On the heels of Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos' Amazon being sued and accused by the government and 17 Attorneys General of violating antitrust laws, and on the heels of Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Larry Page's Google being sued for violations of antitrust laws, email provider Webador reached out to UpRights News this week complaining to us that Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft was blocking their emails to Outlook and other Microsoft accounts, which of course would be consistent with a violation of antitrust laws, by blocking competitors' ability to compete, and where Jeffrey Epstein's Microsoft has been the second largest email provider in global history per a Statistica report, with 400,570,019 Outlook users, second to Jeffrey Epstein's Gmail users, with 430,415,187 users, and with Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black's and Jeffrey Epstein's and Google's Marissa Mayer's Yahoo in third place, with 266,680,789 users, which of course should terrify everyone using these email providers, given that Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or his orbit have the largest access to the emails of children and their parents around the world.[2][3][4]
More specifically, Webador, based out of Europe, complained to UpRights News that "our emails to Outlook/Hotmail and other Microsoft addresses are being blocked", and that their users are "not receiving order confirmations, contact forms, and other automated emails sent" from Webador. They further complained that they had been in "contact with Microsoft", who refused to remedy the situation.
UpRights News also learned that Webador has been marketing a paid email service for two separate web hosting, website management, and email management packages, their Pro package, and their Business Package, promising that if users pay for an email service, they will be provided an email service (that works in a manner where emails sent and/or received aren't blocked by the second largest email providers in global history).
Naturally, it is a reasonable inference that Webador fears that the seemingly anticompetitive behavior of Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft towards them is going to defraud Webador customers who were marketed an email service (that actually works), and who paid in advance for that email service to work, only for that email service not to work as marketed, in what some might argue is an ongoing conspiracy to defraud Webador customers who prepaid, and an ongoing fraud conspiracy being overtly furthered by Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, whose email service would benefit from blocking other email services from interacting with their own, in a manner which would be consistent with anti-competitive, monopoly, and/or antitrust-violating behavior by Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft against their smaller competitors like Webador, and where Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft has been made aware of this behavior, and has seemingly refused to remedy the same, and so they know they are harming others, but refuse to remedy that harm, suggesting the harm and/or their role in overtly furthering an ongoing conspiracy to defraud others was intentional.
This of course begs a few questions.
First, who, if anyone, sent what emails in the last week or so from and/or to a Webador email account to and/or from a Microsoft and/or Outlook account, that Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft so desperately needed to block, and did the same have to do with a criminal conspiracy between Bill Gates, Microsoft, and/or the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and if so, what was the nature of that criminal conspiracy and/or other harm specified in those/that email(s)?
Webador would be able to answer that question, by searching all of their emails in the last two weeks to see if any one of their user accounts used the keywords "Jeffrey Epstein, Microsoft, Bill Gates, and/or any of the other known clients, financiers, associates, and/or victims of Jeffrey Epstein and/or his orbit). That would immediately allow Webador and/or the United States government, and/or any other government know who sent emails involving the crime syndicate or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein.
Normally emails from one user to another user move at near the speed of light back and forth without any problem at all, to the extent that email spammers can contact hundreds to millions of users without any difficult at all, and though they might end up in a spam inbox folder, the emails aren't blocked. Blocking emails is something entirely different.
That's when the intended recipient never receives the email, and for Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft/Outlook accounts to block EVERY email back and forth from and/or to Webador, is not insignificant, but very significant, and given that Microsoft knows they have done this and won't remedy the same for Webador proves their intent to harm Webador and/or their customers. Webador should refer the same to Interpol and to the FBI for an investigation to determine who, if anyone, was trying to communicate something to anyone else about Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Microsoft, and/or their orbit to anyone else.
The second question all of this begs - has Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft/Outlook overtly furthered a broader ongoing conspiracy by Jeffrey Epstein's Google and Amazon founders, to defraud others, retaliate against others, and/or subject others to anticompetitive-antitrust behavior, in a manner that interfered with economic activity, obstructed attempts to seek justice by Jeffrey Epstein's victims, and/or other harm, and if so, why, and if so, for how long has this conspiracy been overtly furthered?
Consider for a moment that if Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft did block a competitor, Webador, from being able to compete with their email service, that this wouldn't just help Jeffrey Epstein's Microsoft, but also would help Jeffrey Epstein's Google Gmail provider service, and also Jeffrey Epstein's Yahoo's email provider service, by destroying the ability of smaller competitors like Webador from competing, but not just Webador, every business supported by Webador, in a manner that would also help Jeffrey Epstein's Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and/or Amazon sell more by engaging in anticompetive behavior against all competing small businesses supported by Webador.
The third question all of this begs - must the United States and 17 Attorneys General now sue and/or prosecute Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates and/or Microsoft/Outlook for anticompetive-antitrust behavior, fraud, conspiracy, retaliation, obstruction, interference with economic activity, and/or other harm if they have been overtly furthering similar behavior by Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos' Amazon, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Larry Page's Google? If Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate is made the hub of ongoing organized crime in America, then wouldn't all of this harmful conduct by Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and/or associates be spokes overtly furthering Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate's and/or their orbit's crimes and/or harm here?
We thank Webador for letting us know about this attack on their operations by Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates Microsoft/Outlook, and we suspect they let us know, because the organized crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein is who seems to be the "hub" in the ongoing conspiracy operations for decades of harm to America and the world, and that's why we cover the same and publish articles and research that keeps proving the same almost daily.
This is just another example of them harming others in a new way, this time Webador and its users, and again, where Microsoft knows they are harming others in this manner, because Webador let them know, whereafter they refused to remedy the same, and so it is a reasonable inference that this harm was and/or is intentional. It is also the sort of harm that can be remedied in less than a day, for example, but not limited to, unblocking every Webador account, and/or using the server backup from an earlier date when no blocking occurred and reinstalling the don't block code, again, all of which could be done in a single day, based on our industry experience with a similar situation. Webador communicated to us that this is an ongoing issue that Microsoft knows about (and yet they refused to remedy, otherwise they would have remedied the same as soon as they learned about the same, in a single day, but they didn't is a reasonable inference).
For those less familiar with our research - Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft/Outlook), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), Sergey Brin and/or Larry Page (founder(s) of Google), Leon Black (chief owner of Yahoo), Marrisa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo and executive at Google), Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, Prince Andrew of the UK royals (in the context that our reporting has found that the UK-EU royals were the largest single family linked to child rapist and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein) and/or others met with, repeatedly met with, financed, repeatedly financed, were financed by, stayed with, and/or repeatedly stayed with, and/or flew on sex trafficking flights with, child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist Jeffrey Epstein - only AFTER Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of lesser charges of prostituting a child, by the Republican Party's G.W.Bush and Robert Mueller III administrations, who refused to investigate and/or prosecute as many as 1,971 other conspirators (in a very harmful, secretive, and/or illegal non-prosecution agreement by their proxy/employee, Alex Acosta, and/or in a conspiracy with associates of Jeffrey Epstein, including but not limited to Alan Dershowitz named in Jeffrey Epstein's "little black book" and separately implicated in the child sex trafficking ring of NXIVM), including but not limited to Donald Trump and his family members, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, and David Koch (who financed the Federalist Society who hand-picked and/or is associated with 6/9 GOP SCOTUS 'justices', ALL of whom have been caught in bribery and/or other harmful schemes, alone, and/or involving their family members) - and in the context that thereafter the unlawful prosecution agreement, the billionaires' companies like but not limited to Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and/or others then financed the GOP and/or Trump into power in a conspiracy with U.S. enemy Russia.[5][6][7][8][9][10]
Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself.
[1] Photo: