn that dawe,
And lyved wel y Goddus lawe;
They tho[g]ght no mawmetys for to make,
For no good that they my[g]th take,
To levyn on that mawmetys for here God,
They nolde do so thaw[g] he were wod;
For they nolde not forsake here trw fay,
An beyleve on hys falsse lay.
The emperour let take hem sone anone,
And putte hem ynto a dep presone;
The sarre he penest hem yn that plase,
The more yoye wes to hem of Cristus grace.
Thenne when he sye no nother won,
To dethe he lette hem thenne gon;
Whose wol of here lyf [g]et mor knowe,
By the bok he may kyt schowe,
In the legent of scanctorum,
The name of quatour coronatorum.
Here fest wol be, withoute nay,
After Alle Halwen the eyght day.
[G]e mow here as y do rede,
That mony [g]eres after, for gret drede
That Noees flod wes alle y-ronne,
The tower of Babyloyne was begonne,
Also playne werke of lyme and ston,
As any mon schulde loke uppon;
So long and brod hyt was begonne,
Seven myle the he[g]ghte schadweth the sonne.
King Nabogodonosor let hyt make,
To gret strenthe for monus sake,
Tha[g]gh suche a flod a[g]ayne schulde come,
Over the werke hyt schulde not nome;
For they hadde so hy pride, with stronge bost,
Alle that werke therfore was y-lost;
An angele smot hem so with dyveres speche,
That never won wyste what other schuld reche.
Mony eres after, the goode clerk Euclyde
Ta[g]ghte the craft of gemetré wonder wyde,
So he ded that tyme other also,
Of dyvers craftes mony mo.
Thro[g]gh hye grace of Crist yn heven,
He commensed yn the syens seven;
Gramatica ys the furste syens y-wysse,
Dialetica the secunde, so have y blysse,
Rethorica the thrydde, withoute nay,
Musica ys the fowrth, as y [g]ow say,
Astromia ys the v, by my snowte,
Arsmetica the vi, withoute dowte
Gemetria the seventhe maketh an ende,
For he ys bothe make and hende,
Gramer forsothe ys the rote,
Whose wyl lurne on the boke;
But art passeth yn hys degré,
As the fryte doth the rote of the tre;
Rethoryk metryth with orne speche amonge,
And musyke hyt ys a swete song;
Astronomy nombreth, my dere brother,
Arsmetyk scheweth won thyng that ys another,
Gemetré the seventh syens hyt ysse,
That con deperte falshed from trewthe y-wys.
These bene the syens seven,
Whose useth hem wel, he may han heven.
Now dere chyldren, by [g]owre wytte,
Pride and covetyse that [g]e leven, hytte,
And taketh hede to goode dyscrecyon,
And to good norter, whersever [g]e com.
Now y pray [g]ow take good hede,
For thys [g]e most kenne nede,
But much more [g]e moste wyten,
Thenne [g]e fynden hyr y-wryten.
[G]ef the fayle therto wytte,
Pray to God to send the hytte;
For Crist hymself, he techet ous
That holy churche ys Goddes hous,
That ys y-mad for nothynge ellus
but for to pray yn, as the bok tellus;
Ther the pepul schal gedur ynne,
To pray and wepe for here synne.
Loke thou come not to churche late,
For to speke harlotry by the gate;
Thenne to churche when thou dost fare,
Have yn thy mynde ever mare
To worschepe thy lord God bothe day and ny[g]th,
With all thy wyttes, and eke thy my[g]th.
To the churche dore when tou dost come,
Of that holy water ther sum thow nome,
For every drope thou felust ther
Qwenchet a venyal synne, be thou ser.
But furst thou most do down thy hode,
For hyse love that dyed on the rode.
Into the churche when thou dost gon,
Pulle uppe thy herte to Crist, anon;
Uppon the rode thou loke uppe then,
And knele down fayre on bothe thy knen;
Then pray to hym so hyr to worche,
After the lawe of holy churche,
For to kepe the comandementes ten,
That God [g]af to alle men;
And pray to hym with mylde steven
To kepe the from the synnes seven,
That thou hyr mowe, yn thy lyve,
Kepe the wel from care and stryve,
Forthermore he grante the grace,
In heven blysse to hav a place.
In holy churche lef nyse wordes
Of lewed speche, and fowle bordes,
And putte away alle vanyté,
And say thy pater noster and thyn ave;
Loke also thou make no bere,
But ay to be yn thy prayere;
[G]ef thou wolt not thyselve pray,
Latte non other mon by no way.
In that place nowther sytte ny stonde,
But knele fayre down on the gronde,
And, when the Gospel me rede schal,
Fayre thou stonde up fro the wal,
And blesse the fayre, [g]ef that thou conne,
When gloria tibi is begonne;
And when the gospel ys y-done,
A[g]ayn thou my[g]th knele adown;
On bothe thy knen down thou falle,
For hyse love that bow[g]ht us alle;
And when thou herest the belle rynge
To that holy sakerynge,
Knele [g]e most, bothe [g]yn[g]e and olde,
And bothe [g]or hondes fayr upholde,
And say thenne yn thys manere,
Fayr and softe, withoute bere;
"Jhesu Lord, welcom thou be,
Yn forme of bred, as y the se.
Now Jhesu, for thyn holy name,
Schulde me from synne and schame,
Schryff and hosel thou grant me bo,
[G]er that y schal hennus go,
And vey contrycyon of my synne,
Tath y never, Lord, dye therynne;
And, as thou were of a mayde y-bore,
Sofre me never to be y-lore;
But when y schal hennus wende,
Grante me the blysse withoute ende;
Amen! amen! so mot hyt be!
Now, swete lady, pray for me."
Thus thou my[g]ht say, or sum other thynge,
When thou knelust at the sakerynge.
For covetyse after good, spare thou nought
To worschepe hym that alle hath wrought;
For glad may a mon that day ben,
That onus yn the day may hym sen;
Hyt ys so muche worthe, withoute nay,
The vertu therof no mon telle may;
But so meche good doth that syht,
As seynt Austyn telluth ful ryht,
That day thou syst Goddus body,
Thou schalt have these, ful securly:-
Mete and drynke at thy nede,
Non that day schal the gnede;
Ydul othes, an wordes bo,
God for[g]eveth the also;
Soden deth, that ylke day,
The dar not drede by no way;
Also that day, y the plyht,
Thou schalt not lese thy eye syht;
And uche fote that thou gost then,
That holy syht for to sen,
They schul be told to stonde yn stede,
When thou hast therto gret nede;
That messongere, the angele Gabryelle,
Wol kepe hem to the ful welle.
From thys mater now y may passe,
To telle mo medys of the masse:
To churche come [g]et, [g]ef thou may,
And here thy masse uche day;
[G]ef thou mowe not come to churche,
Wher that ever thou doste worche,
When thou herest to masse knylle,
Pray to God with herte stylle,
To [g]eve the part of that servyse,
That yn churche ther don yse.
Forthermore [g]et, y wol [g]ow preche
To [g]owre felows, hyt for to teche,
When thou comest byfore a lorde,
Yn halle, yn bowre, or at the borde,
Hod or cappe that thou of do,
[G]er thou come hym allynge to;
Twyes or thryes, without dowte,
To that lord thou moste lowte;
With thy ry[g]th kne let hyt be do,
Thyn owne worschepe tou save so.
Holde of thy cappe, and hod also,
Tyl thou have leve hyt on to do.
Al the whyle thou spekest with hym,
Fayre and lovelyche bere up thy chyn;
So, after the norter of the boke,
Yn hys face lovely thou loke.
Fot and hond, thou kepe ful stylle
From clawynge and trypynge, ys sckylle;
From spyttynge and snyftynge kepe the also,
By privy avoydans let hyt go.
And [g]ef that thou be wyse and felle,
Thou hast gret nede to governe the welle.
Ynto the halle when thou dost wende,
Amonges the genteles, good and hende,
Presume not to hye for nothynge,
For thyn hye blod, ny thy connynge,
Nowther to sytte, ny to lene,
That ys norther good and clene.
Let not thy cowntenans therfore abate,
Forsothe, good norter wol save thy state.
Fader and moder, whatsever they be,
Wel ys the chyld that wel may the,
Yn halle, yn chamber, wher thou dost gon;
Gode maneres maken a mon.
To the nexte degré loke wysly,
To do hem reverans by and by;
Do hem [g]et no reverans al o-rowe,
But [g]ef that thou do hem know.
To the mete when thou art y-sette,
Fayre and onestelyche thou ete hytte;
Fyrst loke that thyn honden be clene,
And that thy knyf be scharpe and kene;
And kette thy bred al at thy mete,
Ry[g]th as hyt may be ther y-ete.
[G]ef thou sytte by a worththyur mon.
Then thy selven thou art won,
Sofre hym fyrst to toyche the mete,
[G]er thyself to hyt reche.
To the fayrest mossel thou my[g]ht not strike,
Thaght that thou do hyt wel lyke;
Kepe thyn hondes, fayr and wel,
From fowle smogynge of thy towel;
Theron thou schalt not thy nese snyte,
Ny at the mete thy tothe thou pyke;
To depe yn the coppe thou my[g]ght not synke,
Thagh thou have good wyl to drynke,
Lest thyn enyn wolde wattryn therby_
Then were hyt no curtesy
Loke yn thy mowth ther be no mete,
When thou begynnyst to drynke or speke.
When thou syst any mon drynkynge,
That taketh hed to thy carpynge,
Sone anonn thou sese thy tale,
Whether he drynke wyn other ale.
Loke also thou scorne no mon,
Yn what degré thou syst hym gon;
Ny thou schalt no mon deprave,
[G]ef thou wolt thy worschepe save;
For suche worde my[g]ht ther outberste,
That myg[h]t make the sytte yn evel reste,
Close thy honde yn thy fyste,
And kepe the wel from "had-y-wyste."
Yn chamber amonge the ladyes bryght,
Holde thy tonge and spende thy syght;
Law[g]e thou not with no gret cry,
Ny make no ragynge with rybody.
Play thou not buyt with thy peres,
Ny tel thou not al that thou heres;
Dyskever thou not thyn owne dede,
For no merthe, ny for no mede;
With fayr speche thou myght have thy wylle,
With hyt thou myght thy selven spylle.
When thou metyst a worthy mon,
Cappe and hod thou holle not on;
Yn churche, yn chepyns, or yn the gate,
Do hym revera(n)s after hys state.
[G]ef thou gost with a worthyor mon
Then thyselven thou art won,
Let thy forther schulder sewe hys backe,
For that ys norter withoute lacke;
When he doth speke, holte the stylle,
When he hath don, sey for thy wylle;
Yn thy speche that thou be felle,
And what thou sayst avyse the welle;
But byref thou not hym hys tale,
Nowther at the wyn, ny at the ale.
Cryst then of hys hye grace,
[G]eve [g]ow bothe wytte and space,
Wel thys boke to conne and rede,
Heven to have for [g]owre mede.
Amen! amen! so mot hyt be!
Say we so all per charyté.
Here begin the constitutions of the art of Geometry according to Euclid.
Whoever will both well read and look
He may find written in old book
Of great lords and also ladies,
That had many children together, y-wisse; (certainly)
And had no income to keep them with,
Neither in town nor field nor frith; (enclosed wood)
A council together they could them take,
To ordain for these children’s sake,
How they might best lead their life
Without great dis-ease, care, and strife;
And most for the multitude that was coming
Of their children after their ending
They send them after great clerks,
To teach them then good works;
And pray we them, for our Lord’s sake.
To our children some work to make,
That they might get their living thereby,
Both well and honestly full securely.
In that time, through good geometry,
This honest craft of good masonry
Was ordained and made in this manner,
Counterfeited of these clerks together;
At these lord’s prayers they counterfeited
And gave it the name of masonry,
For the most honest craft of all.
These lords' children thereto did fall,
To learn of him the craft of geometry,
The which he made full curiously;
Through fathers' prayers and mothers' also,
This honest craft he put them to.
He learned best, and was of honesty,
And passed his fellows in curiosity,
If in that craft he did him pass,
He should have more worship than the lasse, (less)
This great clerk’s name was Euclid,
His name it spread full wonder wide.
Yet this great clerk ordained he
To him that was higher in this degree,
That he should teach the simplest of wit
In that honest craft to be parfytte; (perfect)
And so each one shall teach the other,
And love together as sister and brother.
Furthermore yet that ordained he,
Master called so should he be;
So that he were most worshipped,
Then should he be so called;
But masons should never one another call,
Within the craft amongst them all,
Neither subject nor servant, my dear brother,
Though he be not so perfect as is another;
Each shall call other fellows by cuthe, (friendship)
Because they come of ladies' birth.
On this manner, through good wit of geometry,
Began first the craft of masonry;
The clerk Euclid on this wise it found,
This craft of geometry in Egypt land.
In Egypt he taught it full wide,
In divers lands on every side;
Many years afterwards, I understand,
Ere that the craft came into this land.
This craft came into England, as I you say,
In time of good King Athelstane’s day;
He made then both hall and even bower,
And high temples of great honour,
To disport him in both day and night,
And to worship his God with all his might.
This good lord loved this craft full well,
And purposed to strengthen it every del, (part)
For divers faults that in the craft he found;
He sent about into the land
After all the masons of the craft,
To come to him full even straghfte, (straight)
For to amend these defaults all
By good counsel, if it might fall.
An assembly then he could let make
Of divers lords in their state,
Dukes, earls, and barons also,
Knights, squires and many mo, (more)
And the great burgesses of that city,
They were there all in their degree;
There were there each one algate, (always)
To ordain for these masons' estate,
There they sought by their wit,
How they might govern it;
Fifteen articles they there sought,
And fifteen points there they wrought,
Here begins the first article.
The first article of this geometry;-
The master mason must be full securely
Both steadfast, trusty and true,
It shall him never then rue;
And pay thy fellows after the cost,
As victuals goeth then, well thou woste; (knowest)
And pay them truly, upon thy fay, (faith)
What they deserven may; (may deserve)
And to their hire take no more,
But what that they may serve for;
And spare neither for love nor drede, (dread)
Of neither parties to take no mede; (bribe)
Of lord nor fellow, whoever he be,
Of them thou take no manner of fee;
And as a judge stand upright,
And then thou dost to both good right;
And truly do this wheresoever thou gost, (goest)
Thy worship, thy profit, it shall be most.
Second article.
The second article of good masonry,
As you must it here hear specially,
That every master, that is a mason,
Must be at the general congregation,
So that he it reasonably be told
Where that the assembly shall be holde; (held)
And to that assembly he must needs gon, (go)
Unless he have a reasonable skwasacyon, (excuse)
Or unless he be disobedient to that craft
Or with falsehood is over-raft, (overtaken)
Or else sickness hath him so strong,
That he may not come them among;
That is an excuse good and able,
To that assembly without fable.
Third article.
The third article forsooth it is,
That the master takes to no 'prentice,
Unless he have good assurance to dwell
Seven years with him, as I you tell,
His craft to learn, that is profitable;
Within less he may not be able
To lords' profit, nor to his own
As you may know by good reason.
Fourth article.
The fourth article this must be,
That the master him well besee,
That he no bondman 'prentice make,
Nor for no covetousness do him take;
For the lord that he is bound to,
May fetch the 'prentice wheresoever he go.
If in the lodge he were ty-take, (taken)
Much dis-ease it might there make,
And such case it might befal,
That it might grieve some or all.
For all the masons that be there
Will stand together all y-fere. (together)
If such one in that craft should dwell,
Of divers dis-eases you might tell;
For more ease then, and of honesty,
Take a 'prentice of higher degree.
By old time written I find
That the 'prentice should be of gentle kind;
And so sometime, great lords' blood
Took this geometry that is full good.
Fifth article.
The fifth article is very good,
So that the 'prentice be of lawful blood;
The master shall not, for no advantage,
Make no 'prentice that is outrage; (deformed)
It is to mean, as you may hear
That he have all his limbs whole all y-fere; (together)
To the craft it were great shame,
To make a halt man and a lame,
For an imperfect man of such blood
Should do the craft but little good.
Thus you may know every one,
The craft would have a mighty man;
A maimed man he hath no might,
You must it know long ere night.
Sixth article.
The sixth article you must not miss
That the master do the lord no prejudice,
To take the lord for his 'prentice,
As much as his fellows do, in all wise.
For in that craft they be full perfect,
So is not he, you must see it.
Also it were against good reason,
To take his hire as his fellows don. (do)
This same article in this case,
Judgeth his prentice to take less
Than his fellows, that be full perfect.
In divers matters, know requite it,
The master may his 'prentice so inform,
That his hire may increase full soon,
And ere his term come to an end,
His hire may full well amend.
Seventh article.
The seventh article that is now here,
Full well will tell you all y-fere (together)
That no master for favour nor dread,
Shall no thief neither clothe nor feed.
Thieves he shall harbour never one,
Nor him that hath killed a man,
Nor the same that hath a feeble name,
Lest it would turn the craft to shame.
Eighth article.
The eighth article sheweth you so,
That the master may it well do.
If that he have any man of craft,
And he be not so perfect as he ought,
He may him change soon anon,
And take for him a more perfect man.
Such a man through rechalaschepe, (recklessness)
Might do the craft scant worship.
Ninth article.
The ninth article sheweth full well,
That the master be both wise and felle; (strong)
That he no work undertake,
Unless he can both it end and make;
And that it be to the lords' profit also,
And to his craft, wheresoever he go;
And that the ground be well y-take, (taken)
That it neither flaw nor grake. (crack)
Tenth article.
The tenth article is for to know,
Among the craft, to high and low,
There shall no master supplant another,
But be together as sister and brother,
In this curious craft, all and some,
That belongeth to a master mason.
Nor shall he supplant no other man,
That hath taken a work him upon,
In pain thereof that is so strong,
That weigheth no less than ten ponge, (pounds)
but if that he be guilty found,
That took first the work on hand;
For no man in masonry
Shall not supplant other securely,
But if that it be so wrought,
That in turn the work to nought;
Then may a mason that work crave,
To the lords' profit for it to save
In such a case if it do fall,
There shall no mason meddle withal.
Forsooth he that beginneth the ground,
If he be a mason good and sound,
He hath it securely in his mind
To bring the work to full good end.
Eleventh article.
The eleventh article I tell thee,
That he is both fair and free;
For he teacheth, by his might,
That no mason should work by night,
But if be in practising of wit,
If that I could amend it.
Twelfth article.
The twelfth article is of high honesty
To every mason wheresoever he be,
He shall not his fellows' work deprave,
If that he will his honesty save;
With honest words he it commend,
By the wit God did thee send;
But it amend by all that thou may,
Between you both without nay. (doubt)
Thirteenth article.
The thirteenth article, so God me save,
Is if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him teach,
And measurable points that he him reche, (tell)
That he the craft ably may conne, (know)
Wheresoever he go under the sun.
Fourteenth article.
The fourteenth article by good reason,
Sheweth the master how he shall don; (do)
He shall no 'prentice to him take,
Unless diver cares he have to make,
That he may within his term,
Of him divers points may learn.
Fifteenth article.
The fifteenth article maketh an end,
For to the master he is a friend;
To teach him so, that for no man,
No false maintenance he take him upon,
Nor maintain his fellows in their sin,
For no good that he might win;
Nor no false oath suffer him to make,
For dread of their souls' sake,
Lest it would turn the craft to shame,
And himself to very much blame.
Plural constitutions.
At this assembly were points ordained mo, (more)
Of great lords and masters also.
That who will know this craft and come to estate,
He must love well God and holy church algate, (always)
And his master also that he is with,
Wheresoever he go in field or frythe, (enclosed wood)
And thy fellows thou love also,
For that thy craft will that thou do.
Second Point.
The second point as I you say,
That the mason work upon the work day,
As truly as he can or may,
To deserve his hire for the holy-day,
And truly to labour on his deed,
Well deserve to have his mede. (reward)
Third point.
The third point must be severele, (severely)
With the 'prentice know it well,
His master’s counsel he keep and close,
And his fellows by his good purpose;
The privities of the chamber tell he no man,
Nor in the lodge whatsoever they don; (do)
Whatsoever thou hearest or seest them do,
Tell it no man wheresoever you go;
The counsel of hall, and even of bower,
Keep it well to great honour,
Lest it would turn thyself to blame,
And bring the craft into great shame.
Fourth point.
The fourth point teacheth us alse, (also)
That no man to his craft be false;
Error he shall maintain none
Against the craft, but let it gone; (go)
Nor no prejudice he shall not do
To his master, nor his fellow also;
And though the 'prentice be under awe,
Yet he would have the same law.
Fifth point.
The fifth point is without nay, (doubt)
That when the mason taketh his pay
Of the master, ordained to him,
Full meekly taken so must it byn; (be)
Yet must the master by good reason,
Warn him lawfully before noon,
If he will not occupy him no more,
As he hath done there before;
Against this order he may not strive,
If he think well for to thrive.
Sixth point.
The sixth point is full given to know,
Both to high and even to low,
For such case it might befall;
Among the masons some or all,
Through envy or deadly hate,
Oft ariseth full great debate.
Then ought the mason if that he may,
Put them both under a day;
But loveday yet shall they make none,
Till that the work-day be clean gone
Upon the holy-day you must well take
Leisure enough loveday to make,
Lest that it would the work-day
Hinder their work for such a fray;
To such end then that you them draw.
That they stand well in God’s law.
Seventh point.
The seventh point he may well mean,
Of well long life that God us lene, (lend)
As it descrieth well openly,
Thou shalt not by thy master’s wife lie,
Nor by thy fellows', in no manner wise,
Lest the craft would thee despise;
Nor by thy fellows' concubine,
No more thou wouldst he did by thine.
The pain thereof let it be sure,
That he be 'prentice full seven year,
If he forfeit in any of them
So chastised then must he ben; (be)
Full much care might there begin,
For such a foul deadly sin.
Eighth point.
The eighth point, he may be sure,
If thou hast taken any cure,
Under thy master thou be true,
For that point thou shalt never rue;
A true mediator thou must needs be
To thy master, and thy fellows free;
Do truly all that thou might,
To both parties, and that is good right.
Ninth point.
The ninth point we shall him call,
That he be steward of our hall,
If that you be in chamber y-fere, (together)
Each one serve other with mild cheer;
Gentle fellows, you must it know,
For to be stewards all o-rowe, (in turn)
Week after week without doubt,
Stewards to be so all in turn about,
Amiably to serve each one other,
As though they were sister and brother;
There shall never one another costage (cost)
Free himself to no advantage,
But every man shall be equally free
In that cost, so must it be;
Look that thou pay well every man algate, (always)
That thou hast bought any victuals ate, (eaten)
That no craving be made to thee,
Nor to thy fellows in no degree,
To man or to woman, whoever he be,
Pay them well and truly, for that will we;
Thereof on thy fellow true record thou take,
For that good pay as thou dost make,
Lest it would thy fellow shame,
And bring thyself into great blame.
Yet good accounts he must make
Of such goods as he hath y-take (taken)
Of thy fellows' goods that thou hast spende, (spent)
Where and how and to what end;
Such accounts thou must come to,
When thy fellows wish that thou do.
Tenth point.
The tenth point presenteth well good life,
To live without care and strife;
For if the mason live amiss,
And in his work be false y-wisse, (I know)
And through such a false skewsasyon (excuse)
May slander his fellows without reason,
Through false slander of such fame.
May make the craft acquire blame.
If he do the craft such villainy,
Do him no favour then securely,
Nor maintain not him in wicked life,
Lest it would turn to care and strife;
But yet him you shall not delayme, (delay)
Unless that you shall him constrain,
For to appear wheresoever you will,
Where that you will, loud, or still;
To the next assembly you shall him call,
To appear before his fellows all,
And unless he will before them appear,
The craft he must need forswear;
He shall then be punished after the law
That was founded by old dawe. (day)
Eleventh point.
The eleventh point is of good discretion,
As you must know by good reason;
A mason, if he this craft well con, (know,
That seeth his fellow hew on a stone,
And is in point to spoil that stone,
Amend it soon if that thou can,
And teach him then it to amend,
That the lords' work be not y-schende, (spoiled)
And teach him easily it to amend,
With fair words, that God thee hath lende; (lent)
For his sake that sit above,
With sweet words nourish his love.
Twelfth point.
The twelfth point is of great royalty,
There as the assembly held shall be,
There shall be masters and fellows also,
And other great lords many mo; (more)
There shall be the sheriff of that country,
And also the mayor of that city,
Knights and squires there shall be,
And also aldermen, as you shall see;
Such ordinance as they make there,
They shall maintain it all y-fere (together)
Against that man, whatsoever he be,
That belongeth to the craft both fair and free.
If he any strife against them make,
Into their custody he shall be take. (taken)
Thirteenth point.
The thirteenth point is to us full lief,
He shall swear never to be no thief,
Nor succour him in his false craft,
For no good that he hath byraft; (bereft)
And thou must it know or sin,
Neither for his good, nor for his kin.
Fourteenth point.
The fourteenth point is full good law
To him that would be under awe;
A good true oath he must there swear
To his master and his fellows that be there;
He must be steadfast and also true
To all this ordinance, wheresoever he go,
And to his liege lord the king,
To be true to him over all thing.
And all these points here before
To them thou must need be y-swore, (sworn)
And all shall swear the same oath
Of the masons, be they lief be they loath.
To all these points here before,
That hath been ordained by full good lore.
And they shall enquire every man
Of his party, as well as he can,
If any man may be found guilty
In any of these points specially;
And who he be, let him be sought,
And to the assembly let him be brought.
Fifteen point.
The fifteenth point is of full good lore,
For them that shall be there y-swore, (sworn)
Such ordinance at the assembly was laid
Of great lords and masters before said;
For the same that be disobedient, y-wisse, (I know)
Against the ordinance that there is,
Of these articles that were moved there,
Of great lords and masons all y-fere, (together)
And if they be proved openly
Before that assembly, by and by,
And for their guilt’s no amends will make,
Then must they need the craft forsake;
And no masons craft they shall refuse,
And swear it never more to use.
But if that they will amends make,
Again to the craft they shall never take;
And if that they will not do so,
The sheriff shall come them soon to,
And put their bodies in deep prison,
For the trespass that they have done,
And take their goods and their cattle
Into the king’s hand, every delle, (part)
And let them dwell there full still,
Till it be our liege king’s will.
Another ordinance of the art of geometry.
They ordained there an assembly to be y-holde, (hold)
Every year, wheresoever they would,
To amend the defaults, if any were found
Among the craft within the land;
Each year or third year it should be holde, (held)
In every place weresoever they would;
Time and place must be ordained also,
In what place they should assemble to,
All the men of craft there they must be,
And other great lords, as you must see,
To mend the faults that he there spoken,
If that any of them be then broken.
There they shall be all y-swore, (sworn)
That belongeth to this craft’s lore,
To keep their statutes every one
That were ordained by King Athelstane;
These statutes that I have here found
I ordain they be held through my land,
For the worship of my royalty,
That I have by my dignity.
Also at every assembly that you hold,
That you come to your liege king bold,
Beseeching him of his high grace,
To stand with you in every place,
To confirm the statutes of King Athelstane,
That he ordained to this craft by good reason.
The art of the four crowned ones.
Pray we now to God almight, (almighty)
And to his mother Mary bright,
That we may keep these articles here,
And these points well all y-fere, (together)
As did these holy martyrs four,
That in this craft were of great honour;
They were as good masons as on earth shall go,
Gravers and image-makers they were also.
For they were workmen of the best,
The emperor had to them great luste; (liking)
He willed of them an image to make
That might be worshipped for his sake;
Such monuments he had in his dawe, (day)
To turn the people from Christ’s law.
But they were steadfast in Christ’s lay, (law)
And to their craft without nay; (doubt)
They loved well God and all his lore,
And were in his service ever more.
True men they were in that dawe, (day)
And lived well in God’s law;
They thought no monuments for to make,
For no good that they might take,
To believe on that monument for their God,
They would not do so, though he were wod; (furious)
For they would not forsake their true fay, (faith)
And believe on his false lay, (law)
The emperor let take them soon anon,
And put them in a deep prison;
The more sorely he punished them in that place,
The more joy was to them of Christ’s grace,
Then when he saw no other one,
To death he let them then gon; (go)
Whose will of their life yet more know
By the book he might it show
In the legend of sanctorum (holy ones)
The names of the quatuor coronatorum.
Their feast will be without nay, (doubt)
After Hallow-e'en the eighth day.
You may hear as I do read,
That many years after, for great dread
That Noah’s flood was all run,
The tower of Babylon was begun,
As plain work of lime and stone,
As any man should look upon;
So long and broad it was begun,
Seven miles the height shadoweth the sun.
King Nebuchadnezzar let it make
To great strength for man’s sake,
Though such a flood again should come,
Over the work it should not nome; (take)
For they had so high pride, with strong boast
All that work therefore was lost;
An angel smote them so with divers speech,
That never one knew what the other should tell.
Many years after, the good clerk Euclid
Taught the craft of geometry full wonder wide,
So he did that other time also,
Of divers crafts many mo. (more)
Through high grace of Christ in heaven,
He commenced in the sciences seven;
Grammar is the first science I know,
Dialect the second, so I have I bliss,
Rhetoric the third without nay, (doubt)
Music is the fourth, as I you say,
Astronomy is the fifth, by my snout,
Arithmetic the sixth, without doubt,
Geometry the seventh maketh an end,
For he is both meek and hende, (courteous)
Grammar forsooth is the root,
Whoever will learn on the book;
But art passeth in his degree,
As the fruit doth the root of the tree;
Rhetoric measureth with ornate speech among,
And music it is a sweet song;
Astronomy numbereth, my dear brother,
Arithmetic sheweth one thing that is another,
Geometry the seventh science it is,
That can separate falsehood from truth, I know.
These be the sciences seven,
Who useth them well he may have heaven.
Now dear children by your wit
Pride and covetousness that you leave it,
And taketh heed to good discretion,
And to good nurture, wheresoever you come.
Now I pray you take good heed,
For this you must know nede, (needs)
But much more you must wyten, (know)
Than you find here written.
If thee fail thereto wit,
Pray to God to send thee it:
For Christ himself, he teacheth ous (us)
That holy church is God’s house,
That is made for nothing ellus (else)
But for to pray in, as the book tellus; (tells us)
There the people shall gather in,
To pray and weep for their sin.
Look thou come not to church late,
For to speak harlotry by the gate;
Then to church when thou dost fare,
Have in thy mind ever mare (more)
To worship thy lord God both day and night,
With all thy wits and even thy might.
To the church door when thou dost come
Of that holy water there some thou nome, (take)
For every drop thou feelest there
Quencheth a venial sin, be thou ser. (sure)
But first thou must do down thy hood,
For his love that died on the rood.
Into the church when thou dost gon, (go)
Pull up thy heart to Christ, anon;
Upon the rood thou look up then,
And kneel down fair upon thy knen, (knees)
Then pray to him so here to worche (work)
After the law of holy church,
For to keep the commandments ten,
That God gave to all men;
And pray to him with mild steven (voice)
To keep thee from the sins seven,
That thou here may, in this life,
Keep thee well from care and strife;
Furthermore he grant thee grace,
In heaven’s bliss to have a place.
In holy church leave trifling words
Of lewd speech and foul bordes, (jests)
And put away all vanity,
And say thy pater noster and thine ave;
Look also that thou make no bere, (noise)
But always to be in thy prayer;
If thou wilt not thyself pray,
Hinder no other man by no way.
In that place neither sit nor stand,
But kneel fair down on the ground,
And when the Gospel me read shall,
Fairly thou stand up from the wall,
And bless the fare if that thou can,
When gloria tibi is begun;
And when the gospel is done,
Again thou might kneel down,
On both knees down thou fall,
For his love that bought us all;
And when thou hearest the bell ring
To that holy sakerynge, (sacrament)
Kneel you must both young and old,
And both your hands fair uphold,
And say then in this manner,
Fair and soft without noise;
"Jesu Lord welcome thou be,
In form of bread as I thee see,
Now Jesu for thine holy name,
Shield me from sin and shame;
Shrift and Eucharist thou grant me bo, (both)
Ere that I shall hence go,
And very contrition for my sin,
That I never, Lord, die therein;
And as thou were of maid y-bore (born)
Suffer me never to be y-lore; (lost)
But when I shall hence wend,
Grant me the bliss without end;
Amen! Amen! so mote it be!
Now sweet lady pray for me."
Thus thou might say, or some other thing,
When thou kneelest at the sakerynge. (sacrament)
For covetousness after good, spare thou not
To worship him that all hath wrought;
For glad may a man that day be,
That once in the day may him see;
It is so much worth, without nay, (doubt)
The virtue thereof no man tell may;
But so much good doth that sight,
That Saint Austin telleth full right,
That day thou seest God’s body,
Thou shalt have these full securely:-
Meet and drink at thy need,
None that day shalt thou gnede; (lack)
Idle oaths and words bo, (both)
God forgiveth thee also;
Sudden death that same day
Thee dare not dread by no way;
Also that day, I thee plight,
Thou shalt not lose thy eye sight;
And each foot that thou goest then,
That holy sight for to sen, (see)
They shall be told to stand instead,
When thou hast thereto great need;
That messenger the angel Gabriel,
Will keep them to thee full well.
From this matter now I may pass,
To tell more benefits of the mass:
To church come yet, if thou may,
And hear the mass each day;
If thou may not come to church,
Where that ever thou dost worche, (work)
When thou hearest the mass knylle, (toll)
Pray to God with heart still,
To give they part of that service,
That in church there done is.
Furthermore yet, I will you preach
To your fellows, it for to teach,
When thou comest before a lord,
In hall, in bower, or at the board,
Hood or cap that thou off do,
Ere thou come him entirely to;
Twice or thrice, without doubt,
To that lord thou must lowte; (bow)
With thy right knee let it be do, (done)
Thine own worship thou save so.
Hold off thy cap and hood also,
Till thou have leave it on to do. (put)
All the time thou speakest with him,
Fair and amiably hold up thy chin;
So after the nurture of the book,
In his face kindly thou look.
Foot and hand thou keep full still,
For clawing and tripping, is skill;
From spitting and sniffling keep thee also,
By private expulsion let it go,
And if that thou be wise and felle, (discrete)
Thou has great need to govern thee well.
Into the hall when thou dost wend,
Amongst the gentles, good and hende, (courteous)
Presume not too high for nothing,
For thine high blood, nor thy cunning,
Neither to sit nor to lean,
That is nurture good and clean.
Let not thy countenance therefore abate,
Forsooth good nurture will save thy state.
Father and mother, whatsoever they be,
Well is the child that well may thee,
In hall, in chamber, where thou dost gon; (go)
Good manners make a man.
To the next degree look wisely,
To do them reverence by and by;
Do them yet no reverence all o-rowe, (in turn)
Unless that thou do them know.
To the meat when thou art set,
Fair and honestly thou eat it;
First look that thine hands be clean,
And that thy knife be sharp and keen,
And cut thy bread all at thy meat,
Right as it may be there y-ete. (eaten)
If thou sit by a worthier man,
Then thy self thou art one,
Suffer him first to touch the meat,
Ere thyself to it reach.
To the fairest morsel thou might not strike,
Though that thou do it well like;
Keep thine hands fair and well,
From foul smudging of thy towel;
Thereon thou shalt not thy nose smite. (blow)
Nor at the meat thy tooth thou pike; (pick)
Too deep in cup thou might not sink,
Though thou have good will to drink,
Lest thine eyes would water thereby-
Then were it no courtesy.
Look in thy mouth there be no meat,
When thou beginnest to drink or speak.
When thou seest any man drinking,
That taketh heed to thy carpynge, (speech)
Soon anon thou cease thy tale,
Whether he drink wine or ale,
Look also thou scorn no man,
In what degree thou seest him gone;
Nor thou shalt no man deprave,
If thou wilt thy worship save;
For such word might there outburst.
That might make thee sit in evil rest.
Close thy hand in thy fist,
And keep thee well from "had I known".
In chamber, among the ladies bright,
Hold thy tongue and spend thy sight;
Laugh thou not with no great cry,
Nor make no lewd sport and ribaldry.
Play thou not but with thy peers,
Nor tell thou not all that thou hears;
Discover thou not thine own deed,
For no mirth, nor for no mede: (reward)
With fair speech thou might have thy will,
With it thou might thy self spylle. (spoil)
When thou meetest a worthy man,
Cap and hood thou hold not on;
In church, in market, or in the gate,
Do him reverence after his state.
If thou goest with a worthier man
Then thyself thou art one,
Let thy foremost shoulder follow his back,
For that is nurture without lack;
When he doth speak, hold thee still,
When he hath done, say for thy will,
In thy speech that thou be felle, (discreet)
And what thou sayest consider thee well;
But deprive thou not him his tale,
Neither at the wine nor at the ale.
Christ then of his high grace,
Save you both wit and space,
Well this book to know and read,
Heaven to have for your mede. (reward)
Amen! Amen! so mote it be!
So say we all for charity."[8}
[1] Photo attributes found at the bottom of The Daily Scare section above.
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Daniel
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-election_lawsuits_related_to_the_2020_U.S._presidential_election
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonemasonry
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal
[8] https://www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/regius.html
[9] https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/bizarre-masonic-police-force-uncovered-in-los-angeles/
[10] https://freemasoninformation.com › 2b1ask1
[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonic_manuscripts
[12] https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/the-real-history-of-secret-societies
[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cohn
[14] https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/05/13/trump-truth-social-loan-questions/
[16] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-human-trafficking-sting-disney-employees-former-judge/
[17] https://www.npr.org/2023/03/30/1167042594/disney-desantis-board-reedy-creek-charles
[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walt_Disney_Company
[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_who_were_Freemasons
[20] https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/07/traitor-king-edward-viii-interview
[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privilegium_Maius
[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain
[23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union_in_World_War_II
[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_Voting_Systems
[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal
[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor
[27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes
[29] www.epsteinsblackbook.com
[31] https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2017/02/uncovering-the-trump-freemason-connection/
[32] https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/the-real-history-of-secret-societies
[35] https://pagesix.com/2021/03/14/meghan-markle-reportedly-planning-to-run-for-us-president/
[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeMolay_International
[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job%27s_Daughters_International
[39] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Order_of_the_Rainbow_for_Girls
[40] https://abcnews.go.com/US/gaetz-associate-sentenced-11-years-sources-probe-florida/story?id=94225875
[41] https://poets.org/poem/do-not-go-gentle-good-night
[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York_Rite
[44] https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30281333