As explained in our Terror Log and Crossfire Hurricane Origins sections above -- Trump, Russia, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, their network, and/or their surrogates have been stalking, cyberstalking, intimidating, and retaliating against the Editor of UpRights News for 22 years -- because he blew the whistle on the murder and endangerment of children killed and exploited in illegal medical experiments in the San Francisco Bay Area, supra.
This would have provided this sprawling organized criminal enterprise access to the work of the Editor of UpRights News, which included a change, value, behavior, and performance theory, which posits that every person, group, organization, and interorganization are agents of change subjected to greater internal and external prevailing changes.
In order to adapt to these greater prevailing changes, every person, group, organization, and/or interorganization must provide a value to changes, and depending on the value provided to the greater prevailing change, a mirroring behavioral response results, and the nature of that behavioral response will result in a performance that adapts to or doesn't adapt to the change, and where performance is the ability to adapt to change to be able to survive and grow.
For example, if the change is someone cutting a person off in traffic, or if the change is a nasty comment, or if the change is someone pushing another person, then the value provided to that change is negative, and the mirroring behavior response to the same will also be negative, for example, road rage resulting in the person being cut off then returning the deed and cutting off the person who cut them off, or returning a nasty comment if the change was a nasty comments, or pushing the person back if pushed.
The performance or ability to adapt to change to survive and grow may not be best served by mirroring behavior to the value provided to any change.
For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic, or pushes you, or launches a negative comment towards you -- which are all posterior hypothalamic area fight-or-flight-based violent responses -- then this may result in a negative value being attached to that change, but if a different value than negative is attached to the same, then a different behavior is more likely to result, which in turn will change performance.
In the change, value, behavior, and performance theory, the opposite of a mirroring value allows for more behavioral choices in a manner that allows for more possibilities to adapt to change to survive and grow.
Accordingly, when a negative change occurs, a person, group, organization, and interorganization may choose to employ a non-negative value (also consistent with the altruistic teachings of Jesus Christ to turn the other cheek and forgive others instead of seeking revenge), for example if someone cuts off another person, then that change could also be viewed sympathetically and with empathy, for example acknowledging that perhaps the person cutting you off is running late this morning or needs to get to the hospital to a dying relative, or simply didn't see the off ramp sign, resulting in a non-negative value to the change.
The mirroring behavior would then not mirror a negative value associated with the change, and instead result in a non-negative behavior, potentially saving the life of someone in an alternative road rage response, and thus potentially increasing performance or the ability to survive and grow.
The projection employed by Donald Trump, the GOP, Russia, the toxic and deceived cult of Trump, and/or their surrogates functions in the same manner.
Whenever their criminal behavior is exposed, which exposes a negative change they are behind, this sprawling and ongoing organized crime syndicate markets as loud and as often as possible that their behavior was not criminal, but that it was good behavior.
This may be confusing to many different people, but that's the point, to flood the field of knowledge with misinformation or the opposite values to all of the harm they have caused so that others will believe their behavior wasn't that harmful, but rather beneficial.
What they are really doing is employing Nietzesche's moral relativism paradox or fallacy, where Nietzesche argued that the change associated with killing is both good and evil, good for the bird of prey that lives another day by killing, at the same it is evil for the lamb eaten alive by the bird of prey, who doesn't live another day.
Given that Katie Johnson sued Trump and Jeff Epstein for gang raping, beating, sodomizing, and/or impregnating her, then throwing money at her and telling her to "get a fucking abortion", the sprawling crime syndicate's "value system" is based off the moral relativism of Nietzesche, advocating their rape culture as "good" (for them), and advocating that it is "evil" (for them) for anyone to hold them accountable for their "good" (for them) rape culture. (a must read for every American)
Salon Magazine wrote a fantastic article that illustrates some recent examples of this alternative value provided to the toxic changes of Trump and his organized crime syndicate and cult, and how the same results in increased performance for the ongoing criminal enterprise, by allowing Trump and his conspirators and accessories to adapt to the elucidation of their crimes in order to survive and grow -- specifically by projecting the mental health problems of Trump, the crime syndicate, and cult onto those trying to hold Trump and his crime syndicate accountable.
"“At that time I was knee-deep into the cult of Donald Trump, yes."
That was Michael Cohen's answer from a Manhattan witness stand on Tuesday when asked by Donald Trump's attorney if he was "obsessed" with his boss in the decade that he worked for the criminal defendant. The lawyer, Todd Blanche, was trying to discredit Cohen by painting him as something like a jilted lover, a man who once worshipped Trump but, ever since going to prison for crimes committed at Trump's behest, now holds an epic grudge.
If the goal here is to make Trump critics seem "deranged," it's backfiring spectacularly.
Much of what Cohen does with his time these days is indeed cringeworthy. Since being released from prison, Cohen has tried to rebrand himself as a #Resistance hero, unleashing a torrent [sic] of anti-Trump content and trying to get on cable news as much as possible. But while his current behavior is not exactly classy, as his testimony in the campaign finance fraud trial shows, it pales in comparison to the heights of self-humiliation he performed daily while still in Trump's thrall.
Back then, as Cohen detailed, there was no demand too outrageous from Trump that Cohen wouldn't try to fill. Cohen has carefully detailed not just the astounding number of lies he told or corrupt actions he took for Trump — much of it to cover up Trump's extensive history of violence towards women — but also why he did it. Trump made him feel "on top of the world." He enjoyed being a "fixer," which seemed a lot more daring and romantic than being a boring old lawyer. It felt like a montage from the first half of a Martin Scorcese film, in which we see the gangsters reveling in both their wealth and their legal impunity. Before, of course, the inevitable crash and burn when the law finally catches up to them. If Cohen seems a little nuts now, it's a legible reaction to having spent years in an alternative reality created inside Trump's orbit.
What Blanche was trying was a variation of the "Trump derangement syndrome" defense.
Anyone who has been political [sic] on social media has likely been subject to it: Some member of the MAGA tribe accusing a Trump critic of "TDS," short for this alleged syndrome. The insult is as self-refuting as it is popular, coming invariably from a Trump acolyte spewing unhinged and badly spelled conspiracy theories. Even the most embarrassing member of #Resistance Twitter seems even-keeled next to any random person pulled from a MAGA rally.
This contrast has been brought into full focus during Trump's trial. The two witnesses accused of being "deranged" by Trump — Cohen and Stormy Daniels — told stories that are coherent and fit with the documentary evidence. Even their anger, which has been a focal point for Trump's defense, makes perfect sense. They're two people whose mistake was trusting Trump. He sent one to prison and subjected the other to traumatizing sex she didn't want. It would be weirder if they didn't hate him.
Meanwhile, the entourage that Trump has finally coaxed into coming out for him — almost exclusively Republican politicians who are hoping for a payoff in debasing themselves for Trump — all act exactly like the cult member Cohen described himself as once being. One gaggle of minions even wore matching outfits, as if begging for comparisons to a cult.
Even more embarrassing are House Republicans claiming to have "bombshell" evidence that Cohen supposedly didn't even believe Daniels.
This behavior does little to discredit Cohen's story. Rather it is an alarming reminder of how Trump expects his followers to debase themselves to serve him. It's unlikely that anyone believes Trump's denials that he had sex with Daniels. As former federal prosecutor Ankush Khardori explained at Politico, Trump's obvious dishonesty on this front gave the prosecutors "an unmissable opportunity for them to tank the credibility of Trump’s entire legal defense." Anyone who echoes Trump's denials sounds either terminally delusional or like a mortifying bootlicker. If the goal here is to make Trump critics seem "deranged," it's backfiring spectacularly.
As Cohen testified, there's something deeply intoxicating about how Trump makes his marks feel like they're in on the con.
Cohen's description of his time serving Trump neatly illustrated how Trump manipulates his followers, which follows the beats of your most famous cult leaders: First, find people who feel lost or mired in their own mediocrity. Second, convince them they, too, can rise above their current station by hitching their wagon to the leader. Religious cults promise spiritual transcendence, whereas Trump mostly just promises he'll teach his minions to cheat the system as he has.
Either way, the allure is in the hope of finding some secret pathway towards being superior to other people, all without having to actually put in the work of being good at your chosen vocation. Zooming out to the ordinary MAGA voter, we see Trump working the same manipulative magic over people. Trump makes them feel they can stick it to those smarty-pants liberals who they imagine are laughing at them, and all without having to put in the work of learning stuff and knowing things.
As Cohen testified, there's something deeply intoxicating about how Trump makes his marks feel like they're in on the con. He convinces not just the people around him, but millions of voters that, by sticking with him, they, too, can enjoy the impunity he has long enjoyed. As often happens to victims of con artists, they refuse to admit they're being taken for a ride. Instead, they lash out at the skeptics, insisting that people outside the cult are the ones with a problem. In Scientology, critics are labeled "suppressive persons," for instance. Followers are told that people on the outside are dangerous and delusional, and members should shun them rather than give any credence to their concerns.
For MAGA, the term "Trump derangement syndrome" works like "suppressive person" does for Scientology. The Trump follower cannot defend their leader on the merits, since he is the worst in every possible way. So instead, they engage in a blunt form of psychological projection, accusing people who dislike Trump of being "obsessed" and "deranged." They speak as if he's just some random dude his critics have a fixation on, instead of admitting it's legitimate to be worried that a dangerous demagogue is perilously close to being the most powerful person in the world. Or that the people with an unhealthy obsession are those who cling to Trump like a barnacle, making daily excuses for his misogyny, his fascism, his babbling incoherence, and his staggering number of criminal indictments.
Cohen's self-description as a recovering cult member resonates, right down to his continued erratic behavior. One reason it's hard for people to leave cults is that the underlying issues that led them to join in the first place haven't been resolved. Indeed, under constant brutalization at the hands of the leader, their self-esteem often degrades further. Another reason is that the cult becomes the defining force in the lives of followers, so much so that it's hard for them to imagine what life would be like without it. It's not uncommon for people who leave cults to feel lost. They often fall into other cults or engage in irrational and self-destructive behavior. This is more evidence that cults themselves are dangerous, and it's not "deranged" to take their impact on followers seriously.
There's no way to know what a jury will make of all this, especially as Cohen isn't done testifying as of this writing. But, from a political perspective, the whole situation has illuminated the veneer of desperate self-delusion behind every "TDS" accusation made towards those who are sensible enough to loathe Trump. Insofar as Cohen has been "deranged" by his association with Trump, it happened when he was in thrall to the man, committing crimes and telling lies on Trump's behalf. Everything since has been fallout from that initial poor decision to ever link his fate to Trump. It's a lesson other MAGA people should learn, but are too proud to accept."
Accordingly, Trump Derangement Syndrome regarding his toxic and ongoing crimes is really just a moral relativism projection defense by his crime syndicate seeking to victim shame or to preemptively discredit victims, witnesses, and those trying to seek justice for them, in the same manner that a rapist like Trump would advocate that a victim of rape is deranged, when it is the rapist who is deranged.
We've seen this before with Trump, where he committed treason and elections fraud with U.S. enemy Russia, as confirmed by the June 21, 2023 testimony of Special Counsel John Durham, and yet his deranged cult and organized crime syndicate has both cried that elections were stolen from them and that others like General Milley are traitors.
We've seen Trump specify that others trying to hold him accountable for trying to overthrow the country are the ones trying to destroy the country.
We've seen Trump specify like a cult leader that he is God and/or Jesus and/or Christ returned, and yet he and the GOP have violated all of the 10 Commandments, all of the 7 Deadly Sins, and all of the altruistic teachings of Jesus, which would better make him/them contenders for the Bible's Great Deceiver(s).
We've seen Trump specify that those trying to hold him and his organized crime syndicate linked to Jeffrey Epstein and Russia are "radicals", "unhinged", "lunatics", "deranged", "unfair", and "thugs" engaged in a "witch-hunt" and "weaponization of the justice system", and yet all the evidence and law prove that Trump and his crime syndicate and cult are the very small minority (Trump had a few dozen people show up at his first criminal trial, and the 1000 or so insurrectionists are insignificantly smaller than American's population exceeding 300 million people), and they they are the ones behaving like unhinged radicals and lunatics, in a deranged and unfair thug-like manner, including having engaged in witch-hunts and the weaponization of the justice system against their perceived enemies -- their victims and anyone trying to hold them accountable for victimizing others.
It is a rape culture cult and organized crime syndicate who don't have the facts and law on their side that needs as many people as possible to believe that their toxic and deranged crimes and lies are good, and that anyone trying to hold them accountable is evil and deranged -- essentially to achieve the critical mass required to stay in power over the legal landscape of the United States -- to allow them to continually evade prosecution and liability for their deranged behavior, and to allow them to continue to prosecute and sue those who try and hold them accountable, who they preemptively discredit with the same, and by claiming the victims of their enormous harm have mental problems (caused by the mental problems of Trump's crime syndicate and cult).
Only organized crime and those who seek to operate above the law as their own judges -- wanting to harm others without accountability -- need to manufacture excuses or immunity from prosecution and liability, when the facts and the law aren't on their side. No one should be immune from prosecution, liability, nor removal from public office, nor government employment, because every person harming others should be held accountable for harming others in a civilized society, as otherwise, we aren't much better than jungle savages with toxic and abusive leadership, at least some of which has been installed illegally post-serial or ongoing treason and elections fraud criminal conspiracies, in order to serve the sprawling organized crime syndicate Trump and the GOP are part of.
And so the cult and crime syndicate of Trump is not just a cult of rapist, sadist, sociopathic, Machiavellian, kleptomaniac, oppositional defiant disorder, and/or obsessive hoarder personality types pushing for evasion of prosecution and liability towards a fascist and privatized socialist imperial cult, but it is also a cult of moral relativism, or a cult of opposite values to established facts, norms, and laws -- or more simply a DARVO, techniques of neutralization, projecting, and self-serving rape cult of opposite values is a reasonable inference.
From a brain chemistry perspective, Trump and his organized crime syndicate linked to Jeffrey Epstein and Russia, have a black hole when it comes to satisfying their toxic wants and needs driven by the ventromedial nuclei of their networked criminal hypothalami, and to meet those unsatiable needs, they refuse to resist their low impulse control due to a dysfunctional prefrontal cortex (which can be genetic, chemically-induced, and/or resulting from abuse or neglect as children younger than 4), and which results in their ongoing crimes, and because the law and the facts aren't on their side, this triggers the fight-or-flight posterior hypothalamic area of their hypothalami, resulting in them becoming scared and aggressive, constantly attacking others trying to hold them accountable, and projecting their crimes and mental health problems onto those trying to hold them accountable, is a reasonable inference.
From an evolutionary perspective, the crime syndicate and cult of Trump engage in jungle savage behavior because they perceive the same is good for them, even if their behavior is very toxic to most other people, and then without the facts nor the law on their side, they project their jungle savage behavior onto others to preemptively defame others, in a bid to provide alternative values to their toxic changes, to change the behavior of others, in order to better the performance of the organized crime syndicate and cult, to allow them to survive and grow, at the cost of everyone else and everything else.
Trump's and the GOP's childish "I know you are, but what am I?" defense to their sprawling and ongoing organized crimes is getting old, and Trump's small crowd sizes and failing media company are proof of the same, perfectly explaining their fear and their anger, and why they need to incite others to overthrow the country to keep them out of prison.